Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello friends ... I am relatively new to this community ... I joined around 5 or 6 days back .. And boy oh boy, what great days they have been .. Anyways I have a question ... I read a similar question on some other site which i don't remember .... The question is, how do i tell my friends and family about all of this not so general stuff ... I am trying to tell them ever since my childhood because i really felt that something was wrong with this world .... that may seem like an overstatement but that's what i thought and still think ...Ever since those childhood days, all I see around myself is negativity and whenever I try to bring positivity into it (I try to do it most of the time), all I get is negativity and comments by those negative people that what a saint I am ... or so to speak ... whenever i try to tell them anything "unexplained" which i find on the internet, they think that i live in a world of fantasies .. My father once even told me he was going to take me to a psychiatrist ... He was a bit high at that time, so i thought that he was kidding .... but, seriously, i don't know what to do ... I have told them to check on the internet, but all everyone has to say is that there is loads of BS here ..... But I really believe that what you guys do and say is true ... I think that it is people like them who are living in a world of fantasy ... I really want them to understand all of this and show them the true face of the world and that most of the things shown on TV and taught in our schools are there to mislead us .. But they don't .. Please help ... I don't know what to do ...

Peace, love and light

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Thank you steve .. So does it mean that I should just wait ?... All right then ... Ill spend the time which i spend failing to convince them on educating myself to all of this ...
Thank you simone for this really deep comment .... much appreciated .. It makes me feel much better already :) .. Jenny, I haven't had any UFO experience but I have had lots of deja-vus and other incidents (weird dreams coming true in weird ways and stuff) indicating that all is not well .. thank you for sharing that experience .. :) .. Gosh .. I really hope I see a UFO and our extraterrestrial friends soon ...
peace, love and light
I think just focus on meditation and a more philosophical sense of spirituality. I think people will be shocked if you start talking about ascension, UFOs, etc :)
Dear Abimanyu Kashyap.

I must echo the sentiments expressed here thus far. Trying to make someone understand that they are living an illusion is very much like trying to make them understand what the color blue tastes like. And at this time I'm feeling that one of my guiding energies is trying to say something (third eye chakra actually feels as if it's burning) so I'll let them have a go.

*Following offered by emerging energy*


So many are, at the moment, waking up and finding themselves looking out over a land filled with dreamers. Strong is the impulse to shake them awake and tell them that they have been asleep, but it would be 'wrong' to do so. Along the scale of grey, it would in fact be near the darkest edge. Observe the sleep of those who dream, be aware that you yourself are still stretching out with sleep riddled eyes, and that which surrounds you is very bright and unfamiliar.

Very soon they shall awaken. And as they open their eyes for the first time, blinking against the light that surrounds them, they will see you standing there, fully awake and aware, and it is your guidance they will seek. For now, let your eyes adjust to the brightness, explore these new surroundings, find that which it is you have been searching for.

So while you do this, what do you tell the dreamer? What do you tell the somnambulant to make them wake up and realise they are about to throw themselves off the stairs? You do not say anything. Waking up speaks louder than words, and they shall see this for themselves. But as the sleepwalker that is about to injure himself, be not afraid to nudge them slightly, alter their course almost imperceptibly. They do not need be aware of this, the results will remain the same regardless.

So how does one nudge? Begin with the simple things, things which are affecting their illusion as their true minds struggle against the inherent flaw in the veil that has been pulled over their eyes. Speak to them of the true nature of banks, government, things which they themselves can back up with shards of the same illusion. Offer them your support and guidance, and speak to them of meditation, of relaxation (yes, it is me) and let them experience how it afffects them positively.

Do not force. Nudge.

Be well.

**I'm back at the helm**

Reading back, I don't think I have anything else to add. I still don't know who or how, and I don't consider myself a channeler, but I hope the information that came through was helpful.

I will try and give you a quick answer. I am pretty sure everyone goes through this. I think the start is to find the love for yourself. Once you do this people around you will detect a change. You can explain this change with love and without fear. Just remember, its all about love. I remeber a teacher of mine taught me division in grade school without ever telling us what we were learning. When we were finally told, everyone was amazed that they were doing division. I remember rolling my eyes and throwing my pencil. You dont have to say, Aliens are coming down to earth, the world is changing, 2012 is real, and theres this group called the illuminati that runs everything, that chair has a soul, etc., etc.. That would probably scare me, and I'm already awake. Try to beam love to everyone you meet and smile, leave all fear behind you... and they will ask. And when they do ask tell them that all they could ever need to know is inside of them. And it is a path that they will have to walk themselves, but if they need any help, you'd be happy to show them a way.
Thank you all for the comments ... Ullan, as said by Jenny, it did really give me goosebumps too ... amazing ..
You could do what I do...I tell my children "I'm not your mother" she's been taken over by a warrior of light...
lol .. i don't have any children .. but ill try it with my younger sis ...

Your plea, captured me imediately, I hear your excitment and concern!!, My family do not operate on the same level of consciencousness as me, they do not see the illusions they have not had a 3d awakening!! I have learned from very regretful" attempts of sharing , that less is best... It is like an alien trying to talk alien language to a non alien :-)

doesn't work... yet they know* I am different from my awakening, they tell me they love my zest and zeal for life , now
but they really don't want to know .... at least for now and I through much pain and suffering have accepted this fact

blessings Rene
RedBeard said:
I will try and give you a quick answer. I am pretty sure everyone goes through this. I think the start is to find the love for yourself. Once you do this people around you will detect a change. You can explain this change with love and without fear. Just remember, its all about love. I remeber a teacher of mine taught me division in grade school without ever telling us what we were learning. When we were finally told, everyone was amazed that they were doing division. I remember rolling my eyes and throwing my pencil. You dont have to say, Aliens are coming down to earth, the world is changing, 2012 is real, and theres this group called the illuminati that runs everything, that chair has a soul, etc., etc.. That would probably scare me, and I'm already awake. Try to beam love to everyone you meet and smile, leave all fear behind you... and they will ask. And when they do ask tell them that all they could ever need to know is inside of them. And it is a path that they will have to walk themselves, but if they need any help, you'd be happy to show them a way.

Hello , I just wanted to add that I pretty much agree, My family acknowledge my new found love of self and life and everyone in the planet lol, they acknowledge my changes from my spiriitual awakening, but they like to use the language of "physcitatrists", that is all they know, to them all of this talk is mere mental illness and living in a dellusional mind
if i do need to discuss things with them, if i am bursting out of my skin , I just come up with something funny so they can pallet what I say.... and we make light fun of it

it is a journey indeed eh?:-))
Hi ,

Everybody is learning at his/hers own pace. If there not ready it is not to us to force them. And like in the other comment, when they do awake, we are there for them, fully awake and we can help them. I remember the saying: "Heal yourself before you heal the world".

WIsh you lots of love and light
Hi Abhimanyu,

I'm new here, but I'll jump right in... People need to find their own path -- and your best bet to help them do that is to be a good example of living in the Light and having a good life. Find and refer them to intermediate web sites that won't scare them, but that has information to help them awaken. When they ask you ..."What's Up?" tell them you found your Spiritual Path and that you are following it, being careful not to cram your beliefs down their ears...

What led you here? I may be new, but I know Brad from the Oct 14, 2008 experience, this site is moderated and Brad has high standards! Send your family and friends links, starting with the most likely first, to gather steam along the way!! Get educated and up to speed as quickly as you can so when your family and friends start asking questions, you will have answers...

I wish you lots of luck, my daughter started asking questions a couple months ago, so it is very possible to "help" them wake up... Be gentle...

Love and Light,

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