Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers




We ask above ALL, within ALL of this that is to come ... that you KNOW YOU ARE LOVE.

You are the glorification of LOVE. It is LOVE that shall lead you through triumphantly, for there is NOTHING that can surpass it. There is NOTHING that can defeat it. LOVE shall take you to your new place.

When you KNOW of this in the core of your BEING then indeed this is a time to march onward. A time to BE who you came here to be. LOVE! KNOW IT. LOVE is the answer to every single question you could think to ask. Because LOVE is in everything. Nothing would /could exist if LOVE did not.

For Love is ALL there is and ALL there ever will be.

Blossom: Good morning to you. Lately I have been assessing my position with you, the role I play, and where I stand within it all and why??? Others seem to channell political , economica,l etc information , and you would probably recognise that for me, that would be like trying to download japenese geometrical data to a toddler. so I understand why we do not deal with this ... I was wondering though ... Truly , if you are coming through to offer us wisdom about ourselves and how to simply BE Love ,what more can you say? If we don't understand it now, then will we ever? I feel we now know so much and just need to make sure we ARE of it ... LOVE, I mean.

Federation of Light (FoL): Is it that you would make us redundant dearest lady?

Blossom: Not at all.

FoL: Then what is it you would wish to speak of?

Blossom: That's the thing. There must be a billion things we could know of , and yet , where would we start? Keeping in mind that we have spoken before about allowing you to bring forth knowledge that YOU feel is most appropriate for us.

FoL: And this we have done so far. We would not chose to 'abandon ship' so close to shore. We have travelled well together and our charts tell us that we have accomplished much within our plans of assistance. What is it YOU are requiring Blossom?

Blossom: Ah! Now there's the thing! I really don't know! I don't particularly want to stop our communication, not at all, but I FEEL perhaps we might change course or something. Where are we going with all this?

FoL: Home.

Bossom: Yet we seem so far away .... well, maybe so near and yet so far .... I can only speak for myself of course.

FoL: And that is why we are asking you what YOU want?

Blossom: OK. Something tangible. Something that will give us such a lift. Something that says 'it's ok ground crew ... we haven't deserted you'.We KNOW you haven't . We KNOW so many things now. Yet many of us are frustrated. We ARE doing our best to remain our Truth . We ARE playing our part down here , but we would so like some form of OBVIOUS FULL ON 'HELLO FOLKS' from you. I don't believe with all your technology that you are unable to come up with something that would astound, something that wouldn't be passed off as a weather balloon. I know you can do something spectacular without causing alarm, yet allowing the world to see what is in store, and when you do this, not only would it uplift our souls, but it would uplift the vibration of the planet one huge point on the Richter scale would it not?! It doesn't necessarily have to be your craft in the skies, but surely a spectacular display of something out of this world would be possible ... something for us to 'ooh' and aahh' about?

FoL: Dearest Blossom. You are missing the point.

Blossom: Clearly! In your wisdom ... sock it to me... right between the eyes!

FoL: We are firstly preparing you of planet Earth for what is to come. If one is not ready for the following days then it would be that so much planning would go awry. It is imperative that all is exactly in position at exactly the correct 'turning point'. And it is this turning 'point' that you are missing. We ask of you, you who have chosen to be where you are ... to remain steadfast in your Truth.

Blossom: We are , it's just that what may appear to be one minute to you, is probably one month, one year even for us and therefore, we have moments of feeling as if we are getting nowhere fast.

FoL: And yet your progression is immense. Many of you have driven yourselves on when you felt you had no strength. You ARE on target. You ARE on track. Do you hear these words? Do you acknowledge them? For if you do not, if you consider them to be words without meaning then there would be little point in us continuing.

Blossom: Yes I hear them. I FEEL them . I KNOW them to be Truth in the Divine plan. Yet we have heard them for so long and even though we can say 'Oh Good . Everything is ticketyboo' ... it still seems for many, to be a struggle that never ends.

Lets change my attitude shall we!!!!??? ... OK


Hello my friends, ♫ 'Oh what a beautiful morning ♫ Oh what a beautiful day'!♫ . Right . We are doing so well down here, it is wonderful how we are playing our role so well and progressing so quickly. We are all recognizing the changes going on and although a little uncomfortable at times, we recognize them for what they are , and we do our best to keep on top of it all. How are you doing? What words of wisdom would you care to impart?

FoL: We are and always are doing extremely well. We have no doubts as to the positioning of what it taking place and therefore, there is nothing that stands in our way . We chose to 'chat' with you Blossom in order to sprinkle hope amongst your people. We offer you upliftment for that is our choice to do so. We do not wish to discuss matters with you that are of the political /economical 'bend'(?) as this is not our desire. Indeed as mentioned that is the position for others and we each have our part of the vast plan to fulfill.

Blossom: So what is on the menu for discussion today?

FoL: Discernment.

Blossom: Ok. But have we not spoken of that already?

FoL: Indeed. And yet we are aware that not everyone has taken heed. It is imperative to listen to your heart, FEEL it speaking to you ... does it say to you 'TRUTH' or 'UNTRUTH'? Do this regarding ALL matters. For in these days as the darkness is leaving, there is every possibility that what is seemingly displayed as Truth to the masses ... is more than likely an unTruth. Much that shall occur in your future days and we speak of imminently , will be entrusted to those in power to 'shine the Light' on certain matters. Yet if you do not LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART, you will most certainly be misguided and misled. It is for those who understand what is arising behind the scenes that must remain in strength and take positions of authority. Truth is Truth. It cannot be disguised. And yet we say to you, that when you recognize the display of stories that are about to occur you shall instantly KNOW that the times we have spoken of are upon you.

Blossom: And yet ,are not so many disguising the Truth.

FoL: And yet , is it working? Truth is Truth is Truth is Truth. However much effort is put into trying to make something appear to be what it is not ... it cannot hide from the fact of WHAT IS. These words shall make more sense to you when that which we speak of is taking place.

Blossom: And yet with all respect, why must you speak of what ever it is like that.? Why are you unable to just come out with it ... what ever it is? Just say 'In the days ahead such and such is to occur'.

FoL: We would reply 'we have very strong reasons not to do so'. Have not best laid plans taken a fall in the past for doing this very thing?

Blossom: Mmm! You have a point. I didn't miss that one!

FoL: Be alert dear ones. Much change is to take place (in your time) very soon . And once announcements of a kind that will take you by great surprise are issued , there will be dividings. There will be upheaval and confusion on a grand scale. because what is to be told shall be taken and thrown to the wolves.

Blossom: Sorry, what to you mean by that exactly?

FoL: There will be versions of the Truth announced. This is why we speak as we do. Do not 'take in' as a Truth all that you are led to believe IS Truth ... for it is not. It will be versions of. In your world you have a genuine article and then you have many 'copies' of that article , disguised as the real thing and yet there will be something/somewhere, within/upon that article that will reveal it to be what it Truly is ...a fake ... and yet it may appear so genuine at the onset. Be Aware! All that you have prepared for, all these times when you felt useless and were proceeding so slowly will very soon prove to you that they were indeed very valuable. For it is coming soon when you shall NEED to put into practice your discernment to the maximum of your capability. Do you see now why again we wish to speak of this matter of 'Discernment'?

Yes I do, and I accept what you have said, for as you were giving me these words I felt quite an urgency about them. And interesting because I felt we maybe were talking on a more 'political' level, when to begin today we said we do not do that.

And yet , we feel it necessary to state our case within this particular matter that is to come. It will not be one that shall go unnoticed that is certain. It will not be the case, that if you do not have your news on that day you will miss it , for it shall be spread world wide and be THE TOPIC of conversation everywhere.

Blossom: I am assuming ( and I know one should never do that) that you are talking about 'disclosure'?

FoL. Yet , many are 'assuming' it will be in a certain fashion and we say that it may be of a surprising the way in which it is delivered. And this is why we say to you to 'listen to your Truth'. For the Truth to begin with shall not be presented in the way that would benefit the whole.

Blossom: Oh dear!! And will that eventually be corrected?

FoL: That will depend on how many chose to BE IN THEIR TRUTH. Without doubt it is most favorable that is may easily be corrected. It is not that it cannot be so. BUT THE TRUTH IS .... THE TRUTH. And this is where so many of you will come into your own understanding. A time when you will KNOW your purpose in a way that you have been yearning for. There is to be a mixture of events occurring at the one time ...

Blossom: A great big melting pot!

FoL:And with in it, each one must discover for themselves their hearts Truth. There shall be many, many that jump on board to serve in a way that they had never imagined they could BE. You are being called up to service fellow leaders into THE LIGHT. The ground work is completed ... the training is over ... You have allowed yourselves to come this far for a reason. The very best is yet to come.

We ask above ALL, within ALL of this that is to come ... that you KNOW YOU ARE LOVE. You are the glorification of LOVE. It is LOVE that shall lead you through triumphantly, for there is NOTHING that can surpass it. There is NOTHING that can defeat it. LOVE shall take you to your new place. When you KNOW of this in the core of your BEING then indeed this is a time to march onward. A time to BE who you came here to be. LOVE! KNOW IT. LOVE is the answer to every single question you could think to ask. Because LOVE is in everything. Nothing would /could exist if LOVE did not. For Love is ALL there is and ALL there ever will be.

Blossom: Mmm! Well that was worth hanging on in there for, as at one point I was going to abort the mission for today. What a difference recognition and change of attitude can make ? Speak to you again sometime soon if I may? In Love and thanks.

Federation of Light by Blossom Goodchild - JAPANESE -FRANÇAIS - DEUTSCH - CHINESE - SPANISH – DUTCH – PORTUGUÊS

Original and translations of the Galactic Messages available on

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is it just me or does the FOL speak reminiscent of Anna from the show V?? not giving direct answers, and always speaking of love and light, almost in a robotic fashion? just sayin.
This makes me go a bit angry... lol you can obviously see/feel/KNOW they are just fooling around... Ive heard their real voice... gfol i forgive you, i love you, but you have no control over LOVE and TRUTH... Thank you Thank you Thank you... Sorry guys needed to express it... =)
Thank You dear Clinton for your ever lasting Wisdom : "You see this is blossom good childs consciousness, at its stage of development and all those who LINK themselfs to this are on simuliar development ". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thank you thank you ... this is the Clinton I knew it was still there, no change, still in his ignorance ...

This woman Blossom Goodchild is a blessing for mankind, I listen to your vids Clinton and how you channel, well that was refreshing too, but certainly not on the level of Blossom Goodchild. Not ever close. But then again, we All have our own TRUTH and we will stay in our own TRUTH.

Your funny guys reptilians hahahahahaha well maybe I AM an reptilian hahahahahaaha ssssssssssssssss
You Clinton you do not have the level of consciousness to hurt me Blossom or anyone else for that matter, you say you do not offend, but you write it down anyhow, you are an energy who wants to rise on the back of some one else, you still didn't change a lot, you must walk the path of life my friend before you can offend anyone...
These are your words dear Clinton not mine :

...The problem that occures with this type of channelling is that they are seen as seperate to blossom good child. That "THEY" are miss guiding. That is not the TRUTH, as they would say as blossom good childs consciousness. You see this is blossom good childs consciousness, at its stage of development and all those who LINK themselfs to this are on simuliar development. Law of manifestation 101. What you put out you attract and she attracted all those in simuliar frequency...

Nop Clinton I see no change in your manifestation towards the Truth, you may life in your Truth but who will say that if that is Truth, like you said I saw you in the past doing your thing with dear Brad talking people down. Pretending you know All. No Clinton no change, because you are still pretending ... I am not putting you down, you did that to yourself when you put those words in writing ...

consider that there are many many people were actually very very happy with the message of Blossom back in 2008... and many many people rise in consciousness since then ...
Where is your contribution in rising peoples consciousness, I only know from what I have seen that what you have put up was making people feeling less...

The Fedaration of Light speaks of LOVE, what is wrong with that ... The Fedaration of Light speaks that your Truth is in your heart, what is wrong with that ...
Blossom is a great consciousness and her channels do have the feeling of TRUTH and many people rise to the Light and there is where we All are going to ... The Light ... Because that is the Light of our Great Creator the Great Consciousness of our Universe ...

I know in the past Brad always likes to talk Blossom down, and he wanted us to stay in his Truth... well where is our dear Brad now ... You and Brad in that days like to channel and wanna make money out of it, that díd not succeed, because We Know Better... and now you are here again with your "truth" ... but listen my son ... We Still Know Better...
Light & Love dear friend
I feel these dark entities have played a lot of wasted energy I was sucked in by Oct 14 and when they didnt show like they said they were and then returned a couple days later channeled through Blossom Saying that there of the light and basicly can lie and were supose to see them with our best intensions never knowing if what there telling you is the truth or a bunch of nice words to keep you entertained and led on .NO MATTER THIS ENTITIES INTENT WASNT THE TRUTH .Theres no way any Benevolent Being would lead us on into a big let down .George K IS SOMEONE THAT RESONATES WITH Truth and tells us things that we all should be aware of he speaks with honor .James Gilliland is another I have great respect for I do find it odd that the GFoL never ever mentions these real ships appearing for those who want to see real Physical Ships showing off for those who have journied up to the mountain I have never heard of anyone having a bad experience up there .I personaly have never been to his ranch but I have lived only 40 miles from Mt Adams for 50 yrs and I have been up there hundreds of times and most every time was a great experience, no clear night was a boring night.So whats happening there is for some reason never mentioned or dont want you to experience a real reality where real physical encouters happen on a daily basis
I take it this way: the subject does not matter, but how it serves you does. It's the same thing with: Life is meaningless, and you give the meaning to it.

And only we can know what serves us the best by listening to the inner and the feelings raising up. If you feel excited and good about the information, then that is most likely an indication that the information you are close with is serving you well. It doesn't matter if it's from Blossom or Clinton or anyone. What matters is what it matters to YOU.

It does not come to who is putting down who. It does not come to who is right or wrong with their information, as there are infinite combinations of right and wrong depending on the perspective that you choose to look at it.

And when this is understood, there is no need to defend your truth anymore,because you know it's true for you, but it does not have to be true for someone else. It's okay. There is no fight anymore. Just simply reflecting from the state that you want to be in will do.
Its right to be wrong if thats the way to get to the TRUTH... Sometimes being rude its a way of saying "please help me im alone, I need LOVE..." And thats why we are all here... to learn about failures, to learn about examples, to learn about self, yes, we all are here to learn... I love you with all my heart, always... =)

paTricia T. said:
Hey that sure is a nice picture at the top of this page. :o)
I apologize to anyone I offended with my comments. Special Clinton, sorry my friend that I lowered myself so ... you do your very best and maybe you could have put your words in another way ... but, you have every right to your truth and because we are all One in our desire towards Oneness , your truth is also a part of me. Yeah our vibrations are perhaps not equal, but that does not mean that my energy or your energy is better ... just different ... our distance towards eachother goes the opposite way and that is my fault _ I am again on a crossroad in my life, and having bad vibes to survive my existence, I am about to loose my house AGAIN, anyhow there is much anger in my life and I let it all out on You dear Soul, I am Sorry, where was I with my mind, hmm maybe my ego went on the highway, who knows, but I am back on Earth again and I must faced what I brought up , now I will give You Your Space my dear friend Clinton but I do it in respect my man :))) ... there for it is my deep desire that we will meet someday dear Clinton ... and that we will be as One ... Namasté precious Light xx

And We ALL will bring our seed of Love for the ...

Flower Of Life ... I Love You ALL SoE
Quote: Attempting to align all to one view is not only an act of futility it is also one of wilful dominance. It is this self-serving will to change and overpower others that is responsible for all of the conflicts on our planet today.
Gratefully ours in an infinitely easier task born form the truth that in order to change the world one has only to change oneself, and though it is true that the impact of one person changing oneself might go unnoticed in the relative chaos of our days , it must be realised that if everyone on the planet who wanted peace and harmony would start living to those ideals rather than for themselves then the world would change.

Tony said:
Quote: Attempting to align all to one view is not only an act of futility it is also one of wilful dominance. It is this self-serving will to change and overpower others that is responsible for all of the conflicts on our planet today.
Gratefully ours in an infinitely easier task born form the truth that in order to change the world one has only to change oneself, and though it is true that the impact of one person changing oneself might go unnoticed in the relative chaos of our days , it must be realised that if everyone on the planet who wanted peace and harmony would start living to those ideals rather than for themselves then the world would change.

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