Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The illusion is over and the new reality is achieved - Archangel Gabrielle through Isabel Henn January 5, 2013

The illusion is over and the new reality is achieved - Archangel Gabrielle through Isabel Henn January 5, 2013

Posted on January 5, 2013 by Sirian Heaven

My beloved, it is my pleasure to speak to you today. I am so happy about what you have achieved so fantastic. I’ll clap my hands for applause. I am very happy with the result, because this Ascension of Gaia and her population has been and is still a labor of love for me. From the beginning, I assisted and supported this plan of my beloved incarnation since so many eons, like all others too in our ranks.

Since she and I are One, it was always a little bit my plan too. Yet we have only achieved a partial result - the rise of your such a beautiful planet with a portion of its inhabitants - the ultimate fulfillment is still pending and will only be completed when the last man has also ascended. So there is still some work to do.

My dear ones, even if many of you still doubt it, but the Ascension of Gaia and your own Ascension into the 5th Dimension and beyond, has been reached. You are now immortal, and you have all eternity to build your new society. We’ll be happy to help, but you must not leave the hands in your laps and think that the roasted doves are flying on their own to you now. No, no. You must do it by your own hands. Please stay in your love and your light and continue where you have stopped with Ascension. Continue to spread your glorious love and your beautiful light onto your world.

There is still so much to do. Your stellan families are still not able to land yet, it would cause too much turmoil and anxiety, but be assured by me when the time is right, it will happen. The other reliefs, of whom we have spoken so often will come too. All at the divine right time. I ask you to let go really ALL expectations.

Simply know that it will happen. If everyone has their own expectations about it, you bring just unrest in the whole process and you are only self preventing the unfolding of a wonderfully thought out and sophisticated plan. You know that your common consciousness creates your world and with your individual expectations, brought together as a whole, unfortunately, you only bring out chaos. So continue to work with your dreams and ideas. Just please, without any idea of ??a point in time. Then everything comes naturally to the NOW.

Gradually, the people who can not hold the high vibrations of the new 5D-Earth will leave this earth and find their existence on a parallel 3D-Earth. Do not worry about them. There, they will feel more comfortable and it will be taken care of them there.

They too are children of Prime Creator, and they are loved beyond words. Their souls are not yet developed to the point that they could feel comfortable outside of duality. They still need some or many other incarnations, until they eventually find their way back to Prime Creator and can walk it.

My beloved, the illusion is over and the new reality is achieved. The only true reality. Only your mind that wants to protect you from change tells you that nothing has changed. This is incorrect. Use my words like a mantra, an affirmation and take note of them: “The illusion is over and the reality has arrived.” It was always there, but to you it is apparently new. So simply accept and be attentive, then you will can see all the changes.

They are so diverse, your whole life will change through them. Some of you may have already noticed that your world, your earth, is different, lighter and brighter in color. Some of you now can see for the first time the aura of other people or objects. This process occurs for every person different and not at the same speed, so do not compare please. You are all unique. Each one of you. So every adjustment process is unique and beautiful to look at.

Please therefore doubt no longer, but rejoice simply thrilled about what you have achieved so well. I’m soo proud of you. You’ve more than exceeded our expectations. Everything else will find its way into manifestation. Dream it into being. Watch your thoughts, for you manifest now much faster.

And love! Love youselves, and love your neighbors as you love yourselves. Your Karma has been taken from you, you are already informed about it, you will now be able to experience new karma very quickly. This will help you to stay in the light and love.

And ooh, so many beautiful and glorious things are still waiting for you. But I will tell you nothing about it, nor when it will arrive. Let yourself be surprised. I love surprises and I love even more to give them to others. Especially when there are such fantastic surprises that await you. Rejoice on it, they come when you least expect it.

My beloved incarnation, my channel through which I speak to you now, also knows not more about it, although she came up with all this so nice and had it planned with us. To clarify any misunderstanding, she is since billions of years my one and only true incarnation. No one else, but I have scattered a few aspects of myself in the universe, even on your earth. Isabel - or EnnKa how her Sirian name is - and I, we both are ONE with each other. She understands, feels and knows this more and more.

I say this not to highlight her, she knows who she really is, and needs no valorisation on my part. However, I know that there are people among her and in her life who doubt this and claim to be my incarnation for themselves. A clarification from my side is therefore unfortunately inevitable and absolutely necessary. I only want to protect her from future rivalries and disputes.

My dear ones, I say goodbye to you now, but know that I am always near you. Whenever you need my help or the help of my beloved brothers and sisters the Archangels, call us. This is still true even now. We listen to all your calls. I love you all so much, incredibly deep and forever. I am your Archangel Gabrielle.

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

Posted in Archangels, Ascended Masters, God, Isabel Henn | Tagged 3D-Earth, 5D-Earth, Archangel Gabrielle, Ascension, incarnation, Isabel Henn | Leave a reply

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 You are now immortal, and you have all eternity to build your new society.


SaLuSa 04-January-2013


SaLuSa 04-January-2013

In your many lives through the cycle of duality, you have faced immense challenges and as a result grown all the more at a spiritual level. Now duality such as you have known it is losing its power over you, as it recedes into the background. Yet as you wrestle with its influence upon you, and clear yourself of your links to the lower energies, you are facing a strong challenge. We know it is difficult to throw off attitudes, ideas and beliefs, based on what you have been brought up to believe. However, within you have all knowledge and you should look there for the truth, and do not hesitate to move to a new understanding if you are in any doubt. It was easy in the past to be judgmental because that was how people acted, but now you want to move to a new position where instead you see all souls as part of the One.
Separation was a game the dark Ones played to keep you at each others throats, but now you can refuse to continue living their lie that you are all different. Forget the physical differences, customs and religious beliefs, as behind all of that are beautiful souls of Light exactly as you are. In recognizing the Oneness of everything you are taking your place along side of those ready to move further along the path of Ascension. You know now that your search for perfection is never ending, until you finally return to the Source of All That Is. Yet in your own way you have succeeded in overcoming all attempts to keep you from the truth. You have recognized that you will always be a part of the One Truth of which your contribution is as important as anyone else's, as without you it would be incomplete.
You may be leaving behind some unfinished business, but that no longer matters as 2012 saw the completion of the cycle of duality. Karmically speaking you will have dealt with your important issues already, and since the Law of Grace operates at such times all is as you might say "forgiven". You have learnt your lessons that have lifted you up, and made further experiences in duality unnecessary. The year 2013 thus becomes a year of fulfillment, as you establish a new and more meaningful connection with your Higher Self. It means that unlike the past you can tap the fountain of knowledge that your Higher Self holds, and will no longer need to rely on others for your knowledge or understanding.
Have we not told you that you hold all knowledge within. Believe in yourself for guidance and you will know intuitively whether you are making the right decisions. This year will be one of immense gains for you, as you accept the ever flowing stream of high energies that continue to reach Earth. Everything is speeding up even faster, and time will gradually cease to have the same relevance as previously. The next part of your Ascension is with Mother Earth, and with our help to create a new Earth that is befitting souls who are growing exponentially and becoming fully conscious Beings. You will then be able to call yourselves "Galactic Beings" and the doors will open to even greater opportunities than you have ever experienced. Your rate of progress is entirely up to you, and once you have made your decision you will have plenty of help from us.
The most important person on the Earth is you, as it is you who determines where your journey takes you. You choose from the various options available to you, and that is why care is taken to ensure you know what they are. Taking care of yourself and your own needs does not mean that you ignore others, as part of the work of all Lightworkers is to also tend to the needs of others as well. Each soul now has the responsibility to prepare to receive a greater amount of Light, so that their consciousness level keeps expanding. It will keep you firmly on the path to a higher understanding, and help you to continue moving into a higher dimension. The path is there before you and you progress at precisely the speed that suits you. As we have said previously, you are immortal and have all infinity in which to evolve.  You are under no pressure to progress except at a rate that you feel comfortable with.
You have done the hard work by releasing most of the lower energies that have tied you to duality. Now you can be more ambitious and set your sights much higher than previously. The effort you have put in since the Millennium, and particularly during the past few years has yielded much success. There is no need to feel that somehow you have failed simply because Ascension did not meet your expectations. It is in fact quite the opposite, as you lifted the vibrations so that incoming energies could be grounded through you. That set the grid in place that is now able to lift you even further and "Love" is taking over, which is your assurance that you will now advance more quickly and receive the advantages of the New Age. The many delays and the many obstructions that the dark Ones used to hold up progress, can no longer be continued. They do not have the power or the organization to do so, and their activities are being recognized for what they really are.
We ask you to continue your life with the same focus that you had before, and think positively as all exists in the "Now" waiting for you to manifest exactly what you desire. At different times you have been given sufficient details to know what to expect, and as the new paradigm takes over you shall have every opportunity to benefit from entering the New Age. The present period of uncertainty will be short lived, and soon you will both notice and feel the changes taking place. What you should register is the result of a general upliftment in consciousness levels, because it will bring about a new attitude and willingness to move your civilization into the New Age with all speed. Accept that some inconvenience is inevitable, as the scale of changes is going to be quite far reaching. However, we of the Galactic Federation are ready as ever, always adjusting our plans according to your coming needs. Once we commence rapid advancement will be made, far beyond anything you are currently able to do.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that your overall reaction to Ascension has been one of acceptance, and you understand that you have not lost out in the Ascension process. All proceeds as ordained and your wonderful future is assured, as you will experience in due course. Our love goes with you wherever you may go, and will ever be.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

After years of reading the channelings of M Q I can not say other, than that he is an illuminati puppet!

All the promises were not fulfilled and everybody who is still convinced that this is truth.. they will be the first to stand in line when Salusa is proposing the chip for further education of the enlightenment :(

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