The Cosmic Trigger lll : A Unique Blend of Energies - Channelled from Metatron
The upcoming Spring Equinox on March 20, 2011 features very rare and prolific astrological energy resonance...the coming together of a Perigee Full Moon on Saturday-March 19, and the Equinox Sun conjuncts Uranus within incredible proximity of influence through the connected energies of the Cosmic Trigger..
This 'cocktail' of assorted energies forms a portal potential of enormous prioritization and a fulcrum point of massive shift for all of humanity in macro and micro. How humanity choose to utilize & engage this timing will measure your intent and progression into the Ascension. It is a grand opportunity, and offering to humanity indeed!
This embellished astrology surrounding the coming Equinox all combines and is even further driven by a special ' north lunar node' to assist humanity in truly understanding and completing much of their personal clearings. It is an unique opportunity to reboot into greater clarity and refurbished energy.
All of you are stretching your boundaries, and pushing into greater consciousness, new paradigms. There is always a discomfort factor involved in such changes. Dear Humans, we understand the difficulties, the hardships, the effort required in these transitions, and we are here in the now, to support and assist you. We honor you for choosing to be here at this time, for making the decision to Ascend.
Utilizing the Energy : Taking Part
The upcoming Equinox is a time to gather, a time to receive codes, a time to prioritize, and time to assist one another and align. If you are able to gather, do so, if you are not, then join in etherically. Make time to meditate, for the Cosmic Trigger is a special energy embellished with codes that can assist you in myriad ways.