The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
We come to give hope. Although we are aware that some these days FEEL 'hope' to be a position of 'lacking'.
28th Janurary 2011
Good evening to you. As usual I have been doing a lot of thinking about things. As usual, I have been thinking about my relationship with you. As usual, I always come up with the same result. To TRUST in the fact that what you FEEL appropriate to talk to us about is probably the most valuable information we could have at each given time we connect. So, once again, as usual, I leave it in your capable hands ... despite the fact that there are those who FEEL you should be coming forth with a lot more information regarding matters that are taking place on earth at this time.
We thank you for respecting our wishes and we KNOW also that although at times we may deliver words that seem to be of a repetitive nature ... we are aware of our plan and why we do so. For those that find our communications with you a little stilted, then of course we desire only that they find their path and satisfactory answers from other sources that are available to them at this time. What we wish you to keep in the forefront of your mind is that we, as so often stated, are here to assist. To bring about within your BEING that which will serve you and therefore serve the whole. It is not that we are unconcerned with navigational pulls and matters that seem to pull many into unrest, indeed this is not so. Yet we TRULY desire to bring to you that which can uplift and raise the frequencies of all involved in this great shift which lies ahead.
We do not FEEL it to be of great benefit to dispel words that can be so easily destroyed and contorted, so that there leaves only confusion and doubt. We wish to offer you knowledge regarding YOURSELVES. This is OUR mission. It is therefore necessary to keep to that which we find most useful to you.
And that sure is fine by me. Sometimes my mind strays off the path and perhaps I get influenced by things I read or hear and then I go into doubt about my work with you . How easily we can be misled. But the best thing of all is that at THEE most appropriate time, someone will write in with the exact words I needed to hear, although they are unaware of how I am FEELING. That always makes me smile for I FEEL that YOU probably have some influence over this.
We do not like to see you FEELING lost and confused. Especially where we are concerned. Yet we are aware, that for reach of you, it is your own journey . We cannot walk these steps for you. We can guide you, we can consider actions to take in order for the highest results to be achieved, yet we cannot make your choices for you. If you allow yourselves to melt into your own hearts ... instead of so often as you do ... allowing your minds to take control ... you would TRULY find that you had walked a mile when you had thought it had been just a few steps.
Ok. So, what is the topic for today? Oh! Just one quick thing if I may? More and more of these LIGHT Pillars seem to be appearing, in unusual places and now are displaying unusual shaping's ... even the weather experts are saying this is not normal. A few words on this ... if you wouldn't mind?
We are more than aware of critical information that appears in what is 'laughingly' told to you as factual news.
What do you mean by 'critical information'? Sorry, a bit confused by that last statement.
In that, there are those who are ostracized for what they know to be Truth and indeed it is. Yet sadly, in your world for a long time, what IS TRUTH has been swept under the carpet and trodden on heavily. We might suggest that those who 'speak' to you regarding climatic change and many matters regarding what is appearing or indeed not appearing, are little more than 'property', if we may put it kindly. So many of what you assume are 'important' therefore 'factual' issues are far from what they are made out to be. You wonder why, others ask you why we simply don't speak to you in a more 'factual Truthful' way about this. We are incapable of mistruth. Yet, what we KNOW to be Truth is more often than not best kept for a time when those that shall announce what is REALLY going on, are able to do so, without it being heard from 'other places' first.
What, do you mean from you?
Why though?
Because that which is to be revealed is of such magnitude that for those who choose to know and accept it as TRUTH are ... if you like ... already 'obliged' to retrieve certain information from certain souls. It has been decreed. And it is not for US to interfere with particular plans. If we were to reveal what is to come, before the time when it is most appropriate to be revealed, then we would not only be deceiving you but ourselves as well.
So, is this why then, you keep quiet about many things when I ask? Because it is not your place to say?
Very nice to know. It makes a lot of sense as to why many of our conversations have gone in the fashion they have.
Please accept that there are matters we can offer information about and matters that we cannot. Again we reiterate our position. We come to give hope. Although we are aware that some these days FEEL 'hope' to be a position of 'lacking'.
Eh, you've lost me there, well ,actually I do understand the sentence. Meaning one needs hope because they do not like the situation they are in perhaps? (lacking in something)
This is how some now look upon it ... yet for ourselves in our position we would always wish to shower you with rays of hope. For in this time that is upon you we FEEL that where there is hope there can be strength to carry on. We 'hope' that we shall continue to offer 'hope'.
And I hope you do too! Back to the pillars then ?? I know ... I'm a bit of a cheeky chops!
We wouldn't have you any other way. And indeed , we are happy to be brought back on track. We have been asked by you before, if these pillars on display have anything to do with our 'tactics'. What we choose to add is that we can not only influence power structures, we are able to account for many phenomena that your world may 'strike off' as something other than what it is..
So ... are these pillars from you ... ? ? ?
We are picking up on your frustration and we are smiling at you smiling. We would say that they are influenced by us. We would also say that due to impending conditions we shall make it known that there shall be a difference between those pillars of Light that are influenced by us and those which are directly from us.
Oddly enough the ones I have seen lately, even though different and apparently unusual, still don't have the 'hallmark' of that which you showed me in my mind when you first spoke of them. I feel there will be no question when YOUR pillars are displayed. I FEEL we will know.
It is for the benefit of those on your earth to have these definities. How often have we explained that there is reason in all we do. It cannot be understood by you at all times and we are aware that because of this, much confusion and doubt may enter. And yet, here you are dear Blossom still talking to us.
And here you are dear Feddy's talking to me!! Sometimes I wonder whether i might get demoted and someone with more credentials for this position might step in. I'd certainly put up a fight for unfair dismissal.
We smile and there are things we would like to say regarding your position that you are preventing us from saying.
Nope, just preventing myself from writing it down. I got it and thanks . Moving on then ...
We have many times also used the expression 'Hold on to your hats'. In this year of 2011 you will grasp more of why we have spoken this way. Yet, we wish to amplify the fact over and over that...
Do you 'get that'? Do you really ... from the deepest place of your heart KNOW THAT? We ask you to seriously and most conscientiously work on this. Allow yourselves to KNOW from within the very depth of who you are ... that ...
There never has been and there never will be. Fear does not exist unless you choose to give it life. Therefore choose NOT to give it life. Not to give it one moment of your precious breath. Let every breath that you inhale and exhale be only in the deepest sincerest KNOWLEDGE that you are moving forward into THEE most incredible times that your souls have yet experienced. How can you fear that? KNOW that all that is taking place and all that is to take place in the times ahead of you, are part of the master DIVINE plan that is to bring about the downfall of those that have for so long underestimated the power that is LOVE.
Connect with your heart in a New Way. Get to know your heart and its qualities. For when you do so ... it will allow you to enter into a new understanding of who you are. These things we CAN tell you.
Think WITH your heart. Think ABOUT your heart. Enter INTO your heart in every moment. BE your heart. Find yourself within it. For that is Truly where your soul resides whilst you are upon this Earth. And is it not the time now? ... and it is all in the timing ... for you to go there and find the Higher aspect of YOU? The YOU that is to come out into the open and awaken others. For by BEING LOVE there is not one soul that can deny that you could be anything else.
FEELS like the end of the session. Thank you . I for one FEEL more at peace with what you have offered here. I look forward to talking with you again soon ... and I look forward also to seeing 'YOUR' pillars of Light , not just the ones you have influenced.
And we look forward to the energy that shall abound when you do. keep your spirits up , as they say in your world. It is indeed the only way for them to FEEL at home.
Will do our very best. Roger over and out! In Love and thanks as always. for info on more Light pillars.
Beautiful beautiful message ... Truth ...Where? in the Heart in the Heart ... come on people do not be afraid of your own HEART ... FEEL THE RITME OF LOVE and act to it (^L^)
thank you Kerrie for bringing this message of TRUTH forwards xx
Thank you Kerrie. It's nice to know they are listening.
If we were to reveal what is to come, before the time when it is most appropriate to be revealed, then we would not only be deceiving you but ourselves as well.
smile mean 14th Oct 2008 Simone,I feel that they would have known that those that are in control (or think they are still in control of us) may have responded the way they did, however it was a choice made by the Higherachy and apparently Blossom's higherself knew this may be the case,why is it when it happened I knew immediately that all is well and it is plane B then?we need to awaken as many people as posible in preparation for 11:11 we need to assist this planet bigtime at that portal opening,here is a link to Isis's channel on what is needed with this ascession:
and this man has complete memory of where he is from and is in contact with The Federation of Light and the spiritual Hierachy he says there are many of us here at this time that are straight from our home planet,Ashtar has contacted him he has been on a ship and spoken with them twice,author of prepare for the landings :)
Simone said:
patrick said:
Thank you Kerrie. It's nice to know they are listening.
If we were to reveal what is to come, before the time when it is most appropriate to be revealed, then we would not only be deceiving you but ourselves as well.
Yes, does that mean they learn from mistakes too?
Here some examples in Nebraska
Simmy said:
"More and more of these LIGHT Pillars seem to be appearing, in unusual places..."
I've seen photos of them from two or three occasions. This is not a lot. Am I missing something?
Also, I have to agree with Simone. I do like (some of) their messages. Sometimes they are really uplifting, but I think they could come from anyone. With no disrespect, there is nothing is their(?) message that proves it is coming from someone like "The Federation of Light". Don't get me wrong, I would really love the whole thing to be true but I'm still waiting for an absolute proof that they(?) are who they say they are.
Then that is where you are meant to be at this time Simmy
Simmy said:"More and more of these LIGHT Pillars seem to be appearing, in unusual places..."
I've seen photos of them from two or three occasions. This is not a lot. Am I missing something?
Also, I have to agree with Simone. I do like (some of) their messages. Sometimes they are really uplifting, but I think they could come from anyone. With no disrespect, there is nothing is their(?) message that proves it is coming from someone like "The Federation of Light". Don't get me wrong, I would really love the whole thing to be true but I'm still waiting for an absolute proof that they(?) are who they say they are.
Here some examples in Nebraska
Simmy said:"More and more of these LIGHT Pillars seem to be appearing, in unusual places..."
I've seen photos of them from two or three occasions. This is not a lot. Am I missing something?
Also, I have to agree with Simone. I do like (some of) their messages. Sometimes they are really uplifting, but I think they could come from anyone. With no disrespect, there is nothing is their(?) message that proves it is coming from someone like "The Federation of Light". Don't get me wrong, I would really love the whole thing to be true but I'm still waiting for an absolute proof that they(?) are who they say they are.
I haven't lost my faith at all. Quite the opposite really.
I'm sure I am where I'm meant to be and if this means I put things in question more than others, that's fine by me.
I'm sorry if I upset you with my questioning. I think Blossom is a cool lady, she gives us nice messages and she doesn't ask for money; and you are a nice lady that is only passing on the messages and what you believe in. I respect that.
I can honestly say that I don't know if I believe in the FoL. I want to believe. it would be very nice if things work out like they say it will.
I agree the next 2 years are going to be really important to humanity and that we'll have to hold onto our hats!
Kerrie said:
The Federation say that it is the individuals soul journey and I guess that needing proof and doubting space is where you are meant to be for now, it is your soul journey to experience that and you are not alone so many have lost faith, I did before all this started I went through 2 years of it,I blamed everyone including or especially God,I totally denonced him, it wasn't a nice space to be in,it is not my place to convince you otherwise,I didn't mean to sound short, I am just tired, yet I am wired at the moment,I do not have the grace The Federation do,God I would like some of it:) but I think us Aussi's are bit like that we tend to just come out with it I guess, no beating around the bush:) But I am feeling like it is time to really do some serious soul searching I feel this years is going to be big on that as The Federation say hold onto your hats.
Simmy said:I don't get it. What do you mean by that Kerrie?
Kerrie said:Then that is where you are meant to be at this time Simmy
Simmy said:"More and more of these LIGHT Pillars seem to be appearing, in unusual places..."
I've seen photos of them from two or three occasions. This is not a lot. Am I missing something?
Also, I have to agree with Simone. I do like (some of) their messages. Sometimes they are really uplifting, but I think they could come from anyone. With no disrespect, there is nothing is their(?) message that proves it is coming from someone like "The Federation of Light". Don't get me wrong, I would really love the whole thing to be true but I'm still waiting for an absolute proof that they(?) are who they say they are.
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