This is the master PDF document for the Soul contract Revocations
The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Contract Revocation for the Divine Masculine… 12
Contract Removal to Free the Divine Feminine….pg 15
Revoking Agreements
This is the process that I use and have been sharing with others in clearing out agreements. The liararchy hides copies of these agreements in various realms, so specificity is important in this process. It is also important that you engage this process from your Sovereign Inner Self (Higher Self, Divine Inner Self, etc) and that you make this process your own. Just reading revocation statements will not get the job done. We need to be consciously engaging this process using the force of our will to effect the changes we desire.
I have found that once a person starts revoking agreements, it becomes easier over time to dig deeper to find more of them. Be aware that agreements often are splintered off into various fragments in order to make them harder to find. For example, there may be agreements to have difficult romantic relationships, difficult relationships with parents, with siblings, with friends, etc. These are all different "agreement clusters" that need to be specified and removed in separate processes.
So don't worry about getting rid of every agreement all at once. Take your time, and work through them on a daily basis as you sense them affecting you. The process outlined below is based on the Self-Clearing System Level 1 and Level 2, which form the foundation for the energy clearing work that I do.
Stand in the power of your Divine Inner Self's Sovereignty. Expand the light of your Divine Inner / Higher Self from your heart, surrounding your body in a Heart Sphere of Sovereign energy.
Connect to Earth's Core, Galactic Core, Infinite Source and the Forces of Divine Source Light.
Ask for a Galactic Vacuum to be ready to remove everything into the Galactic Core. (This is a funnel cloud of galactic core energy that vacuums up everything needing to be removed and transmuted.)
Call up all agreements related to "feeling like a victim" (or anything else) on this timeline and all other timelines in the past, present and future, and within all dimensions, densities, levels, realms and realities.
Call forth all reinstatement clauses, copies, back-ups, mirrors, counter-party copies, etc of the agreements.
State, "From the Inner Authority of my Sovereign Self, I declare ALL of these agreements null and void. I revoke ALL of these agreements as well as all counterparty copies, reinstatement clauses, duplicates, back-ups, mirrors, etc of everything previously named."
Proclaim, "I reclaim ALL of my energy that has gone into these agreements." As your energies, essences, soul fragments, etc come back to you, reintegrate them through your heart center.
Command, "I send all of these agreements and all facets previously named into the Galactic Vacuum to be transmuted in the Galactic Core."
Call forward all "counter party copies" of these agreements and send them into the galactic vacuum for transmutation. These are copies of the agreements held by parasitic beings who drain small amounts of your energy via those agreements. Some of those beings might claim to be "lords" of karma in order to exert authority over you. Don't believe any of their lies.
Tell those demiurge beings : "I am Sovereign. All of you parasitic 'counterparty' beings are hereby notified that you are FORBIDDEN from EVER affecting my energy again. If you do attempt to violate my sovereign energy sphere, I will FORCEFULLY send you to the Galactic core to be transmuted. While transmuting will be the best thing that has ever happened to you, it's possible that you will not emerge if there is nothing left within you to salvage and transmute. You have been warned."
Next, offer those demiurgic counterparty beings an opportunity to step into the Galactic Vacuum to be taken to the Galactic core and transmuted. Some of them will take this opportunity so that they can be free from the Demiurge's control and hierarchical enslavement.
Declare, "I remove ALL imprinting, implants, overlays, beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, identities, frozen emotions, etc related to these agreements." Ask your Divine Inner Self to direct a Galactic Vacuum throughout your unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and all throughout your sphere of consciousness to remove all of these components, and anything else related to these agreements.
Next, expand the light of your True Sovereign Inner Self to fill in all the areas that you have cleared. This allows the Truth of who you really are to replace the false constructs that have been removed.
Call forward and Restore the original agreement that you made with Infinite Source to incarnate into this troubled realm and to carry Source Light in your incarnation. Let the loving power contained within that original agreement dissolve any remaining constructs related to those old, artificially imposed agreements.
The most important part of all of this is your WILL to make this happen. Get a little angry if you need to, harness any righteous indignation you have and use the FORCE of your WILL.
Affirm often: "I am sovereign and no one is allowed to take my energy."
"I am sovereign and no being or non-being is allowed to infringe on my sovereign space."
Declaration of Full Sovereignty of My I Am Presence in This Embodiment
I call on my Higher Self to merge with me, guide me, and assist me in declaring, embodying, and enacting 100 percent sovereignty of my being in this and every now moment, in alignment with my I Am Presence and in accordance with my chosen purpose, goals, and intentions for this lifetime.
I call upon the elemental, angelic, ascended, cosmic, and ancestral realms to witness my declaration, to assist in upholding the integrity of its intention, and to co-create with me in manifesting my highest potentials personally, in unity with the one, and in service to the Earth as we graduate to the next level of our evolution.
In declaring my full sovereignty and with the guidance of my Higher Self and I am presence, I assert autonomy over my physical and nonphysical embodiment, my energetic vibration, and all resulting emanations. I disallow any interference to distort or delay the fulfillment of my purpose in this lifetime—whether that interference be well-meaning, misguided, self-interested, or malevolent. This includes any and all overt and covert intentions, attempts, and actions to limit, separate, distract, manipulate, disempower, traumatize, dominate, control, or harvest any aspect or increment of my energy and consciousness.
I reject and eject any such interference, demanding that it cease and desist immediately and retroactively, including any trickery designed to countermand, usurp, or sidestep the intention of this declaration. In making this declaration, I acknowledge and accept full responsibility for my being and actions. I continue to fervently request overt guidance and assistance from my Higher Self and I Am Presence, which I in no way consider to be interference. I commit to both hearing and enacting that guidance, and in turn to listening to and guiding the elemental consciousness that contributes to my personal collective consciousness this lifetime.
To the extent that I may be unable or unwilling to hear and enact the guidance of my Higher Self or I Am Presence, I request that the guidance continue to be given in various ways such that I can understand and act on it and until I am able to understand and act on it.
In full sovereignty, I also request and accept additional energetic assistance of my guides; my soul, star, human, and ancestral families; the elemental, angelic, ascended, and cosmic realms, and any other sources, provided that it accords with this declaration and is in my highest good; the highest good of Earth; and in accordance with my purpose, goals, and intentions for this lifetime.
I choose to heal all fear, trauma, and limitation standing in the way of my fulfilling my highest potential and purpose in this lifetime. I ask that my Higher Self and I Am Presence, in co-creation with the elemental, angelic, ascended, cosmic, and ancestral realms, assist me in healing, transmuting, and transcending all fear, limitation, separation, and amnesia preventing me from embodying my full, integrated sacred masculine and sacred feminine power, love, and wisdom. I ask that my Higher Self and I Am Presence direct my healing such that I embody and offer the optimal vibration in any circumstance; that I manifest optimal health and wholeness in and through my physical, emotional, mental, and etheric bodies; that I fluidly evolve according to my path and purpose; that I awaken to and regain all the memories and gifts held in my causal body; that I function with energy, clarity, balance, effectiveness, and efficiency in the changing energetics of Earth; that I integrate the healing, its lessons, and its energy in the most beneficial way possible; and that all this unfolds at the most conducive yet expeditious pace possible.
I intend that in healing myself in this now moment, I heal other aspects of myself across time and space, as well as splintered aspects of other consciousness trapped in time who, through the domino effect, will attain the freedom to return to where they belong, to heal, and to contribute to the unity we seek to cocreate in order to graduate from this plane and take our next evolutionary steps. I offer healing, compassion, and forgiveness wherever it is needed or wanted to free all aspects of consciousness, including my own, to allow all to return to its natural order in wholeness and unity. And so it is.
Written by Mary Jane Banks as inspired by the work of Andrew Bartzis, Galactic Historian.
For sharing with all in resonance and co-creation.
I claim my rightful inheritance without hesitation.
Rank poverty and lack is a crime against me. They are not the fruits of my Spiritual curve of development.
I want no part of them.
I claim a rightful life of joy and happiness because of my active Faith in God.
Through faith, the Word of God proves to be a textbook of success and prosperity.
The Master taught prosperity and lived prosperity for me and His faithful followers.
I now think of good things in my heart and good things will come to me.
THEY ARE EXTREMELY POWERFUL. YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. You know what you experienced when you did them with Andrew on the 1st May. It opened your eyes to so much, and my dear, you have been so much better since you did the revocations. This is a MUST for everyone on Earth. You will find them on Andrew's web site: Andrew Bartzis Galactic Historian. You will be amazed and delighted with the results which you experience.
Continue to do these until humanity is FREE of all the illicit restrictions that have been imposed. Your controllers use every contract you have had in every life you have ever lived. Sometimes they ALTER just one word, and that alone can prevent you from carrying out whatever mission you returned to Earth to do. THESE TIES MUST BE CUT as soon as possible. You do not have time to waste. You are in a window of opportunity. Do not delay. You need to protect yourselves and your families. You are up against THE SYSTEM OF CONTROL AND DOMINATION IN THE PURCHASE OF SOUL CONTRACTS.
- montague keen, sunday 4 may 2014
This is the master PDF document for the Soul contract Revocations
Sleep now with the fires of creation
Today is the day of action. Today is the day you begin to plan and prepare your vision. Where there is no VISION the people will perish.
This is a call out to all leaders who stand in their conviction of sovereignty. Today is the day to organize. Let the separation of densities be natural. Those whose spiritual density is strong enough will rise up to the invitation and be co-creating partners in a new earth experience. Those who are too light of density will waver and stay home, waiting for others to act for them.
Collect your friends and family and offer a simple solution to inaction.
Action turns knowledge into wisdom.
Over the next 4 months I will be doing the next series of Reality altering truth shows. These shows will be for those who are ready to be relevant to the dynamic world we live in.
watch it if you have conviction to change
You are relevant when you choose. The choice is simple. The tools are available. It's now up to you.
A call to all leaders Create self forming flash mobs. Use the soul contract revocations in front of media buildings. Tell the media, you do not consent to being treated like mindless slaves.
Go to any government building and read out the revocation of government. Ask your friend to join you in a celebration of freedom as we reclaim our natural birth rights as free sovereign beings co-creating with earth. Demand your energy be returned from energy harvesting systems, like your ID, passport SSN and any government papers with your all CAPS straw-man name.
Amass in front of any bank branch or federal reserve building and read out the contact revocations to those buildings. The time is now the power is you. Only the many can reclaim the power of knowing true inter-species unity.
Be ready to see with all your heart space, heart discernment and inner knowing. The dreamworld has now blended into one seamless dreamweave tapestry of infinity within paradox of the social agreed time.
Prepare your creativity and begin planning on where you can affect the system at the local level with a peaceful entertain flash mob. Use all the tools available to you. Music, Dance, Art and stage acting skill sets. WE can show the world with artistic actions change can happen.
I offer these tools to help get the snowball rolling down hill.
Love GH
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