Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is a word made up for naming that simptom manifested by people who use their own wounds/traumas/unhappiness/upsets in order to manipulate, to achieve sympathy and compassion, to gain power over others, to be able to lead them...and in order to be allowed to behave unproperly and yet be endoulged all the time.
I t is about a smaller form of the "Scapegoatology" :)) , which presents all the people around and all circumstances as guilty for someone's failures...
Woundology reffers to the fact that the "ill" person asks compensation for its wounds from others, people around accepting her/his requests, let her/him do whatever wanted and surrounds them with too much allowance...

We have many wounds of soul... And the more we cling on them, the farther we get from being free.

When asked: how are you?
Answer: fine!
If you say: oh, i had a terrible head acke, my sister is pissing me off, my cat has eaten my little fish in that water boul, i got no money!, jee, what a crazy world is this!, my lover left me and i'm broken hearted!!, my children are just a pain in the ass! god, I lost my job!................ is ok! why not leting all out? we need to express feelings and just explode sometimes, fine!

But, what if this is happening all the time? Only problems...on a lost this f. hope...and those idiotic reptilians! wtf they want??!...
What is to be achieved from this continuous complaining?

Of course a person having problems and problems all the time gets attention, and she/he just loves it! But are her/his wings trying to raise her/him up anymore? Does she/he remember her/his splendid wings anymore?

And indeed the flight with your own wings, not borrowed from friends, from your children, from your beloved...only your wings! the best and mostly special achievement....!

Just be aware when you tend to use your inner wounds and failures to atract attention.
The step forward is when no attention needed anymore in this way, when you would rather offer than take, when rather radiate than absorb, when the love inside is enough for you, even so great that gets away to your dear ones and to the world...

...only a point of view, love you :o))

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I'm of the same point of view Mariell... our thoughts are the foundation of the lives we lead and the experiences we have. And even if those are not the types of thoughts a person has, it is important to realize not to enhance those thoughts in others by catering to them. 'Oh poor, poor you' is also a type of buy in to those thought processes and will instill them into ones energy. I think part of the work of growing into awareness is being vigilant and conscious of every thought we have.


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