Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Expansion of the Earth cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?

  Almost everyone wonders what's currently going on with our planet. Everyday we read about volcanoes, earthquakes steadily increasing weight by tens to hundreds of aftershocks followed and huge cracks that suddenly occur in the Earth's surface.

Besides the idea that the large-scale geophysical and climate changes under way could be caused by an approaching large planetary object, known as Nibiru, other factors seem to play a major role. The expulsion of the Earth, a theory that the mainstream science is still regarded as outdated, now seems a very plausible explanation for what is happening on a global scale.

The global warming comes from within, because the internal Sun, a plasma ball, currently cosmic and solar activity is stimulated. If the Earth this off as a corollary, which can be seen as a balloon that is inflated further, it means that the surface stretch. This creates not only the country but also cracks in the seabed. Tectonic plates slide under each other, where earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are due.

It is known now that the massive bird and fish kills due to methane gas that rises from the ground, in the places where high seismic activity is present.

Now, in the alternative media constantly emphasizes the fact that HAARP would be responsible for the intentional creation of devastating earthquakes, could you imagine the following question: Has anyone's interest to convince you that the matter still under control, whether you find yourself a more comfortable idea that anyone has control over the events on Earth, rather that it is a cosmic event that is beyond any human control?

Perhaps is it high time for science to continue her eyes widen once again examine the theory in combination with the huge changes on the Earth.


Clif High, the man behind the web bot project, wrote in a Feb. 28 story about what is going on in and around our planet and put it in context with the theory of the expanding Earth. Most of the facts mentioned by Clif we were already known, but it is a very interesting way  expressed and brought out at a perfect time .

2012 – Doom ain't What It Used to Be.



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WoW! Very interesting, especially the video. Thank you Trudy.

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