The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
19 March 2014 - 3:00am
I have been going through so many changes and shifts. My understanding has grown so much as have my abilities to see clearly and to connect and be one with divine knowing. I have cleared so much and have felt despair as well as great sense of accomplishment. I am not here for greatness and only to share the human experience with all of you.
Never feel alone. Never feel disconnected, whether you are an angel, and ET or a light being who has decided to take human form. You are and will always be connected not only to Source, but to your root race or your true home. In essence every level of creation is your, our home. When you are feeling unwell just remember every level every mansion in the house of the grand creator is here for you to learn in and play in. Always make the best of what you have, what you have been given.
In reality none of you who have chosen to incarnate are ever far from Source as you are always within it. Only difference is in the levels of your perception, and in all honesty it is and has always been about perception and the choices you make accordingly. It is simply the time to go with the flow, whether you feel alone, isolated or simply like you don't belong. Learn to accept your humanity, your weaknesses and limitations and it is then and there when and where you shall find the power and the beauty of being human.
I have watched many light workers, love workers, ascending masters and descending masters give way to desperation and impatience. I agree it is quite difficult maintaining hope and remaining grounded when humanity itself seems so childish and immature many a time. I have recently been feeling disconnected from humanity and from the feeling of being human.
At times I have felt as if humanity is immature and stupid and I also know it is due to my impatience and frustration when I look around me. I feel as if everyone is so easy to give their power away and rather be in ignorance than to take responsibility for their growth. Then I think, who am I to make such a harsh judgments? I see how many are wanting to believe in wanting to be rescued by our Galactic family, NESARA ands so forth. I also understand it takes a simple choice, a simple choice that can be extremely hard to take.
To perceive life with love and through the heart, that is the choice. To love and to feel compassion even for those who seem asleep, for in reality they are playing their part to perfection. Remember it is through the innocence of the heart that wonder is set forth, allow such a luxury to all beings who wish to remain in their set ways. Each piece of the puzzle is where it needs to be exactly at the same time to support those who are at the forefront of this amazing reality shift.
Representative of the oldest order and council of light;
***We the Lion race, are a great race of strong beings, warriors of light. The first ones to posses and introduce the humanoid body on this side of the Universe. What makes us so strong is our willingness to protect others and to always do it through our big loving hearts. We are very playful and curious thus making us great scientists. We posses great technologies and an ability to create beautiful ships that can travel in great harmony with space, with the universe.
We precede the Lyrans and in fact we seeded them. They are our direct descendants. We strongly believe in nobility and the virtue of the essence of every being. Our origins were very humble and always in direct connection with the Source of all there is. Our consciousness grew as we developed our hearts in harmony with our environment. We see and feel how humans have the same capacity if they are guided in the right direction.
Unfortunately there has been so much interference due to certain races who are unwilling to allow you to progress because they fear what you are capable of. They are the ones who have tried and have done so in altering your DNA and in implanting victimhood and codependency on outside forces. These beings are a combination of hybrid races, reptilians via draconian and the greys. They are great scientists and formidable warriors. There is much to admire in their technological capabilities as well. Unfortunately they were missing the one crucial component which they relinquish long time ago. Emotion and their heart connection to the divine.
It is such thing that makes them incapable of compassion the same way humans do and it is why they prey upon you. They have many ways of feeding off of you, of using you as batteries for their misunderstood beliefs. When I say misunderstood I am referring to them as a group. They have misunderstood their connection to the divine and it is such a reason why they fight to extend duality, to extend living in the lower dimensions because they fear what will happen to them. They have no heart the way we do, or the way humans do and it keeps them from opening their heart centers. They lack intuition and capacity to love in a compassionate way. They can still love but it is a more rudimentary form of love, love nonetheless. Source is calling out to them but they are in fear for their lives and we are all doing the best we can to help them understand.
Our main focus at the moment is to help liberate humanity of the prison created by that group and the other groups wishing you to control you. You my beautiful humans are like birds in a cage with an opened door, be willing to see that door and step into the great unknown where your power is awaiting. Dig deep into your hearts and know it is all an illusion and you need to change your perception. We insist you stop giving your power away to them, to your government, or to even the galactic family.
We are here to assist you but not to do the footwork for you. We know what you are capable of and we know and feel you can do it. Please do not rely or wait on outside assistance but know it will be there for you when you step up to the plate. Don't wait for us and be fearless and take control of your environment. Free yourselves and it will be then we will show up, not as saviors but as brothers and sisters and as equals. We are ready to welcome you into our fold. Step up dear family and remember your divine heritage.
At this juncture allow me to say who I am, I am Arzzan Nahim Edderah. My family name in fact,I am now 387 years old. I am commander of my own ship roughly the size of your planet Earth. There are ships that are much bigger but in order not to affect the laws of nature in your proximity we have decided to come closer in our smaller vessel. Many of you who are incarnated here are also working in my ship. You live a sort of parallel life. Those of you in my ship function in such a way in order to manifest much needed dimensional energy for your new reality to manifest. We are living as humans and as extraterrestrials simultaneously. Many of you have now plugged in to the mainframe and are slowly becoming aware of who you are in relation to us. As a matter of fact you are us, we are you.
I am a member of the oldest order and council of light. By our presence alone we are assisting but I repeat we are not here to do the footwork for you. Even in our human bodies we are living our lives as normal human beings without special treatment. We are here to do our job as beings incarnated in human bodies and we shall do so until all of humanity awakens to its true power. I have decided to finally make my presence known due to the fact of many rumors and theories regarding the missing Malaysian plane. It was not Ashtar or any being related to us who have made it disappear.
This plane is serving a many fold purpose. It is being used by the dark war mongering governments to perpetuate fear and to distract which is what they do best. Their main intention is to start WWIII by any means necessary in order to perpetuate pain and fear and to extend their reign. Now let me say such tactics will only backfire on them and will speed up the process of their demise. It will lead to the exposure of alien technology in their hands and the atrocities they have caused by the misused of what was intended for the betterment of human kind. "Technology without a loving heart is only an empty shell with false sense of power for the pretentious ones using it. "
Another point I am now addressing is the Malaysian plane is not in your hollow Earth, It is not in Agartha. We are very grateful for the service of the many humans within the ship as many of them operate in my ship. It is now a matter of time and diplomacy with your dark government for it is them who have caused the disappearance of the airplane. Don't you find it comical when you think about how all the surveillance system in all of your countries and they cannot locate its whereabouts?
this is a grand tactical game being played and know my dear family it will take you to come on board in order to move the winning piece. You were not born to be pawns of a war machine, but free independent powerful Creators. Step up to the plate and batter up!
Always loving you,
Sananda's New Assignment: A request to the Ground Crew
Dear Ones, You are truly a magnificent ground crew. Your efforts have made it clear to the Powers That Were that whenever one of our own is in danger, we can rally thousands of our troops in a moment.
Your response to my plea to download and preserve the work which our beloved M.T. Keshe has offered to the world resulted in a flood of requests on the Keshe Foundation website, making it obvious to everyone that he is no longer the sole possessor of this invaluable information. It is now pointless for them to threaten his life, since his famous thumbdrive now belongs to the world, not to him.
You have coalesced into a team of intelligent, aware and heart-centered volunteers, the likes of which the world has never known.
You do not need to be in the same town or even the same country to feel the connection you have with each other and with Us. It is truly gratifying for us to see how quick you are to offer your time and efforts, and how effective you can be.
I have one more request for today. Our passengers of Flight 370 are eager to have their day in the Media light so they can tell the world of their adventure with the Galactic Brothers and Sisters who rescued them, their education concerning the truth about what has been going on behind the scenes on the surface of Planet Earth, and their deeply felt wish to make their appeal to the World leaders to sign NESARA law into being across the Planet.
I ask you now to take the press release which Kathryn has written (included below) and send it to every media outlet you can find, whether it be your local newspaper, television station or internet source.
I have asked her to attach it to this message so that you can print it out, hand it out everywhere you go, and fax or email it to everyone you can think of who might have a way to pass it on.
A fax will attract more attention at news outlets. It is an issue that has captured the attention of the world, so it does not have to be devout spiritual people who will make the difference.
Everyone is guessing now that Extraterrestrial intervention is the only logical answer to the puzzle. Now we must prove to them that it is not a hostile act.
I send you my endless Love and blessings, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We are One.
Your Sananda, in Joy, Harmony, Peace and Friendship
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, March 19, 2014, 8 am.
Press Release - Flight 370 Rescued, Safe in the Hands of Galactic Ship LightWeb News
March 18, 2014, High Falls, NY. A comprehensive announcement describing the rescue of Flight 370 has been recorded by LightWeb News. The plane was suffering hydraulic failure, was in an uncontrolled state, at risk of imminent destruction. Whisked out of the air in mid-flight, it was taken aboard an enormous spacecraft from Sirius, claimed to be part of the Federation fleet under the Ashtar Command, whose full report is available from LightWeb News.
Radar pictures confirm the appearance of alien craft and the sudden disappearance of Flight 370. Confusion reigns in the search and rescue efforts because of the astonishing anomaly which points directly to extremely advanced technological intervention.
Read the full explanation from this source, which cites the connection between sightings of cigar-shaped UFO's in the skies over conflict areas (recently the Ukraine), the capture and safety of the passengers, and a new demand for countries around the globe to participate in initiating NESARA law.
Commander Ashtar claims responsibility for the rescue and for the demands, in cooperation with the passengers, who have offered to act as "hostages" to bring about immediate world peace. The entire interview can be obtained by contacting Dr. Kathryn E. May at
Lord Maitreya: Supporting Souls in the Era of Love, channeled by Natalie Glasson, March 11, 2014 at |
Blessings of the Christ I bestow upon you and activate from within your being, let the Christ active energy of love weave its way through your being and reality penetrating every aspect of yourself with the pure love of the Creator.
I wish to bless your heart chakra with the Christ consciousness light to boost its purpose. Your heart chakra is working tremendously hard in this present time shifting and releasing so many unneeded energies, it is currently a centre of activity but most importantly a centre of change, truth, acknowledgement and divine shifts.
Allow me to work with your heart chakra to strengthen the love present as the heart is bringing to the surface all that is no longer needed, it is throwing out all negative patterning of the past to bring freedom to your being, while assisting you in moving the vibrations of your being to be aligned with a new dimensional vibration of light.
Such a tremendous clearing led by the heart chakra can cause pain and suffering of the past to return for acknowledgement or to reactivate, in this state of evolution acknowledgement and compassion is important while attachment and identification with the energies will only cause more suffering.
Beloved ones let me work with your heart chakra supporting their great process of upheaval as I pour the Christ consciousness light deep into your heart chakra, I am here to be of service to you, eternally. You may wish to say;
‘Lord Maitreya, I call forth your luminous golden energy to be present with me now. Please anchor the Christ consciousness light deep into my heart chakra, letting your light carry throughout my entire being.
Please continue to increase the volume of Christ consciousness penetrating my being and heart chakra in order to strengthen the love and healing vibration of my heart chakra.
As my heart chakra brings all unneeded energies, habits and patterns to the forefront to aid my necessary ascension shifts I ask for the loving support of Lord Maitreya and the Christ consciousness to clear the energies with ease and perfection.
Let the love of my heart magnify with such intensity that all unneeded energies instantly dissolve in the presence of my heart chakra.
It is my understanding and belief that I move through necessary shifts of my ascension with a beautiful and joyous ease. Thank you.’
Simply allow yourself to feel a golden glow building within your heart chakra. You can remind yourself of this and my support in times of shifts or if any pain arises to be healed and acknowledged.
While your heart chakra is experiencing and is guiding a deep cleansing, it is true that your entire being is evolving therefore moving through tremendous shifts, activation and healing processes. You may recognise this more vividly within your reality and also within your emotional body.
The love that is growing upon the Earth and more importantly within your beings is causing a tremendously strong and intense purification, where everything you have not yet noticed within yourself will come to the surface as if a light is shone upon your entire being and gradually you must sort through all your energies to understand what you wish to release and what you wish to retain within your being.
It may also be that energies in the past you believed you had healed may remerge for further healing. As more and more love manifests and activates within yo ur being it is as if the light shone upon you widens or penetrates deeper demonstrating to you more of yourself.
Sometimes energies can be so embedded within your being they require many levels of healing before they are uprooted completely from your being.
While energies are rising to be healed so are your emotions and mental states, these are so familiar to you, akin to old friends that sometimes you can link back into them without realising.
The purpose of the old emotions and mental states emerging is to strengthen your state of love and inner peace. The old emotions and mental states ask you if you can recognise them and not be tempted by their presence, but instead enter into a deeper state of peace and love where you lovingly disregard the old emotional and mental states.
I am aware that many of you already understand this deep purification which is arising and may continue becoming less in the years ahead but I ask you to think with compassion and awareness of those who may not have a similar understanding. There are many people upon the Earth who have not yet awoken fully to be conscious of the shifts and healing processes occurring in this year and the next coming years.
They have no idea why they are being bombarded with negative situations in their reality or negative states of mind and emotions which seem to arise with no reason.
Many people naturally find their way through, releasing and healing often without realising, especially because they have not realised how much they have evolved over the years.
There are some people who cannot help but dive into the old negative emotional and mental states, projecting these into their reality which is causing them pain and suffering as they become entangled unable to break free.
For those of you who move through the clearing of old energies you understand how difficult it can be, so to move through without spiritual tools, guides and a conscious awareness can be a challenging and seemingly endless process.
The era of love will penetrate into your being with such depth that there will be nothing remaining within your being and energies, only love.
In the beginning the love purification process may seem difficult but as more love activates within your being you will place more and more trust in love until you are so immersed and focused in love that the purification process will become tremendously tranquil because you will be eternally dancing in love.
Knowing we are all one, we can recognise each and every person as a part of our own being. You can recognise those of similar mind states as a part of your being but there is also a need to recognise those not yet conscious of their ascension as an aspect of your being.
You may realise that within your being there are areas not yet activated or submerged in love. The more you focus upon activating love and truth within your being the more souls will awaken on the Earth.
It is also important to realise that you can assist many people who may be experiencing what seems like to them a hell upon the Earth as so many negative energies emerge and they are unsure how to heal them, it is to hold these souls in your heart with tremendous compassion and love.
Not because you are following your ascension path way and are therefore more evolved but because you have the awareness to do so, the awareness to make a difference.
The Christ consciousness has a purpose in this present moment of holding all beings who are struggling with the love purification process in the deep healing, nourishing and supportive energies of the Christ consciousness.
I wish to ask you to assist in this process of healing and freeing many from their negative emotional and mental states of the past. It is a simple process that will assist you in supporting a world healing and shift process as well as activating the greater presence of love within your being.
I ask you when you feel guided to enter into a state of meditation and to breathe deeply, Imagine a golden glow of light in your heart space and let it expand to create a powerful ball and cocoon of love and Christ consciousness within your heart space.
Call upon myself, Lord Maitreya, to create a golden cocoon of support around your entire being offering to you love and protection you can draw upon.
If there are any people who are suffering in your reality you can call them to be healed, cleansed and released from the torment of their old energies, if they so wish.
Imagine them existing within your cocoon of Christ consciousness in your heart space and let them be healed. Then release them from your heart space and ask me, Lord Maitreya, to cleanse and heal your heart space.
This practice can be achieved asking for all of humanity who is suffering to enter into your heart space in the same way, know your love is never ending and eternally expansive. This is such a beautiful practice which will support many, including yourself.
I finally wish to share with you a short invocation to assist you in being of service at this time; ‘Beloved Lord Maitreya, Christed Beings and the Christ Consciousness, I call upon your loving and active vibration of love to penetrate the Earth and each love adding all of us to move through the love purification process with tremendous ease, happiness and perfection.
Let us all remain in states of love as we release all that is no longer needed and no longer serves us. Please especially surround in love those who are finding it difficult to free themselves from pain and suffering, help all to embrace love on a deeper level. Thank you.
With Christed blessings,
Lord Maitreya
Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channeled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,‘. Thank you
Views: 7
Journal Entry 03.19.2014 Once Spring arrives, it advances quite quickly.
The crocuses are already beginning to fade, the daffodils are coming on and there are violets in the grass.
The lawn is REALLY old, so in places it is mostly moss and violets. Smells good.
I actually got outside to do some early garden clean-up before digging out plants that I don’t want and planting new perennials and/or herbs, as well as prepping the tiny vegetable garden that I have. It’s still way too cold for hot weather plants.
We have another heavy frost this morning, and 31 degree (0 degrees C) temperatures. Still nice to be outside in sunny weather for a change.
Monday was a complete contrast, cloudy and windy all day, with rain showers in town and snow in the mountains. Really bi-polar weather.
Hot, cold, and then hot again. Woke up this morning to a visit from Sanat Kumara. Always interesting.
So, is anyone wrestling with the energies? Personally my body feels exhausted and I nearly lost my voice this afternoon at work.
Then there is the perpetual on the edge of nausea feeling. Wonderful. The call right now is complete surrender.
Surrender and rest when your body feels like mine does now, as well as drink plenty of fluids and do Epsom salt / sea salt / apple cider vinegar baths to draw out toxins and aid in releasing whatever is coming up for you.
Best to do just before going to bed, at least in my case. The bath might help you sleep by relaxing the body. Loss of sleep or laying awake for long stretches of the night is another manifestation.
Still, within I feel better than ever, despite a little frustration with the body thing. I’ve been experiencing physical symptoms for over 20 years now; enough already.
Hopefully I (we) are in the final stretch as the physical changes to our body structures begins to take effect. Sorry no messages are forthcoming right now.
With the weekly vibrational upgrades I am receiving through the auspices of Walking Terra Christa, it’s all I can do to just relax into the process and absorb what can be absorbed.
I’m certain to come up with something “wise” to say in the near future, but right now the mind is off-line. Which brings me to another comment; the rational / logical mind should be off-line right now, unless you need it to function in a highly detailed job.
What we are currently experiencing cannot be explained in 3D terms so that our minds can comprehend. And to attempt to understand and categorize the process just slows it down, if not completely stalling it.
So, let your mind drift and allow the upgrading to occur. Each person will be different in just how much of the light codes can be accepted by the body and that depends on how well you have prepared the ground (physical body) to be able to do so.
Much of what slows people down is the old beliefs, thoughts and emotions that they are unwilling to release. Now is not the time to be concerned about losing yourself, because you are about to find your Self occupying your physical body, in charge of your world.
At least those folks who are actively pursuing a fast paced ascension process will, at any rate. We all proceed at our own pace and it’s not a race, as we are constantly reminded.
One thing has become very present in my heart and “higher” mind is the realization that the Ascended Masters, Christed Galactics and Angelic Realms are really here to do all that they can to assist.
All you need do is ask. It doesn’t take any special words, just the intent and desire to connect. And if you are currently an unbeliever, test the waters.
You might be surprised. I’ve known about spiritual energies for over 20 years, so it’s nothing new for me, but I realize fully that it is for a lot of people, even those who are presently awake.
If anyone wants to connect with me on a more “daily” basis, you can find my little corner of Facebook listed under “Elizabeth Escher”.
I share my timeline with my small group (but growing) number of friends. Right now I don’t have an exclusive Blue Dragon Journal page, but may consider it in the future.
Since this is not a commercial or service-oriented blog, it’s not a priority of mine at present. I want to thank all my readers, especially those who have commented and/or written to me via email.
I really do appreciate the connections that I have made in the course of writing this little blog.
Much love to all and enjoy this powerful and important upcoming Equinox.
BTW, if anyone is interested, Walking Terra Christa will be having a free teleconference starting at 5 p.m. PDT, 3/19/14 or 3/20/14 for Australia and Asia.
You do need to register on their website to receive the country code, phone number and access code. Hope to see some of you there. Kisses and hugs, Eliza Ayres All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher,
Source: Photo: Mount Baring after late winter storm.
Views: 6
Erzengel Michael - Der Aufstieg gewinnt an Geschwindigkeit - 19.03.2
Translated from German Original Transcript and written by Contramary=Evamaria
Greetings to all of you – this is Archangel Michael speaking. Today I am submitting another new message to you.
Again another week has passed by and it is time to show you in which direction you have to turn to – demonstrating everything new that has arisen into your reality and demonstrating how matters have developed in the meantime too.
As you know the merging of Twinflames has been effected recently. Do I have to tell you extraordinarily that this has been a full success ?
Success because so much energy has been created thereby – energy, necessary to further ever more that very portal which is urgently needed to convey energies ‘en masse’ towards Earth and human mankind here.
Merger of the Twinflames will soon nearing its end now – i.e. all Twinflames will have concluded their particular merging in due course.
And thus it will be the final conclusion of this most essential phase of ascension. This has been and still is another milestone of some vital essence in the procedure of ascension.
Now you will ask yourselves naturally : ….and how will all this go on now? And my response is : yes – it goes without saying … it is going on !
Step by step we shall proceed towards ascension! Step by step more and more humans will eventually wake up accordingly!
Step by step human mankind will become aware that living together in the way as it is being done today simply does not have any future furthermore.
This your future has to be altered and re-structured ! This kind of future will be of another nature namely to spread hope among mankind !
It will consist of such qualities that make all of you forget wars, suffrance, hunger and last not least money ! Please, comprehend all my phrases here – all these words entailing so much power !
It is this power of changing matters and situations completely, power to turn everything to the better and more beautiful here !
Power to make mankind happy !
And this kind of power is entirely in your very own hands !
It is not upon us to realize all that is mentioned above here - it is upon you -as you are the very ones which will have to do it!
You are the ones – solely – to have the might and ability to bring about such kinds of change ! Concerning us in such case – we only may be able to assist you in such process.
We may accompany you and stand at your side in order that you will be able to decide upon your procedures in the right way.
Yet all the doing and handling arising issues pertaining to such process are and will remain with and upon you – the human people on planet Earth!
There are still people here on earth nourishing a sort of feeling that up there beyond earth some Archangels or someone of the Ascended Masters or anyone else extraterrestrial will descend and effect ascension for you instead of you.
No, this truly is not so and wil never be in such a way ! You all know about the universal laws forbidding us any interference.
We are allowed to accompany you as guides – this is all we may do – yet dealing actively and handling everything actually is always been left to you !
I know that I am repeating myself but that I have to do since there are still human people having not achieved some full comprehension of aove facts !
Please, wake up finally now and understand that you are the very ones to induce all that change! For it is only you being able to effect such result ! This has to become quite clear to all of you and proceeding forward may only be done by all our mutual collaboration!
What will come next ? – that is your question now. Yes, it is NESARA ! And I shall not go deeper into this subject since it is the particular issue of the Ascended Master St. Germain.
Yet it is one of the “key-elements” with which everything will start up. As it will bring about all this change ! And again, it does not concern us, being Ascended Masters nor Archangels – no – it concerns all of you human people to bring about and induce all changes here !
It is you – solely human mankind – all of you – which are capable to produce such effects so that these will finally arrive at your end.
And what is coming afterwards NESARA when this has been effected actually ? Well, here I am being permitted to report on such future happenings since such ongoings have nothing to do with NESARA as such !
Just imagine: everything has being crushed on the ground and is in some sort of overwhelming chaos – without any sort of functioning any longer – yes, would you believe how this may be able to go on ?
What else has to be done in order to build up again some new and good sort of society from scratch? Yes, perhaps now you make a short break and stop this audio-message for a while ?
You will aknowledge – after some minutes of pondering about it – that this will not turn out to be an esy and simple process!
To build something up from its very start – structuring everything anew – with all elements needed that Mankind on earth may live together in peace – no, it is not simple and easy at all – this is some sort of a very huge challenge!
You will know about all fictive strategical games on earth. There are so many wonderful PC-simulations where towns are being built up, some small villages or else.
Yes, this is the sort of games to be played with and to gather experience accordingly. And already with such little games you notice how complex it is to build up some community, some village or town with all necessities of life therein.
Yes, please think about it what is really necessary – which kind of people are needed in such communities and which are the imperative qualifications and qualities of the population therein.
There will be a mass of elements needed and when considering the entire project you eventually will arrive at the opinion that this will turn out as some project with wide scopes.
Such is the size of it that it has to be accompanied and guided by many people. Human people have to learn to lay their hands on issues to be tackled by themselves – not for the sake of solely eachone’s individual profit but for all of it in the community – this is the very key-element to all happiness, my beloved humans.
It is the only one method to build up mutually some new society and community – which is in mutual collaboration and co-operation.
You may do away with all individualism – forgettaboutit ! It will never work out if you are working solely for yourself !
It cannot work out – since then it is the time when some new kind of energy will be reigning and as such one – old methods of handling issues for the very personal profit and success of some single ones will
not be in existence any longer.
It is solely by mutual work in collaboration that everything may be built up – altered – and be structured in such ways that all will be led to some golden future – of such sort that it may offer everything to all of you.
Be it educational or foodstuffs, be it entertainment, matters that you enjoy deeply, or love. Well, there are so many more aspects of it being necessary in order to render humans happy in their lives.
Yea, you will know about this pyramide titled the “Maslow-Pyramide” showing all elements needed to render happiness to all human people – needed by each human being in order to become a happy, content, creative and a loving one too. If all such basics are being provided human people will be able to become happy beings.
Do you comprehend what I mean ? Here again it will be left to you solely since you are the very basic foundation of all necessities to re-build up again everything so that you may go on living happily ever after in a new kind of human community.
Arriving now at the last topic today of my message here. Now, did we talk with you about society ? This we did indeed – some kind of society to be raised up right from starting points and there is many more in it : buildings, structures, rail – and traffic-ways, roads of conveyance and for transport… all these means are being urgently needed in order some society could function in a most smoothing way.
Today all of you are being freed from any uncomfortable inconvenience by social elements assisting you with recovery of waste and trash – including water-mains and canalisation and recycling of it. or be it the production of foodstuffs. All these are services needed for a well-functioning society.
Such are the next subsequent aspects which you have to cope with. And all of these will ask for full commitment from eachone of you – commitment for the sake of all and not alone for your very own one. It is always to be meant for all of you !
And here I want to mention all elementary facts of support – necessary that some human being will be provided with everything he needs – with nutritional foodstuffs -protection against the cold – to be relieved from all waste and trash etc.
Many aspects are to be taken into all of such considerations. And there are so many people which have to participate and sharing in it too.
Take note of it and keep it in your mind – we are playing some sort of game – demonstrating all that is necessary in order to make a fresh start here. Yes, and today we do have such experience how such a game has to be played out satisfactorily and with well functioning results.
Did you ever ask yourselves whether you are content how everything is handled in the Now? Applying and going to administrative agencies, all the complex handling procedures in order to reveive some sort of relief – be it from the
health insurance offices, of governmental agencies – whatever …. Everything is so manifold and complex and no more there is any greater survey of all these offices possible for common people.
All this may be rather simplified with less organisational structures and less complexity still offering sufficient support and assistance in order for common citizen to conduct a life full of content.
Truly it is quite a challenge for all of those being tasked with such issues of re-building and re-structuring from the very start.
And you are part of them – of all those having to tackle these kinds of issues – buildig up, establishing, integrating a.s.o. Become aware of all the above issues – this will be no way of “Cakewalking” – yet everywhere there will be arising the mood of pioneers because of thegiven chance starting again from scratch.
All the failing mistakes known and experienced once – long ago – humans now will try to eliminate and to avoid. And here we come into it too – you will be accompanied and guided by higher evolved beings with much experience to tackle such situations.
They – and this included us too – will induce new impulses, ideas, stimulations, procedures, processes and simplifications which may easily adopted by you in adaptation to your needs.
You will decide what to adopt and not those one guiding and advising you. You, and entirely you, will decide about everything to be done in due course.
We are not allowed to exert any influence herein otherwise it would exactly be alike the way of some alien governmental administration ordering what you have to do when dealing with your issues.
This will inevitable lead to some sort of situation equalling the ones of your past . Thus it is very essential for you to see and understand what is our due part in this all: We are advising and demonstrating and not at least explaining everything too.
To handle and deal – coping with your chores that is entirely up to you – you are being left to see to all practical turnovers!
Be fully aware of it ! If there is anybody telling you anything differently – giving you imperative pre-requisites or premises – never trust such information nor message – since this is not permitted by universal law.
Well, beloved ones, we are now approaching the end of today’s message and I’d like to assure you that we are prepared to do everything that matters will be running smoothly as planned but always keep in mind that we have to adhere to the rules of the universe.
This for instance means that we have to attend until certain matters will have been realized first from your part and turned over accordingly.
When such “milestones” will have been achieved and the pertaining procedures concluded we then shall be able to intervene again with our guidance and supporting advice.
This again will display – as ever – the interaction of “Cause and Effect” – be aware of it “Cause and Effect” is the name of the game overall in the universe and the same Tango is being played too in your realm here by name of “Cause and Effect”.
First of all, something has to be undertaken, realized, induced, introduced and then the subsequent results will show up as due consequence.
Meant here is: Results first have to be seen - in the following sequence becoming consciously aware of such results must be spread which will finaly enable you to go forward into some right directions.
This will then become the effective result eventually – i.e. “Cause and Effect” ! Please take up these facts into your inner hearts since it is something essential to be understood in its full essence.
This has to be conducted always in such alike ways. And this is why we always – from our part – have first to ascertain how the effects will show desired results we shall then be allowed to create some new causes together with you humans here.
Do you now perceive how this process is running – do you know now in which way everything is functioning in such context?
Until now everything has been running ins such a way yet many humans have missed the very clue of it and are still not aware of it.
Well, I do hope to have cleared it now with these concluding phrases. I do love you from all my heart. I am Archangel Michael.
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Responding With Silence Channeler: Julie Miller March 18, 2014
Inside each of you is purpose and will. It stems from the formation of various kinds of energy that come from your physical, dynamic and emotional self and when it is time to express yourself this energy is then shared with others.
If this well of energy goes out to others in an uncontrolled fashion, the energies within you will become fruitless. Unfortunately if the person receiving the uncontrolled energies doesn’t reciprocate them you will find yourself feeling exhausted.
However, if you reduce the amount of words, soften the tone of your speech, or choose to not speak at all, your energies within you will not only remain balanced but expand.
By withholding your need to comment regarding something that is on your mind, it is more than possible dear ones to have the magic of life manifest your intent.
The person whom you are sharing your time with may decide to say something that was on their mind that will align you with sudden conditions that are advantageous and related to what you have been thinking about.
There is a great power in speech; the words you express through your voice can either bring peace or conflict. Yet there is even more power when speech is reduced and silence is permitted to enter.
By responding too much through vocalized expressions, your inner energies easily become used up that in time creates great moments of fatigue and for negative results to enter your life stream.
But by choosing to conserve your energy by reducing your speech or by remaining silent you are allowing your own inner energies to become strengthened and rejuvenated which will attract an abundance of treasures and goodness into your life stream.
Every time you make use of softer words, choose to not express yourself loudly and with fewer words, you are gathering more inner power and become more cooperative with life.
Remember dear ones, speech alone creates so much energy that it can easily be passed from one dear soul to another. You already know through personal experience how damaging someone’s words can be and that the negative force that comes from using inappropriate words, tone of voice and so forth can bring.
And this negative force not only affects the dear soul on the receiving end, but also creates negative energy to the owner of the words.
In addition, your speech can be considered a premature action that dissolves energy, and it can end or postpone desired outcomes from occurring.
Actions carried out by you carries a force, and when you speak dear ones you are expressing an energy and sometimes a force depending on the tone and choice of words you are expressing.
By choosing to not speak allows you to restrain some of your precious life force energy. Your choice action to not speak provides your inner self to build up your depleting energy and increase its power that will bring you on the path that will have you accomplishing your goals.
When you turn your focus inward, silence is reached. When you begin to look outward, then speech springs forth. Even if you know of someone’s falseness and you make this known to others in order to gain more attention, this negative use of speech will become a disadvantage.
Remember dear ones, if one person can figure out someone has been living a life based on illusions and falseness then others will figure this out as well.
Eventually all walls and masks begin to crumble. It is not up to you make the walls of others to fall down; they will fall on their own accord.
Make the power of your speech benefit you instead of having it cancel out any chances of fulfillment. Containing your small victories when you have been struggling through a hard time helps to enhance more positive benefits to come forth.
It is better to keep things to yourself until your improvement has been truly 100% realized.
By training yourself to decrease the volume of your words and the amount of words used to express a concern or to share an view point, you are enabling more positive life situations to enter your life stream.
A softer speech attracts the infinite potentials that life has in store for you - when you act and speak in kindness, life rewards you in kind.
We ask you to be a quiet observer the next time you are in a conversation with someone. Listen to what you are saying. Are you speaking the truth, are you attached emotionally to what you are sharing, have you added an exaggerated false energy to the words you are sharing, are your actions, gestures and chosen words fulfilling your little ego self, or is what you are sharing selfless, considerate, respectful and kind?
Try to catch yourself at any time you notice the rise or fall of your energy and see if you can recognize this from the words you have expressed.
Then with what you have gathered, contemplate on how you can improve your next conversation.
Think if silence could have been better, possibly being more opened to what is being discussed; as you can see dear ones, a single conversation has the potential of providing great feedback that is filled with great information for improving relations and interactions with others and to know yourself better from the inside out.
It is always a good choice dear ones to not verbally anticipate a positive outcome to a wish you wish to see become real. What happens dear ones is that by speaking about the anticipation of the wish or for a positive outcome in a situation holds enough power to dissolve any chances for the wish or positive outcome to actually occur.
We know it is hard to not be anxious, but anxious energy depletes your inner energy and attracts negativity. It is best to put what you are hoping for out of your mind, to forget it instead of always anticipating the chance for its entrance.
When you do this, the chances of its arrival are definitely increased. Life responds favourably when your actions are of the highest of good and when your intentions behind your words and actions are filled with goodness.
Comprehend that whatever it is you are going to say in one moment states in some way what will happen next. Your speech is powerful, how you use it is equally important and vital.
Learn to recognize your own energy behind the words you are going to share the next time you are talking with another dear soul.
Become aware of your emotions, feelings, of your physical health and learn to be more mindful of those you are with. Sometimes dear ones, silence is the best option and it is not a sign of weakness, but of personal strength.
You already have what it takes inside of you to control your impulses and to maintain control of your emotions; you only need to make daily practice of putting your mindful efforts into play.
And the more effort you give, the greater your reward will be. We know you will make mistakes along the way, errors when you are communicating with others, but you are learning and so are they.
Be accountable for your words and actions, when you know you have been out-of-line or went too far, don’t hide, speak up, say you’re sorry’s and forgive yourself.
Mistakes help you learn, to grow and to become better than you were. Dust yourself off and try again.
There is more for you to enjoy in life and we encourage you to embrace all that is coming your way with love and gratitude.
And so it is…
I AM Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller
Angelic Guides: The More You Give The More You Receive, channeled through Taryn Crimi, March 16, 2014 at
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of giving and recieving. You see, there are many who misunderstand the real power in giving.
We do not ask that you give simply so that you may receive as this defeats the purpose; but rather we ask that you truly give from your heart and surely you will find it has not left you with any less but rather it has left you both with more.
This is what we would like to further explain in our message to you today. If you were told that you could give any amount of money, funds, help or assistance to anyone you wished to help without it ever impacting your own abundance, would you give freely?
The undoubted answer is yes. So why is it then that so many have such a reluctance to truly give? We will share with you our perspective of what we witness most often when it comes to the spirit of giving.
There is a widespread fear that if you give to others you will not have enough for your own self. What we witness most is that many wish to help or assist others if only they had “more” to share, but since they believe so strongly in the fear of lack they are paralyzed by the fear of not having enough.
We will share with you the secret to giving; to give freely does not ever leave you with less, it leaves you both with more. We feel your curious minds trying to really understand how this could be. Let us further explain.
When you give to another because you wish to assist them with a pure heart you will also attract an equal or greater amount back to you.
You see, the Universe will always replace all that you give one way or another. It cannot be any other way. As we have stated in previous messages, money is simply the transfer of energy.
Everything in your world is made up of energy. The Universe in which you reside is infinitely abundant, it is not possible for the universe to “run out” of energy.
But many fear that they will not have enough for themselves if they give what little they have away. The key to giving is, the more that you give, the more that you will receive.
It is very important that you allow the energy to flow to you as it is to allow the energy to flow through you. The act of giving and the act of receiving are equally important.
You must be willing to do both. In order for energy to continue to come in, it must also be allowed to flow in and out.
The moment that it becomes stuck, resistance is created and the flow is blocked. You cannot attract “more” if you are too afraid to let it go.
Nor can you continue to give if you are not willing to receive, both are equally important. Many of you understand this concept on a conscious level, though there are still many ingrained beliefs which say that this cannot be so.
So how can you begin to shift these subconscious beliefs so that you may free yourself of them? We would recommend that you begin to test this new belief out so that you can see it in action within your own reality.
As we often say the best way for humans to replace a belief is to witness a demonstration of the new belief within their own reality.
Humans prefer to rely on proof so intend to see proof of the power of giving. We would suggest that you start small.
Though we do not perceive there to be any difference between manifesting a lot or a little, we realize that the human mind feels most comfortable starting with smaller amounts.
Find someone or something that you wish to give freely to.
The key is that you give simply because you wish to assist another, all the while knowing that the universe is infinitely abundant and you will have all that you require when you are in need of it.
Let us give you a simple example. You choose an organization that you support because you believe in what they stand for and you donate $5.
You give to this organization simply because you would like to assist them in continuing the wonderful work that they do.
Now the human mind often is trained to look at this situation and see that you have just given $5 to another which leaves you with $5 less than what you previously had, yet this is not so.
By offering that organization money you allowed a space to open up energetically and you are now able to receive more energy.
It may not be in the exact form of $5, it may be a gift of an equal or greater amount, it may be someone who wishes to buy you lunch, it may come in the form of someone performing a service for you free of charge, how it comes to you does not matter.
All that matters is that you have allowed a space to open up energetically to allow for more energy to flow to you. Let us give you an analogy to help better explain our perspective. We will use the analogy of your lungs.
As you go about your day your lungs expand and contract as you fill them with air. If you do not allow the air to exit your lungs for fear that it will not be replaced, do you have anymore room for more air to be stored?
No, certainly not, only if you allow the air to come and go freely do you have room for the air to once again fill your lungs. You cannot stockpile all of the air that you will need each day in one large breathe.
You must allow it to freely come and go and in doing so you know that the air that you require will indeed be there when you need it.
This is very similar to the way that energy flows through each of you. If you do not let it go, you do not leave anymore room for it to come to you.
We feel many of you say yes but I do not feel as though I am full; and to this we reply you are as abundant as your thoughts and expectations allow you to be.
It is your fear of lack that blocks the energy that you desire from coming to you. But, by beginning to shed those fears of lack, you allow the energy to flow to you in the amount that you require.
You will begin to see just how powerful the act of giving really is. Remember, in order to give you must be willing to receive, in order to receive you must be willing to give.
So give freely, and know that you will always have all that you require when you are in need of it; allow it to manifest through the path of least resistance.
For most, it is not that you do not wish to help another, it is your fear that it will not be replaced when you yourself are in need that prevents you from freely giving to another in need.
But we are here to assure you that it is only through giving freely that you can also receive freely. You must be willing to openly receive just as you must be willing to openly give.
To block either one is to create resistance. Energy is designed to flow.
So we would recommend that you begin by giving what you can and watch as the universe draws to you that which you have given to others.
As you see this powerful universal law in action you will begin to shed the fears that you hold which prevent you from being abundant in every form.
We will leave you with one last thought, as we have said before, you cannot fear lack and attract abundance at the same time.
It is the direction of your focus of your undoubting faith, which summons to you all that you draw to your reality; you can choose to focus on abundance or you can choose to fear lack.
Which do you wish to focus upon? We hope that you have found our message to be helpful in someway and we encourage you to connect with us as we are happy to assist you in everyway that we can.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
Copyright © 2012-2014 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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