Create Your Own Multidimensional Portal
Anyone in human form can call for these clearings
This is a New and Improved version of this prayer which I have experienced amazing results with
I asked Spirit to show me a way to Improve this prayer so That It would be more effective. I got the Impression that Because of these end times that I needed a bigger crew to Assist. I decided to add to this prayer and call other beings of Light. I added many other beings to this prayer and asked that All Inter-dimensional doorways be closed and sealed * Well, that Did the trick. I have this portal set up now to cover this whole Neighborhood. By doing this, it will cut down on a lot of the Clearings. However, It needs to be repeated sometimes, Especially If you live in an area with a lot of lower light people With dark energy like I do.
This has been an absolute blessing to me as It's giving me More time To do other things * You can also ask these beings 0f light to set up these one way multidimensional portals Anywhere in the world. Distance Is no barrier. Think of the Progress we could make in this world by asking to have these Portals set up over places like Haarp, The White House, Justice Systems, places of war. The Military that are spraying the Chemtrails etc , et, etc, The list goes on. We all know that Those seeking to harm us are controlled by the dark forces. Having these Portals set up over places of corruption could Well speed events up.
Use your Imagination and lets do It. Pass this prayer far and Wide, so other lightworkers can help themselves and Participate In having our planet cleared of all that Is Interfering With our ascension and blast all the dark energies off this Planet
In Love & Light,
Inspired by: Diane Stein, Reliance on the Light (CA: The Crossing Press, 2001).
Please gift yourself with this book full of many processes to heal your multidimensional life.
Before beginning, State:
“I ,your name ___Decree I Am Dedicating myself to The Light Now:
, “I Am asking for and invoking the presence and assistance of Christ Michael, the Archangel and The Light Force the Powers of Light, the Lords of Light, the Legions of Light, the Warriors of Light, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Grace, the Lords of Protection, and the Divine Director, I also ask for Assistance and support from The Dolphins, The Elementals, Tree's, Nature Spirits, The Light Beings from Arcturus, Nomo's, Sirius, 0rion, 0rionus, and the special Light Beings from Telos and The Hollow Earth, The Army of The Lord Christ and The Guardians of the planet now:
* * * * * * * *
I am asking you all to establish and activate a one-directional multidimensional portal with I, { your name } __________ for the purpose of automatically removing all lost, trapped, misplaced, and Illegal entities and energies and all demons of darkness. Demonic forces from in and around I { your Name }__________ and transporting them to where they belong now. I am asking you all to station 1000's of guards with this porta l to ensure It's operation as an automatic, one-directional portal with Maximum efficiency and minimum effort now. I am asking you all to make this portal Immediate, Permanent—Instantly,past, present, future—throughout all time, space, dimension—now.
I am asking you all to establish and activate a one-directional multidimensional portal at { your Address/ town/ country }__________ [location] for the purpose of automatically removing all lost, trapped, Misplaced, and Illegal entities and energies and all demons of darkness, demonic forces from in and Around this location and transporting them to where they belong now. I am asking you all to station Millions of guards with this portal to ensure its operation as an automatic, one-directional portal with Maximum efficiency and minimum effort now. I am asking you all to make this portal Immediate, permanent—past, present, future—throughout Time, space, dimension—now.
* * * * * * *
I ask for this assistance to be fully, completely, permanently, and forever through all the levels and Components, all the dimensions, all the connections, all the systems, and between them, through all Multidimensions and between them of the multidimensional being.
I ask for this assistance through all the levels and all the bodies. I ask for this assistance through all The lifetimes on earth and all planets, and beyond. I ask for this assistance through the DNA level. I ask For this assistance through the history level. I ask for this assistance through the core belief level. I ask For this assistance through the core soul level and beyond. I ask for this assistance through the karmic Contract level. I ask for this assistance through the ascension level.
I ask for this assistance from beyond the moment of self to below the center of the earth and from Beyond the pure light above creation to below the well of life and the fire of life at the center of the earth, And all planets, and beyond and between all of these. I ask and Intend that all Inter- Dimensional Doorways be closed and sealed that are being used by beings with negative agenda's to Access me and mine now and forever.. I ask and Intend that this assistance be Immediate, Instant, past, present future. I ask and Intend for this assistance to, be sealed In The Light and 0nto protection Immediatly, completely and on a full and permanent basis now
And So It Is !
It Is done ! It Is done ! It Is done !