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I've never heard of Bugarach before. Interesting; especially the fact that the rocks on the top of the mountain are older than the ones at the bottom... (how is that possible?)

'Made of limestone with galleries of caves beneath it, the peak is a geological oddity, since its top layers are millions of years older than its bottom ones, making it an "upside down mountain".'

"The peak of Bugarach has been shrouded in mystery, with various claims that it houses aliens in cavities beneath the rock.

The internet abounds with tales of the late President François Mitterrand being curiously heliported onto the peak, of mysterious digs conducted by the Nazis and later Mossad, the Israeli secret services.

There is talk of the area, near to the Cathar castles, holding the Holy Grail or the treasure of the Templars.

A visit to Bugarach is said to have inspired Steven Spielberg in his film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind – although the actual mountain he used is Devil's Tower in Wyoming.

Nostradamus, the French apothecary from Provence, is said to have stayed in the area and found the "vibrations" of Bugarach to be positive.

Others say Bugarach is where Jules Verne found the entrance and the inspiration for A Journey to the Centre of the Earth."

I'm fascinated with the mysteries of Pic de Bugarach!

Please take some photos to show us here in SoE!!!

Here's another page that I found about it; really interesting...:

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