Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It had only been in the last three to four years that I had understood my dream time contacts were not just spiritual guides, but actual contacts. I am still not sure what to call them...ET's, Aliens, Dimensional Beings. I chose to call them my Guides and Friends.  I remember the contacts beginning when I was around twenty one years of age and living in Toronto Canada. I was overcome with the feeling of finding my personal heritage at a deeper level. This search took me to the Celtic Druids and the world of magic...and to traveling in dream time with a guide to places I only half remember. For the past twenty some odd years I have been able to keep two of these memories or experiences vivid in my mind. One was in an underground base and another was in the country along side of a road.  I don't recall what I saw at the base but I do remember being shocked and horrified.  What really stood out for me is what my guide said to me at the time. I was being chatty and asking a lot of questions about what was happening and my guide told me to be quiet because if they caught me they would kill me. STOP RIGHT THERE...and this is what I am writing about here and can they harm my body if I am in dream time???

In September 2010 I had a new discovery. I was an abductee.  I had never ever felt that I was abducted and only had  contactee experiences. Actually I was adament that I was not an abductee. I had many distressed people coming to me telling me of how they were abductees and I would laugh at why the hell they were coming to me with this. But that one morning in reality changed and I felt devistated to be so vonerable and clueless. 

My partner noticed a round mark on the side of my left breast. At first I was surprised to see the mark, but then all of a sudden I began to remember things. I remembered re-entering my body and feeling a high level of discomfort on both sides of my chest. I remember looking around me and seeing my partner to my left, my two children to my right and my dog at the end of the bed. I had no where to move and just lay there. I calmed myself by saying that the pain would go away after I slept it off by morning and I would not remember any of it.   And it did...until my partner saw the mark on my right side and the memory came back. Strangely there was nothing on my left side. 

I went to a dermatologist and she said it was ring worm which is a fungi. Ring worm takes the form of a red raised circle that is very dry and ichy.  My skin was super smooth, soft and hydrated. It is also a highly contagious condition and no one else in my house of five people had it...not even the dog. I did not use the medication and eventually the mark went away on its own. 

It wasn't the mark that bothered me the most. It was the fact that I knew what to expect once I was back in my body. How would I know that unless I had experienced it before. And why would my physical body take on a physical mark that happened in a non physical place such as dream time.  I can only tell you that a flood of memories almost drowned me in that moment of thought.  The guide had told me years ago that they can harm me in dream time...and now I had physical marks showing up on my body from dream time. What the fuck was going on???

How could it be possible that our physical bodies in the third dimension would be altered when our spirit bodies returned to them?  I knew that I had not physically left the bed because there would have been no way to have slipped me in between everybody and my dog. I would also like to add that it was really odd having both my children in my bed to begin with.  My dog also never stirred when I awoke. And that reminds me of the times I have heard sounds right before drifting to sleep that woke me up ...but not my dog.  And I am talking about loud sounds like a door bell or a sonic whip sound. Why wouldn't a protective 70 pound dog not even stir at sounds like that.  Because they were not of this dimension...I was in half sleep mode when I heard them. One night I  jumped up and went running through my house to make sure my family was ok because I felt the presence of the Greys.  My dog didn't move and I felt like a nut. 

I do not have any answers to this question that begs to be looked at....but I do think the answer is within our reach. It is my understanding that this question or concept will be a huge part of our understanding the dimensional realms and the connections to other species that we are co-existing with.    

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Wow...thanks For Sharing That paTricia ~ I wonder what this is about ~  as there are confilicting theories out there on this subject !

What is Your Feeling On this paTricia ? Do You feel it was for Your Good or was it For their own good ?

Dolores Cannon Insists that All of these abductions ARE for Our upgrade and observation for our benefit

~ HOW EVER ~ There is also theories that is contradictory to that ~ Wish I Knew !!!  :(
Am Looking forward to hearing other comments in regards this VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE in these Times of Revelations of the Truth !!!

Thanks for Sharing Dear paTricia ~ this is truly truly Important Indeed !


Soo It seem that a Lot of People had both ~ I believe George Kavassilas spoke that he had Both as well !
Well, that is Truly amazing paTricia ~ Am Looking forward to unraaavel this Mystery With You My Friend ~

And the Picture you shared look almost exactly like the one One lady that use to come to my house to do body massage ~ She said that it was good experience for her though....and she had the same marks between her breast actually just a little above ~ she was a very spiritual person and she was very open to any kind of experience like this ~ Dont know where she is now....lost contact with her many years ago......
This is all still a Big Mystery !!!
paTricia T. said:

I think it is both Lydia. My contactee's are different from my abductees. They are two different species from what I understand. The contactee gives...the abductees takes.
When I was taken to a field by my Guide, we met others along side the road and forest. The response from one of the ones that were waiting there was to get me out of the area immediately because there was a meeting to take place. The meeting was with the Greys and the "alien" speaking did not want the Greys to see me. I felt that this decision was for my protection. We left immediately.
The thing is...this happened to me way before the internet was out and way before I had ever heard of a Grey.
It was at this time of my life that I began to notice I was clairvoyant and could see peoples colours and see energy. I think somehow it is connected.
When I asked my guide about the abductions He told me that he was sorry and could not protect me at all times. And that is all I know right now.


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