Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

From “Occupy Love” Facebook Page. If you have a Facebook account, you simply must see the video there. The people are literally filling the streets as you can see above, chanting, holding up the peace sign. They must be running on pure adrenalin by now. This has been going on for over a week now, hasn’t it?

We don’t have to do this in North America… we can do this more peacefully, but we must do it. We must make the change.

“This is not about Taksim anymore…This is not even about Turkey…My friends all over the world;this is the power of politics trying to come over the power of love …We, the mothers, the students, the teachers, the workers,the doctors, the housewives of the land…cannot sleep for days…and that is ok…even our hospitals filled with patients are being attacked now… teargas is being thrown in the houses … thousands of people are in the streets, helping and holding each other and the attack only comes form the police… we, all the people living in Turkey, are together now regardless of our age, political view,and everything, and walking hand in hand.. and now it is time for us all, all the people from all around the world, come together, and stand still in peace… as one… cause that is what it is… lets remember who we are, where we come from, where our hearts are still beating as one, lets remember that we were the ones who created the system, the government, the borders, lets remember that we are all brothers and sisters, coming from the same roots, lets remember, re- member …. and lets recreate what is needed now… we can do it, together as one…”

By: Occupy Love

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Comment by tatooke people must react well the sheep will give you the sample /

how people must react well the sheep will give you the sample /

thank you lydia and carol : well lydia he try to fool people reading this :
Erdogan then addressed the foreign media: "CNN, Reuters, leave us alone with your lies!" he exclaimed. For days now, Erdogan has sought to discredit the protests -- which began as a campaign against the demolition of a park in Istanbul and expanded into a nationwide revolt against the AKP-led government -- as a conspiracy conducted by foreign powers. "These forces want to harm Turkey," he said. unquote: he know that people don't trust the media like CNN etc.. but who is looking toward those Guy's like CNN -we the people are getting the info out people in the front line playing reporters theme selfs with the phone and camera send to RT....- the same here No News .

Jewish Citizens in the Streets of Israel in Protest of Zionist Regime

Thousands of Jews protest against the Zionist entity of Israel.
Not a word in the media!
Photo & caption Shared by One People Canada—thank you!
I guess this isn’t newsworthy either… go figure. Thousands of people in the streets protesting and letting their government know they are mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it any more, and the U.S. media won’t let us know.
Why? Maybe our shadow government is afraid we’ll do the same—or worse! Goodness knows we have just cause.
So you see—there’s no reason to turn on the TV. We’re not missing a thing, other than ads to get us to buy, buy, buy… and the odd little local sob story to make our hearts ache and distract us from the realabominations in this country and planet-wide.
We would do well to turn off the tube, stop shopping, except for necessities, and start having neighbourhood meetings about what the situation is and what we can do about it.
I am still finding I have intelligent, educated friends who don’t know anything about Monsanto, yet I worked in an office recently and several of the staff knew about the media, and some food, drugs, the war, cancer treatment, and one even had a friend who’s been attacked by the archons and knows about the reptilians. Hallelujah!
One hopped on the Internet immediately and checked out the sink hole in Louisiana and then to see what’s up with the Denver airport. Two asked for the address of my blog.
The number of people visiting my blog (and others like it) is escalating faster now and Facebook is going nuts with everything that’s happening! They send a lot of traffic, too.
Hope Girl’s documentary has had the desired effect and many more are learning what they’ve been missing while under the spell of the television.
Life is getting very interesting, to say the least.
People are most certainly waking up. Yes, indeed.
source :

thank you lydia and carol : well lydia he try to fool people reading this :

Erdogan then addressed the foreign media: "CNN, Reuters, leave us alone with your lies!" he exclaimed. For days now, Erdogan has sought to discredit the protests -- which began as a campaign against the demolition of a park in Istanbul and expanded into a nationwide revolt against the AKP-led government -- as a conspiracy conducted by foreign powers. "These forces want to harm Turkey," he said. unquote: he know that people don't trust the media like CNN etc.. but who is looking toward those Guy's like CNN -we the people are getting the info out people in the front line playing reporters theme selfs with the phone and camera send to RT....- the same here No News .



Jewish Citizens in the Streets of Israel in Protest of Zionist Regime




Thousands of Jews protest against the Zionist entity of Israel.
Not a word in the media!

Photo & caption Shared by One People Canada—thank you!

I guess this isn’t newsworthy either… go figure. Thousands of people in the streets protesting and letting their government know they are mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it any more, and the U.S. media won’t let us know.

Why? Maybe our shadow government is afraid we’ll do the same—or worse! Goodness knows we have just cause.

So you see—there’s no reason to turn on the TV. We’re not missing a thing, other than ads to get us to buy, buy, buy… and the odd little local sob story to make our hearts ache and distract us from the realabominations in this country and planet-wide.

We would do well to turn off the tube, stop shopping, except for necessities, and start having neighbourhood meetings about what the situation is and what we can do about it.

I am still finding I have intelligent, educated friends who don’t know anything about Monsanto, yet I worked in an office recently and several of the staff knew about the media, and some food, drugs, the war, cancer treatment, and one even had a friend who’s been attacked by the archons and knows about the reptilians. Hallelujah!

One hopped on the Internet immediately and checked out the sink hole in Louisiana and then to see what’s up with the Denver airport. Two asked for the address of my blog.

The number of people visiting my blog (and others like it) is escalating faster now and Facebook is going nuts with everything that’s happening! They send a lot of traffic, too.

Hope Girl’s documentary has had the desired effect and many more are learning what they’ve been missing while under the spell of the television.

Life is getting very interesting, to say the least.

People are most certainly waking up. Yes, indeed.

source :


Turkey silent protest is followed by more arrests

It began as a lone silent protest in Istanbul’s Taksim Square: one person standing still, staring into space. No chants, no banners, no slogans.

Hours after the first silent protesters took their stand, many others had flocked to join them, defying the Turkish government’s ban on public gatherings in the square.

The new form of expression came after previous rallies were broken up. A similar tactic was adopted by demonstrators in Ankara.

The aim was to take it in turns to prolong the protest but in Istanbul the police had other ideas. After several appeals to leave the square officers intervened in the evening. People were led away quietly and taken away in a bus.

The Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc has raised the idea of deploying troops but later claimed his comments were taken out of context.

“They call the protesters provocateurs, but I think the government and the prime minister are the biggest provocateurs. They don’t see these people, they don’t understand, they don’t want to see what these people are looking for,” said one woman in Istanbul.

More arrests followed on Tuesday morning. Dozens of people have been detained in Istanbul, Ankara and the western city of Eskisehir as the authorities continue their clampdown on the protest movement.

The protests against the government and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s policies and style are well into their third week.

Occupy Unconditional Love!

And Brazil too...

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