Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

My contact with ET's primary takes place during dream time.  The rest of the time is in a conscious state and it is through telepathy. Unfortunately there are many sources competing for the brain wave channel as it is a wonderful way to implant thoughts into humans...big there is a lot of trial and error in figuring out who is who. But that isn't where I wanted to go in this moment. 

I had a dream the other night that I was visited by three tall humanoid beings. They were around seven feet tall.  One was a blond and the other two had dark hair from what I could remember.  They also seemed to be wearing long the old western days.  (someone forgot to mention that I wasn't from Calgary maybe...hee hee).  I can only see images or flashes from the dream and I know that we talked but I have no memory of what.  But the interesting part is that the morning of awakening, I kept having negative thought patterns and the energy in our home was that of "bitchiness".  

I thought that was very interesting considering I am writing a paper on thoughts and manifestation at this time.  It was like they gave me confirmation on my thesis.  It isn't your normal your thoughts manifest your reality thesis so there was definitely a connection to that.  And then when I realized what was going on I was able to over ride it.  

My overall feeling from this outcome was neutral. 

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     I would like to know more about what gave you this insight of an eight chakra.  You say it was tampered with, I say it was categorically ripped out of us.  Because i feel no residues or signs, in it's slightest measurement, of the presence of a chakra there.  That's not to say we never had one of course, just that they have either ripped it out, or rendered it completely dormant (ie 100% dormant). So dormant too, that I can not, for the life of me, notice a trace of pink anywhere around. I feel no flow of energy there no matter how I try to flow my other chakras around and through, or using my energy points to create flows in the area. If this is the result of their tampering, I want to have a coffee with those that tampered with them.  I have about 2.4 million questions for them. hehe.

     What I do know is that we do have what is called secondary chakras.  I'm not sure if you've read about that so far, but here is a link (thank you so much Silent for this link :) )  that you might find interesting. In this link you will find a secondary chakra called the Jade Pillow (this is a very busy secondary chakra), that is behind the mouth (but in the neck back there).  From the flows, it has the role to connect the upper chakras to the solar plexus chakra.  It seems to be the closest secondary chakra to the area you mentioned and even that one is in the back.  That location in the neck is the closest energetic activity I see to the area you mention.

     Now, in the past 18 months or so,  as flows were being talked about more and energies coming in, the secondary chakra called Gia-Pa (behind the heart on the link) seemed to be growing, or being felt more and more.  Silent and I started to notice this back then, and we paid attention to it up until now.  We would describe what we felt and it seemed the growth of that secondary chakra was following a very similar path for both of us.  Now, if the new energies of back then, along with the flows of today, all serve the purpose of our growth, and since the heart chakra has it's very defined role in itself and in respect to the other chakras, it makes sense that Gia-Pa would be felt more and more as well through awakening and the flows around us.

     I believe the story of the chakras and everything they entail is far from told.  I believe still today that we are just at the beginning, though things do seem to be moving a whole lot faster since 18 months ago. :).


I hope this helps. :)



You took the words out of my mouth...

paTricia T. said:
At least I know it was created through a heart chakra. :o)
I will write down two of the dreams i had that i did not post, just to share in case someone had the same experiences...
First one, ships in the sky make images of natives of the Mapuche tribe, i only see images like photos of the people; i knew it was the Mapuche tribe cause of the clothes of the natives... Feelings, hmmmm not a clue of why they were showing me the Mapuches...
Second one, dark space, im with my two daughters, suddenly they are taken by dark spirits away from me, i followed them and fought, i was able to bring my daughters back again with me... Feelings, it was a horrible dream but i was able to bring them back so, i guess it brought trust in myself... or it could be other things i dont know...
Well i will keep posting about these dreams...
Love you Brothers and Sisters :)
The second one does'nt sound nice at all, Antonela, and could be related to an astral experience. Call on God's highest Angels to protect you and your children from harm.

when you say angels i cant help it relate it with aliens Patrick... So instead i chose sorround myself in purple light and expand it... i feel its working... we will see what happends
Namaste my dear friend

patrick said:

The second one does'nt sound nice at all, Antonela, and could be related to an astral experience. Call on God's highest Angels to protect you and your children from harm.


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