Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

 Surfing The Radiant Sea


Collaborator: Michael D. Byers    Author: Stanley V. Byers,    Copyright © 1995

All forces that act through a distance are attributed to cosmic radiation pressure and shadowing of these frequencies by matter. The shadowing causes a local unbalanced flow in the normally balanced radiation frequency flows of space.  All matter exists as interference patterns in the Prime background radiation frequencies of space. A surface gravity and/or radiation pressure limit of 1.141 gs is shown to exist when the radiation flow is totally shielded by large planets. The cause for the inverse square laws of physics is shown to be a natural result of shadowing geometry with distance. Data and graphs are presented demonstrating the gravitational shadowing for our solar system planets. 
A model of inertia is given where inertia is a result of unbalanced radiation absorption during acceleration. The unbalance is ascribed to a combination of the Doppler effect and the quantum nature of photons. 

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This theory allows the passengers from being crushed inside these UFOs we see during maneuvers like 90 degree turns and reverse course changes at high super high speeds. The reason they can defy the known laws of physics is they  produce a strong enough electromagnetic shield around the vessel that shields all radiant pressure that is inertial gravity and gravity.

thank you, simpleman

simpleman said:

This theory allows the passengers from being crushed inside these UFOs we see during maneuvers like 90 degree turns and reverse course changes at high super high speeds. The reason they can defy the known laws of physics is they  produce a strong enough electromagnetic shield around the vessel that shields all radiant pressure that is inertial gravity and gravity.

thanks simpleman

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