Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Does anyone have any information regarding Tesla or his inventions.Also if anyone knows of succesful recreations of his inventions please put them here.

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Hi Mike

I have a very interesting ebook that it is going to get your attention. Download from here :

Password: books_for_all
It is about 28 built yourself projects that involve Technology like an antigravity project,Electromagnetic pulse generator and other stuff and some of the inventions of Nikola Tesla.

MIKE said:
I downloaded it but it wouldn't open.i do have a mac though so maybe thats why. what was the ebook about?
It wont open cause its a .rar file. You need some annoying decoder for your computer to be able to unzip it. I HATE .RAR! Its such a hassle and i cant find a .rar unzipping program that doesn't cost me money.
I for one would love to be able to read it krono. Is there a way you can upload your unzipped file to like rapidshare or megaupload.
Hi Vaddix, don`t worry. I have already uploaded. Here is the link :

Vaddix said:
I for one would love to be able to read it krono. Is there a way you can upload your unzipped file to like rapidshare or megaupload.
Krono said:
Hi Vaddix, don`t worry. I have already uploaded. Here is the link :

Vaddix said:
I for one would love to be able to read it krono. Is there a way you can upload your unzipped file to like rapidshare or megaupload.
Thanks Krono. Its my day off today so ill give it a read.
damn i suck at electronics. no way i'll be able to make anything from this e book. I wan the lightsabre though
The only person I know of who's following up on Teslas work Is John Hutchinson. I'm also very interested in finding out as much as I can about Nikola Teslas work. I believe he was on the verge of breakthrough science, but was blocked by people who saw his work as non-proffit making.

Please let me know what you find out and I'll do likewise, I believe it's extremely important


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