Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I know I said I would stop listening to the channelers before, but curiosity continues to bring me back. Blossom's post Oct 14th channeling in particular are of interest. First, if there exists beings that are capable of telepathic contact, then we must also agree that the possibility of them to stimulate other areas of the brain are quite possible. As you can see in Blossom's channels, she is able to feel emotion from them and they are able to project emotion to her as well.

I see several types of brainwashing and mind control techniques that are being used on her. The first technique is called "Love bombing". From Wiki: Love bombing is the deliberate show of affection or friendship by an individual or a group of people toward another individual. Critics have asserted that this action may be motivated in part by the desire to recruit, convert or otherwise influence. One might also look into hypnosis as well as it is quite possible given the means of communication. We also see coercive persuasion. Coercive persuasion comprises social influences capable of producing substantial behavior, attitude and ideology change through the use of coercive tactics and persuasion, via interpersonal and group-based influences.

Once can also see examples of other types of reinforcement techniques such as when the entity claims that they have thought about cutting contact. You can clearly see how distressing it is to Blossom, but they continue and things get "friendlier". Consider something such as Stockholm Syndrome. Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger (or at least risk) in which they have been placed.

I am not sure as to why these techniques are being used on her. I do not see such techniques being used on some of the other channelers that claim to be in contact with the FoL or GFoL. Keep in mind that Blossom's entities never give out any details about themselves. Even something small such as a name.

I do believe that Blossom is in danger if she continues contact with these entities. I do not see such techniques being used by the White Cloud entity on the one claiming to be from GFoL. Unfortunately, I believe Blossom will be unable to keep herself away from channeling to the GFoL as they have already won her mind over with the techniques I mentioned above.

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Hi Clinton (I think that's you hehe).

The problem is I think she will not be able to keep herself away at this point due to the techniques being used. I am certain if you were to be in contact with the same entity you would begin experiencing similar things. This type of reinforcement is very dangerous. I think you of all people understand that from the mistakes you made when channeling a a few weeks ago.

All being said:
Its all a learning experience for her she will start to flow with new things. But if it does not resonate look at something that does. Explore and find your own out look. I must say I really enjoyed this disscution very well informed about nthings keep it up...namesta
You are right. Other entities usually present themself at first. Maybe Clinton would be able to ask who is Blossom contacting with?
I'd ask him to, but then he might fall into the trap Blossom is in :/
Only Blossom herself can ask the right questions, but I have not seen her able to do so yet.

BlueCosmicNight said:
Maybe Clinton would be able to ask who is Blossom contacting with?
No problem, Clinton. Don't want you to get harmed anyways. Maybe as a fellow channler you can contact Blossom and let her know,. Also, you might want to contact other entities so you can ask about this and see if they can aid her.

All being said:
Yip totally right dont mess with others spirit.... Unless it is guided by your light beings. I am not gonna go there...
Steve, do you have a link to the part about her bringing 12 people? I have not seen that. Thanks :)

Steve Atreides said:
Considering the most recent messages, I think you may be right H.R, and this new thing about her bringing 12 people with her to some place has me worried. With Mark Kimmel and Mike Quinsey, you just don't get messages like this, which leads me to believe that perhaps the FOL is one of those groups of races that may not be here with complete openness and honesty and have some ulterior motive. SaluSa, Diane, Bren-Ton, even the other Andromedans Alex Collier has been in contact are nothing like this at all. They're very supportive and honest, even though they're adamant about not revealing the date of first contact, which I understand completely.
Yeah, that's a great idea. Would you be able to get in touch with either one?

Steve Atreides said:
I think it might be worth while to get in contact with Mark Kimmel and Mike Quinsey, I don't know if their sessions are just receiving messages or if they communicate with their sources too, but it might be beneficial to know if any races that are here have less than honest intentions with us.
I just ran into that post. I need to find out more about that. Scary :/
Steve Atreides said:
I remember someone on here mentioning it. I think it was on her blog somewhere

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Steve, do you have a link to the part about her bringing 12 people? I have not seen that. Thanks :)

Steve Atreides said:
Considering the most recent messages, I think you may be right H.R, and this new thing about her bringing 12 people with her to some place has me worried. With Mark Kimmel and Mike Quinsey, you just don't get messages like this, which leads me to believe that perhaps the FOL is one of those groups of races that may not be here with complete openness and honesty and have some ulterior motive. SaluSa, Diane, Bren-Ton, even the other Andromedans Alex Collier has been in contact are nothing like this at all. They're very supportive and honest, even though they're adamant about not revealing the date of first contact, which I understand completely.
Thanks :) I agree, the questions are usually quite simple and seem to be lead in a way. I think only the first part of her first channeling post Oct 14th she asked one or two good questions, but right after those she gets some of that emotional reinforcement and starts back with the inane questions and comments. It's very strange. To me it's almost like some of those people on the TV infomercials. They are paid to pretend to be consumers and ask questions that are prearranged and lead into deeper marketing.

PrincessHeart said:
nice analysis, and I do see a lot of this as well.
I just think.. if the GFOL are that perfect, why is there a need for things like empty threats like you mentioned, and petty things like subtly pointing out people's supposed shortcomings, which are in reality normal human behaviour, like doubt and curiosity. Things that shouldn't be slandered, but in fact appreciated.
Sure they'll act like they like her asking questions, but it's really only good questions, which already have a nicely packaged answers prepared for them, and make the GFOL look appealing.

Any updates from either one of them? I am really hoping you can get in touch :)

Steve Atreides said:
I suppose it couldn't hurt emailing them. On the whole I find I feel much more at ease with messages coming from Sirian, Andromedan, and Arcturian sources. Was there ever any indication of who specifically is communicating with Blossom?

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Yeah, that's a great idea. Would you be able to get in touch with either one?

Steve Atreides said:
I think it might be worth while to get in contact with Mark Kimmel and Mike Quinsey, I don't know if their sessions are just receiving messages or if they communicate with their sources too, but it might be beneficial to know if any races that are here have less than honest intentions with us.
Hi Kerrie,

Thanks for reading this :) Are you in contact with the same entities as Blossom? I haven't read any channelings from you. If you have links, can you send them to me? Maybe, if you haven't asked who they are and other details, can you? :)

Kerrie said:
In honouring your truth,FOL taught me this. I will accept your feelings on this.HOWEVER please know that the LOVE I personaly FEEL for these beautiful beings will forever be in my heart and if this is MIND CONTROL bring it on.
Love and Light Kerrie
Hi Kerrie, I listened to that interview too and was very moved by the story of the roses. That is absolutely beautiful. You certainly are woven into that tapestry.

namaste :)

Kerrie said:
Nicklas said:
I'm curious about FOL and GFOL too. When you look at messages from other channelers, and compare that to Blossoms, you can see the difference. I wonder what are they, Sirians, Pleiadians or some other race we don't know of?. Who is she talking to?

This is true they are of a different energy, as I was told that I came from Pleiades 4000 years ago, and as I have resonated so much with them, it is possible that Pleiades is part of their group but apparently there are a few reprecenitivies of planets in their ship. I can only repeat the love I FEEL when I read Snapshot,The Bridge or their channelings and how could White Cloud surport low energy beings, I have read White Clouds 3 books and there is nothing but love and truth in them.(Blossom has been chanelling him for 9 years) not to mention his beautiful meditations that take you on a wonderous inter galactic journey, and no I do not work for her, we have never met even though I got the inspiration to send the roses(anonamosly)to see what the universe wanted and after hearing Brad interview her and what the roses ment I did email her then, and more recently came across one page in snaphot that White Cloud had come through in (out of 145 pages) I got woken up at 5am to find this page to send to Blossom, In which he gives her beautiful words of encouragement as if he knew she would need them.Also Hawkins has monitored the channellings at 960 out of a 1000 Only Jesus got 1000.I don't who I am in all this yet but I know there is a strong connection for this is so not like me to care so much about anything but like all of us on this site I will learn who I am and they seem to be GRACEFULLY teaching me.Few thanks for letting me get that off my chest:) My ego is grateful to you guys lol.
Love and light Kerrie
I don't see them, but can definetaly feel them. And that feeling is strong enough to make me believe that one day I will see them.

john jones said:
YOU KNOW WHAT GUYS...........Even though they did'nt show them selvs they were real close to doing so!!!!
personally i think something did happen,BECAUSE i felt it......
love to you puff

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