Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Cobra "THE EVENT" Please vote for The Event Now

by lightworkersxm, Author at LIGHTWORKERSXM

Cobra is asking you to vote on his website for the Event and you have just 11 days to do more of your own research and vote to make your mind up and vote on his site here :

Please go to Portal 2012 site in link above to cast your vote at the top Right slot of his site:

A) That you Want the event to happen now and take the risk :

B) or the second choice is to delay it for safety for other peoples sakes:

My comments :

The Event could trigger world wide chaos from those persons who hove no idea about the event and that do not understand it which could have an effect which could cost lives due to Global panic and violence from the upheaval:

So on a safer view one would delay the event to prevent bringing certain death to many people globally due to the low percentage of people who have woken and understand the desperate con game we are all apart of:

My point for going for the event now is because Just like the Philippines as a great example : They bomb the place with dirty weather weapons and send GMO's in there and Vaccinations to kill more people and start a land grab :

This despicable behavior by the Illuminati Jesuit faction of the Sabbatean mafia that rule over our finances must stop but it continues unabated and again The local people are oblivious to the crime been perpetrated on them by a thug rule satanic system of secret agendas.

By indicating the event to go now could mean violence in the streets but not on a scale of what is happening in Mali, Pakistan, India, Syria, Lebanon and many many more countries.

Meanwhile in the West we are constantly bombarded by our own Chem-trail weapons: Lines in the sky and the persistent mass slaughter globally of Whales, Dolphins, Birds, Fish and Cattle which are literally been fried alive in a giant Microwave called HAARP which has been around for more than 22 years now all over the globe and out in space:


Should the event happen now ?:

The Royal Peadophile Households and governments of our worlds plus all religious indoctrinated institutes would cease trading in Drugs and Kids immediately and the saving in Snatched children by the Social Services who are run by these Royal Thugs would cease almost immediately.

Whilst every Royal Household and Rothschild Investments group and The Oppenheimer's own all the Gold, Oil and Drug corporations in the world who bail out the Vatican Banks so that they can pay the Jesuit Bloodline Global Mafia Families like the Breakspear's Aldobradini's Percy's and Borge's and Farnese & Orsini's etc: You can see that free energy will never be released, as there is simply no profit in it or open incentives.

My final reason for wanting the Event now : It to shutdown all the other Satanic places of worship that breeds Mind Control :


Then we would get some decent news for a change:

The TV's run all the illegal Charities like Save the children fund which is behind child snatching (Jimmy Savile was a patron)

Plus Greenpeace The Red Cross and WWF which are all Royal Run Scams that use the money to fuel wars:

Plus we have to eat GMO's and fluoridated Water and poison in our Pharmaceuticals.

Dont forget They even have death squads in Hospitals now which are actively closing out peoples lives to save on pension payouts:

Plus we have HAARP and Fracking :


Victory of the light NOW:

Cast your vote for the Event here : YOU HAVE 11 days from the 9th of December 2013:

In Light


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THE EVENT NOW ,is going to be my vote.  Sure I consider the lives of many,but are our lives  we being spared ,for stayng submissive to dark criminals. No,they are just going on with their Dark Agenda plans,to depopulate. 
...any further delay ,just serves Cabal to cause more harm.

Thanks CHRISTINA for this post.
Namaste precious.

Event NOW! I am taking the risk
  3788 (86%)
Event when it is safest. I can wait
  569 (13%)

Change your vote

Votes so far:  4357  Days left to vote:  11 
..................................................................................these are the latest on this Event voting. NAMASTE.

my pleasure, dear besimi :)

Besimi said:

Thanks CHRISTINA for this post.
Namaste precious.

Event Situation Update

Our internet poll has shown that 90% of the awakened population (14,112 of 15,660 people who voted) is in favor of the Event taking place now and is at least theoretically willing to take risks that triggering the Event might entail.

Our street survey of the general population has brought similar results. Around 20 volunteers did »sociology research« in various locations on all five continents. I gave them the following instructions:
»The purpose is to conduct this survey on a busy street or inside a shopping center in  a large or small city where you can stop many people anonymously. The purpose here is to get an accurate sample of the general human population. Do not search for awakened people or people of a certain age, gender or social status. Do not try to convince people into anything. Do not give any explanations about the Event, ETs, Cobra, the new financial system, etc. Do not try to convince anybody into participating in this survey, there are many that will be willing to stop for a minute and cooperate. Just say that you are conducting a street survey for a sociology research and you can then give them the document I attached to this email (of which you will make many copies) to those who are willing to cooperate. They can either circle an answer YES or NO. The goal is to collect between 200 and 1000 answers in the general area where you will be conducting the survey. Please send the results (numbers YES and NO) back to me as soon as possible.«

We collected 5853 valid answers, of which 5064 people circled YES. This means that almost 87% of the general surface population would be open to partnership with the Resistance and positive ET civilizations after the Event. It is interesting to note that results did not vary much across different countries and continents. 
"There are other factors delaying the Event but they will not be discussed now. They are being dealt with and I will speak about them when the time is right. The Event and the subsequent coming of the Golden Age is written in the very essence of our Soul and deep down we all know this is what we are here for. Doubts about the change and feelings of despair are artificially created by the etheric Archons and their technology in their last desperate attempts to slow down the process.
Regardless of appearances, final victory of the Light is near!"
With 80 to 90% of the people saying YES to the EVENT why are they delaying it?? this is the prove that this is no more then other things that happen before like the blossom goodchild thing and other shit things like it. This is more of the same "the deception program" like it was with the supposed Obama the president of disclosure, "the light being president barack obama", he's one more president like Bush and others.

thanks for sharing your thoughts, light warrior.

i'm not into blossom goodchild's channeled messages. 

never been drawn to her.

i don't believe, never have, barack obama is a light worker, let alone a saviour.

as for cobra, i feel he is genuine but this is not saying he can't be fooled.

other factors delaying the event have to do with a certain set of energy patterns as described in sheldan nidle's "first contact":


"... it is all programmed to happen at the right divine moment. The divine blueprint of your local Spiritual Hierarchy is based upon a certain set of energy patterns. These patterns have to do with how consciousness  is transformed on planet Earth. As your society's consciousness moves in erratic spurtstowards its highest potential, it moves the D-day (Divine-Day) either a little forward or a little bit further back. Every fluctuation causes the exact date to become more nebulous.


Earth's human population has the final say in the timetabel. How you respond, how you develop, what you do, and how much love you generate - all this is vitally important! It is for these reasons that the commitment we have spoken about is so significant to the final act. This commitment determines how this scenario is to be played out. YOU cast the last bit of critical input: your 'response-ability' as individuals and the ways in which your society develops." unquote


Light Warrior said:

"There are other factors delaying the Event but they will not be discussed now. They are being dealt with and I will speak about them when the time is right. The Event and the subsequent coming of the Golden Age is written in the very essence of our Soul and deep down we all know this is what we are here for. Doubts about the change and feelings of despair are artificially created by the etheric Archons and their technology in their last desperate attempts to slow down the process.
Regardless of appearances, final victory of the Light is near!"
With 80 to 90% of the people saying YES to the EVENT why are they delaying it?? this is the prove that this is no more then other things that happen before like the blossom goodchild thing and other shit things like it. This is more of the same "the deception program" like it was with the supposed Obama the president of disclosure, "the light being president barack obama", he's one more president like Bush and others.

btw, light warrior, i am aware of the deception programming, see below links:

michael tsarion on the vatican, its symbolism and the new age movement which is a creation of the vatican...(at 17:32 mark)

Much of this stems from new age teachings which were generated from Stanford Research Institute and other groups working with mind control and steering the masses

A New Age Denial and Death Sentence ~ James Gilliland



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