The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
~ As channeled by Ron Head – November 21,2012
You find yourselves today one month of time, as you have constructed it, prior to the day to which you have chosen to attach a supreme importance. And because you have done this, this date will have focused upon it the energies of vast changes which are congruent with the passing from this age into the next. Your focus and your intention are drawing to you infinite energy, light, love, and the power of Creation.
To the extent which you will have transcended time on that date, your perception of the world in which you live will take a quantum leap forward. To the extent which you hold on to your past comfortable and safe ways of seeing, nothing may appear to change. There is nothing wrong with that. All is your choice. There are, after all, billions of you yet, who have no idea, consciously, that your world has changed.
And it has changed, make no mistake. As much as human kind would love for change to remain in its future, change never ceases. Your world has changed. What remains is for your perception of it to change, as well. This will happen. It will happen because of the vast amounts of love in which you have become immersed. It will happen because of the work that is being done with you by your guides and angels. But mostly it will happen because you have decided that it will happen.
Our loving request to you is, please do not fall into doubt or fear if you find that some instant transformation has not occurred for you personally. To the extent, as we say, that you are holding on to your past beliefs and perceptions, it will take time for these things to manifest for you. As you allow time to slip away, you will find that they already are part of your reality. What you have determined to have as your reality already is reality, my dearest friends. Begin to let go of all the reasons why it is not yet yours, because it is.
Each tiny glimpse of your dreams will cause you to open just that much more to full awareness. Soon you will be helping others to see what you do, just as we are doing now. Start your holiday shopping early. Begin now to let all of the limitations fall away. Breathe into your every cell the infinite love of your Creator. Remember who you are, where you have come from, and what you are here for. Be the one of your intent and imagination. Allow yourself to be worthy, to deserve, and to be able to be that one.
It is time. Your work is done. Now it is time to get to work. Lest this seem daunting, we promise you that this work will soon transform itself into joyful play.
We step ever closer to you now. You cannot and will not misstep. Remain in your heart center and allow this last few weeks to pass in gratitude and anticipation.
We will continue to speak with you. Good day.
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To awaken is the right and the destiny of every sentient being, and it is God’s Will that all awaken. The illusion has brought much pain and suffering into your hearts over the many lifetimes you have chosen to undergo experiences within it. You do not need to continue engaging with it, because it is an invention of your collective minds, and it is they that provide its maintenance and support.
The opportunity is constantly being presented through which you can abandon it and move forwards into your fully conscious and awakened state.
Many are now helping to change the collective perception that maintains it unquestioningly. The time has come for your unawareness of its unreality to dissolve.
The phrase “You create your own reality” has been bandied about for the last thirty or forty years, falling in and out of favor as fashions and the seasons change, but that is how you invented the illusion and how you continue to maintain it. You can see its effects in action as the political moods in a country change in response to events, and waves of despair, anger, or exhilaration sweep through a population.
And your elected officials are always attempting to use the mood swings that occur to their own personal advantage.
However, many of you have become aware of the unfortunate effects and the irresponsibility of responding to mood swings with corresponding changes of intent.
You have observed the enormous damage that results from such unbalanced and unpredictable behavior, and you are no longer willing to be swayed, influenced, and manipulated by egoic power seekers riding the waves of perceived public opinion. There is now a conscious intent on the part of the majority of those incarnate on Earth at this time to find and follow a constant path of spiritual evolution that will bring all into harmony and enable the peace for which you all long to be achieved.
You have limitless amounts of assistance available to you from those in the presently unappreciated and unseen realms whose only wish is to help you to awaken, and you are finally taking full advantage of it.
Your Father loves you with an intensity that you just cannot conceive of while you are focusing on the sins, the wrongs, the betrayals, and the suffering that are endemic within the illusion, and which are constantly distracting you from opening to His Love for you.
By focusing your attention there you become caught up in the fear and anger, and in your emotional reactions to the unfairness and unjustness that you see all around you. Focus on Love. Its divine field surrounds you in every moment of your existence, and you only remain unaware of it by your own choice to focus, instead, on the illusion and all the problems and issues that it invents and spreads, to ensnare you in its relentless and seemingly inescapable web of intrigue and lies.
As long as you choose to engage with it, so long will it continue to ensnare you. Vast quantities of “shoulds” fill your minds as you wonder how to put right the wrongs and terminate the suffering that your reason tells you can and should be eradicated. But they are all of the illusion, and putting your attention there does very little to alleviate them, while it does distract you from your task of holding the Light, showing the way, and being loving presences in every situation.
Your history is filled with stories of heroic figures who strove mightily to right wrongs and injustices, often dying for the causes for which they fought so courageously. And the implied message is that you should be willing to do likewise. But over the eons these heroes have in fact achieved very little because after they were gone the old order re-established itself, often with renewed vigor, and in the illusion only illusions - the unreal - can survive.
But the illusion encourages you to “fight for what is right.” And of course you cannot agree on what is right! Every single one of you embodied within the illusion has a different perception. You may belong to a religious organization, a political party, a corporate entity, or just your own family, but they all set rules and codes of behavior that you have to follow to remain in good standing with them, and, as a result, there are times when you have to disregard your conscience, your integrity, your true divine self if you wish to find acceptance within them.
To change - really change the system to one of peace, harmony, and dignity for all - you have to live it. That means letting go of judgment, and all the ancillary services and functions to which it inevitably leads. You have to live with love flowing through your hearts, offering compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and healing to all - indiscriminately. As soon as you take up arms, figuratively or physically, for whatever reason, conflicts ensue, and you end up in the cycle of the endless repetitive loop. And that is what you are attempting to circumvent.
Living the change that you want is the only way to bring it about, but the cultures that you have established and maintained within the illusion insist that to actually practice living lovingly, peacefully, and compassionately only leaves you open to certain attack and likely destruction.
With war, conflict, disagreement, dishonesty, and self-serving agendas filling your environment, that appears to be a very valid viewpoint, and it appears to be confirmed for you by your history and when bad things happen to good people. But as long as you believe in the illusion and follow its guidance you are energetically supporting and maintaining it.
The answer is Love. You have been told that time and time again, and your answer has for a long time been “But it does not work!” In fact It does work for those who practice It, and as the end of this calendar year approaches, more and more of you are engaging with the divine Love field surrounding you and you are changing yourselves and the world and proving that It works.
From our vantage point what you are achieving makes a magnificent spectacle as the Light of God’s Love shines out brilliantly from an ever-increasing number of you, and from the planet herself. The tide has turned and the dark is melting away and disappearing in the Light as the brightness of the Love field into which you are weaving yourselves, making yourselves integral and inseparable aspects of It, intensifies and strengthens daily.
You are most definitely well established on the path to awakening, and there is no chance that you will be diverted from it.
Delight in the certain knowledge that the moment of awakening into your natural state as fully conscious beings is rapidly and inevitably approaching, and that the rush, the shock, and the amazement that will occur as you awaken will fill you with joy and happiness that is presently far beyond your abilities even to conceive of.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
November 23, 2012 by John Smallman
The answer is love!
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