Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

.Info on Mass Bird/Fish Deaths by Simeon Chiron

I am sure you have heard of this recent phenomenon by now. A friend just asked me my take on it. I had not previously taken time to tune in, and her question served that purpose. As a result a stream of awareness came flowing in from higher sources.

I do not usually post this type of information in these newsletters. I only post what I am guided to. I was, however, guided to post this information and to expand slightly upon what came through as a result of my friend's question.

So here it is:

What I am receiving about the mass bird/fish deaths recently in various locations around the planet, is that the Earth's crust is building up huge pressures right now and in various places where there is a lot of crystal in the Earth's crust which is aligned in specific ways, the piezoelectric emissions can be huge. On top of that there is some other geomagnetic analomies that have added into the effect as well, making the emissions from the Earth quite hazardous at times in specific locales.

What is complicating things even further is that there are manipulations taking place wherein the powers that be are attempting to hold the geomagnetic fields of the Earth in place to prevent what will happen if they hit zero during a pole reversal. If that happens much of the data stored electronically on the planet could be erased for good. Things like banking records etc, gone forever...

The powers that be know this is a possibility and that is part of what HAARP has been about. There are also other mechanisms in place for attempting to control the geomagnetic fields of the Earth. These technologies are being used to control the magnetic fields of the planet for long enough periods of time that they could avert such a disaster. That is also why it is all so hush-hush, they do not want mass panic if they reveal publicly what could possibly happen.

These attempts to control the Earth's magnetic fields require experimentation. If they do their experiments at times when there is strong solar flux and geomagnetic storms it covers their tracks a bit, but it can also worsen the effect for people or animals in various geomagnetic zones that can be affected very strongly.

So this is what my sources are telling me is responsible, a combination of natural emissions increasing dramatically as a result of the eclipse cycle we are in, right now and some experimentation taking place simultaneously with HAARP and/or similar technologies attempting to control the Earth's geomagnetic fields.

For what is worth, I have always been quite profoundly affected by geomagnetic storms on our planet and at times of high solar flux (they are intimately related). I have studied this in the laboratory of self for about 14 years now looking at correlations between what I am experiencing and what certain indicators like the KP and Solar Flux indices show. I also have been correlating what other people report to me as a part of this ongoing research.

Well, I started personally using the Regenesis H2Oau water about 6 weeks ago. The intense geomagnetic storm we just experienced on Earth did not negatively impact me, and rather it served as some sort of vehicle of empowerment. I am still working to define exactly how this is occurring, but it was as if I was in my "Divine Chariot of Fire" and it was receiving additional power. Normally I get "hit" quite profoundly when these storms are taking place.

This was a rather amazing experience, and I have no idea if it would hold true for others. But it is something worth looking into as part of my ongoing research with the Regenesis H2Oau (see link below).

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do you have the link to the h2oau?
According to the Dutch site Niburu, this was also happening at the time of the earthquake in Haiti. A high form of energy came free  during  the earthquake and caused hundreds of deaths. All those dead bodies had no injury. The American army had the whole area sealed off  in no time  and no one was allowed to enter in that area  . Not even the Red Cross !!! There was also a rumor about a combination with HAARP !!!

And if I may venture to put my thoughts here on this release I see dead birds and fish as an exercise of the dark cabal Whom are aware of the change of the magnetic field around our Earth. See how far they can push this through with the use of HAARP.

thank you Turquoise Very Good topic :)))

Trudy, you would be in agreement with David Wilcock about HAARP, do you think, as he does, that the NWO West is trying to prevent earths ascension using this weapon ?

Yes Patrick that is my conviction. There is lately a high sensibility in the air, with a abnormale pressure. It is like a invisible hand pressures the air down ... it makes your body sick and the pressure is causing big headaches :(
 for the dark cabal it is a piece of cake with their equipment for measurements
to bring in Haarp at the right moment ...


Yep, they can cook us all like meat in a microwave, not a nice thought. Imagine the minds that went into building that, they are very sick people who deserve our sympathy. On the other hand, it is supposed to be protecting 'civilization' or capital assets in the event of a pole shift. Both are probably true.

Galactic alignment and ascension happen after the pole-shift pX events. That's what I'm seeing now.









Here another link:  in the air = methane

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