I also posted this discussion in the "awakening others" group, but I thought it could be useful too for those who do not visit this group.
Laws for a Holly Spirit Disciple
1. Allways be consciouss of your desire to manifest the whole expression of Divinity and allow for that purpose all your being and all your mission.
2. Learn the lesson of kindness - never harm and never bring suffering by any word, thought or deed to any part of life. By being violent in anyway you will cling on the pain, suffering and mortal realm.
3. Never stirr up your brother's emotions, whithout thinking or by wish. The storm you throw in his soul will suffocate sooner or later your own vital flow. But allways bring peace, silence, love and harmony around you.
4. Get away from personal and planetary blindness. Never love your little self more than the harmony of the universe. If you are right, it doesn't mean you have to yeal about it. But if you do it still, ask for forgivenness.
5. Walk gently on the earth and in the universe, knowing that the body is a sacred temple where the holly spirit is living and bringing peace and love to the everywhere life. Keep this temple of yours in purity and respect. Respect and honour , with gentle dignity, all those other temples, knowing that behing a less harmonious appearance, there is often a great light burning.
6. Be hungry for nature's beauty and gifts, having a warm gratitude for them. Never dirty nature by thoughts, sounds or low emotions or deeds that are atacking her. Honour mother earth which is your home for learning.
7. Never have or offer oppinions , if not asked to, and if you do it still - say a little inner prayer before, so that you get gidance... Talk when God chooses to say something through you. So, better talk less or keep a peaceful silence.
8. Let your heart sing a thankful and joyful song to God. Allways be thankful for what you got now. Acces the River of life, love and abundance which lies in the sacred heart.
9. Be gentle in words and deeds, but with the dignity that is allways by the Presence of the Living God side, that lives in the temple of your being. Allways offer your capacities and your inner movement to the Living God. Try to manifest compassion for those who suffer.
10. Your words be gentle, full of love and serving. Do not allow humility to be mistaken by letargy, because God's worker, like the sun above, pays permanent attention and allways spreads his gifts of love upon those open to receive them.
Allways be in harmony with the whole creation and the whole nature. If harmony goes, anarchy appears and with this one comes along the distruction.
No mather what people say or do, you stay in harmony. I someone is harming you, bless him and follow your own truth. Don't let it be a part of your reality, it is unuseful.
If you meet disarmonic situations, get away from there. You are not oblidged to remain in disarmony.
Look all the time for truth and harmony and never step out of this road, or else you will destroy yourselves. Those that are still oposing to these energies embracing now your planet, won't be able to do that for too long... they won't resist to the power of these changing energies, and will self destroy.
Do not follow feelings of guilt and desbination. Never regret what you are. Never regret the experiences that you are passing through. Be thankfull for the help you receive.
Harmony should be quality nr. one in your lives. It will open the gates towards your admition into the "Ascending Halls". You will know when you are there: nothing will bother you anymore. No matter what people would say, their words would not harm your heart in no way.
Someone in a state of perfect harmony is perfectly happy with what life means. He totaly accepts what it is. When you will become like that, you are ready for ascencion...
message from the lemurian ascended people living in the mount shasta area in the 5th d