Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ashtar - We Shall Be Doing A Big Wake Up Call.

Posted by Sidney on September 23, 2011 at 6:03am
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Wow what a message. I believe we have to spread the light unto those who are hoping for "a way out". That means we must open our hearts out to our family and friends who, in the past have been negative towards our view points. We must make an attempt of inviting them into the higher dimensions of love while we still have this opportunity. It is up to us to awaken these beings of lesser light so that they have an opportunity of choice. As for those who are entrapped within the darkness and negative energies, it has been their soul's choice to learn in that way. We must open our hearts to those who pray every night for a way out. For we are the saviors of Earth.

- Sidney

"Greetings, Beloved Family! We shall have much to discuss when next we gather.* You may have noticed that quite a lot is being stirred up on the surface, and, you may be aware that the 'behind-the-scenes' dominoes are falling faster and faster as well. Indeed, it is what is going on with the 'not-in-the-mainstream' news which is so fascinating, because more and more of it is, what you call, oozing through to the surface. Indeed, you can be sure that, within a very short time, as you measure it, there will be veritable eruptions of news in every area of 3D life on Planet Earth!

"Of course, you know that this is all a very necessary part of the housecleaning which must take place. It is part of the Ascension process, which absolutely requires that you must be free of all dark agendas, programs and events. Well, this is because these things cannot and do not exist on higher dimensional Earth. Of course, there is a lower dimensional place, a new Earth, if you will, where those who are not ready to ascend can enjoy 3D for a longer period of time.

"Yes, time will still exist there, as will power and control programs ranging from 2-person arguments to wars between countries. There will still be famine and violence and addictions, along with all of the fear-based thoughts, words and deeds. You might think of this is a continuation of the conditions which are in existence here, and which are indeed giving way to the higher vibrations of Love and Light! And, you are correct in the sense that those who do not choose to ascend within this window of opportunity will not even notice their change of location! They will simply carry on as they have been doing.

"This brings me to the focus of our upcoming gathering. We do understand that you have some thoughts about those who stay behind, as it will seem. Your thoughts are ranging from everything to compassionate caring to great sadness at the thought that your loved ones might not be on the same path as you. So, we are proposing that we do something about this!

"We shall be doing a most powerful Exercise to help to awaken a huge number of residents of Planet Earth!!! We wish you to know that there are millions right now who are so close to knowing that they have a big choice to make - all they need is a bit of encouragement. And you, beloved Family, are just the ones to join us in offering this wake-up call!!!

"And there is even more to consider here. You may already be aware that a good number of the dark hats have finally realized that the Light shall prevail, and they are emerging from their dark hiding places. Some of them are even opening themselves to allow the Light to stream in! Others are waiting, for what they aren't sure, but we know, Beloved Family. They are waiting for us to offer our Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude to them. Yes, it is our mission to literally roll out the red carpet of welcome to higher dimensionality!!!

"And so we invite you to join with us in the Oneness of Love and Joy, in order to assist in the awakenings of those who are ready to move up onto a higher path of evolvement. This is a grand part of our mission, indeed, and we can assure you that we are successful, as we see it from our perspective! Blessings, Thanks and Namaste to you, Beloved Ones - Salut!"

Given through Susan Leland, September 18, 2011.

© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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For awhile it was we all go or no one goes.  Now only the ready ones will?

These people learned to speak english from reading breakfast cereal packets. Dreadful and fake. If you want to ascend you must first mentally detach from the matrix of control and tell the universe you are ascending. You should be free of fear and have only positive regard for all those people you previously had issues with.

I online pray for disclosure to happen with unconditional love.For Earth/Gaia and its inhabitance,"Humanity!"

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