Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Message from Channelled Automatic Writings (9 Dec 08 4:24PM) Updated

Okay, I've gotten a message from my automatic writings an hour ago. They wish to make it known to as many as possible.

I will scan the page as soon as i reach home 4 hours later.

The message is in regards to Obama's test on January 21 or 22 (please refer to the blog post "Harper Devious Plan" by GOTZEUS). Once again, I wish to let you know I am not a professional channeller, I just got this on one of my daily automatic writing sessions after reading GOTZEUS' blog post.

Here goes:


i may have a hint to what may be happening on that date.

i've just completed a short automatic writing session, and the writer of this particular session claims to be the collective consciousness of nine. a being named lucifer (wrote in very quick sharp spurts) wanted to barge into the writing, but i invited it out.

a more slower and gentler writing that slanted to the left emerged after that and declared their name (CCo9). Here is a typed transcript of their message that they wished to convey. i must add, i am not very sure what to make of this, so i implore you to ascertain if the words resonated with you first before passing any judgement.

the transcript (will scan the page after i finish work, its 3pm now):


"We would like you to tell the rest at Saviors, we would like them to be aware of their many thoughts of many moons ago. We want to say that we are not the ones that are going to be seen on the date in the blog that is on your screen now.

Think of the other point of view. We would like to say this: We are not the ones that will be seen.

We would like to inform you we are currently monitoring the progress of your group. We are very happy with your group as a whole.

There is no way to avoid (this from happening) but we would like to announce this on the site.

(I asked about Lucifer): He will want to stop your message, we think that is for your good (that i invited him away from my writings)

We like to thank you and the others on the web site.

We will be in contact with you.


The scanned automatic writing:


okay. im not trying to scare anyone here, but i'm just telling you guys what came outta my writings, and i've been practising my automatic writings for some time now, almost every day i'd have one session with many different beings.

i hope that would keep us prepared.


Let me know what you think and what you've gotten so far, in respect to Obama's predicted "test".

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thats amazing
Thank you Reb for the info .. :) ..
peace ..
I think we're onto something here. Reb gets a message warning us about something that will happen in Janusry and that it's not them.....
There is no way to avios this from happening...........

Harper Devious Plan??? Dec 8/08 posted by GOTZEUS

Quote: 1. Colin Powell stated on national tv there would be an event either January 21 or 22.

2. Joe Biden stated in a $25,000/plate dinner, thinking he wasnt being taped "Mark my words, Obama will be tested, if you only take one thing from my talk here tonight, take this, January 21, or 22 there will be an orchastrated event that will test Obama...." Not exact words, but I am sure you have heard this speech.

So teh big question is..... What od we do about it.... do we follow our hunch that something major is about to happen. albeit a /false Flag and make others aware that whatever happens this is NOT the real deal with regards to ET's.......

What does everyone think............. are we onto something........... my mind workds in weird ways and sometimes i do SEE/FEEL where something is going and I get a red light on this theory....... My head is hurting again bad....
hey ravi, unfortunately i can't open the pdf file at rapidshare.. bummer. did they have a similar message?

thanks clinton, yeah i've been lurking offline, finding my little path in life. i guess that you are doing well :) :) :) much love to you.
LOL sticky keyboard! clinton, stop drinking beer in front of your computer, youre making a mess on the keyboards. LOL

i've just watched this youtube video from Talessian, the ET guy, and i just laughed.

thanks to gotzeus for putting this up here. LOL

can you post more of your sessions?
if you want...
also, what is your personal method for preparing to write automatically?
sure, arash, i'll post up some scanned writings :)

erm no particular method actually, i'll just take in deep breaths before i write, the first breath i'll mentally ask for protection of the highest light (sometimes i'll use blossom goodchild's method of imagining 3 golden rings around me)

the 2nd breath, i will start inviting whomever i wish to have a conversation with, and mentally and physically repeat the being's name (or my higher self). after 20 seconds or less, my fingers will start to twitch and then i'd start to let the words flow on the paper.

its a combined effort between you and the higher being because sometimes when im distracted, the words will get muddled and go on repeat, and sometimes when i dont have a particular grasp on the concepts theyre trying to convey, 'distorted' words will appear.

i have instances where other beings barge in invited (here, it is the being that called itself 'Lucifer') and sometimes the being that you asked to meet will be replaced by someone else. probably they have a message for you. usually for these messages, they will go on autopilot mode - you dont really have a question to ask them until a few sentences are finished.

and sometimes before you ask the question, in your heart, you will already have the answer, so you can probably skip the whole writing down part. perhaps this outcome is the desired outcome, where you don't have to write down physically, you just directly get the answers in your head.

sorry, *UNinvited*
I just like your automatic writtings, they all happen at the right time. I knew of such a thing but never saw anything like that before. Was the entity chinese for writing from top to bottom? (just kidding).. I also like the one about the moon, but did not understand why one moon was out of orbit.. well I think youre very good at it, its very inspiring, Ill be waiting for the next ones..
Thanx for sharing
Thanks Ted!
usually i have zero inkling of the timelyness of my writings. sometimes im surprised by what comes out (like the moon)

the thing about them writing from top to bottom - i think it does serve a practical purpose. whenever i do auto writing, sometimes i can feel that the words can easily go on below the paper and i have to consciously move the pen up again.

my theory is that, as etheric beings, you're probably in many places at one time, up down left right above and under, so probably its easier to just write in one long continuous line.

Ted said:
I just like your automatic writtings, they all happen at the right time. I knew of such a thing but never saw anything like that before. Was the entity chinese for writing from top to bottom? (just kidding).. I also like the one about the moon, but did not understand why one moon was out of orbit.. well I think youre very good at it, its very inspiring, Ill be waiting for the next ones..
Thanx for sharing

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