Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ok, I need some help with this one.  Many people seem to resonate with the words I AM , or I AM that I AM, or the great I am...etc and you see where I am going.  It seems to be an important spiritual step along the way.  Unfortunately this is something that at this time I am not able to share.  When ever I hear this phrase...the I AM....I actually feel nauseated and repulsed by it.  And I have a unique reason for this that I am  (lol) trying to get past but  can't seem to do.  For the first few years after I left my X...he would stock me, harrass me, etc.  One time he came to our apartment all wacked out on crack chanting I AM THAT I AM  saying it was channeled to him and he would kill me.  This was the first time I had heard the chant and immediately associated it with a psychopathic crack head.    So now I am trying to find some kind of peace with this.  Any suggestions???

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Heres an explanation... I got to say tho that I see God as Universal Energy, not as a religious icon... Another thing I get is that your relationship with your X brought you to make yourself this question for a reason... ;) I see the I AM Presence as our true-self, no ego involved... you can feel it when you say it... I AM -nothing less nothing more- I AM... but read the following interpretation, maybe will help... Love you Angel =)

The various details of this picture tell a complete and accurate story of the real you here on Earth as well as in the heaven worlds. The Truth is that you, in your outer self (shown as the lowest figure in the picture), are only a partial expression of a much greater, far more magnificent, individual Divine Being. God has individualized - not once, but limitless times - each time stepping forth as a distinct God Identity, unique in and of itself, yet inseparably One with the totality of the Godhead. Each Presence expresses its own supremely Divine, permanent sense of Selfhood as an I AM Presence. This is the one and only true, complete, and utterly REAL Self each of us can ever express in all eternity.

This Individual Presence, the real you, is a glorious, living, self-conscious, omnipotent, creative Being, full of Love, Joy, and boundless Optimism about your future together. It uses a body in appearance much like your own physical body, only composed of Sacred Fire, vibrating far outside the range of your physical senses. This body we call the Electronic Body (the topmost figure in the portrait). This Electronic Body vibrates so rapidly that it remains eternally youthful, beautiful, and perfect, regardless of what is going on with your physical body, which wears out quickly due to the incorrect use of the creative God Life we ignorantly misqualify in the form of negative karmic patterns.

Due to our inability to perceive this Presence directly, it is obliged to step down the intensity of its own transcendent fiery nature but without compromising its own inherent Perfection. This stepped-down expression of the Presence is called in the Bible the "only begotten of the Father" and is known as your Holy Christ Presence (the central figure). You see the Christ Presence shown in the act of enveloping your outer consciousness with its own Light Body and overshadowing you with the Golden Light of the Christ Mind. Your Holy Christ Presence maintains a direct outpost of its own Consciousness within your Heart in the form of a Threefold Flame, expressing there the Love, Wisdom, and Power of your Presence.

The anchoring of this Threefold Flame of God's very own Heart within your physical form is evidence of your Divine Sonship and explains how human beings are constantly qualifying God's creative energy in the form of good or bad karma. You are directly connected to the Heart of your Presence via the Crystal Cord of Liquid Light and Life, shown descending as the vertical axis of White Light from the Heart of your Presence, through the Heart of your Christ Presence, and flowing forth as the creative energies of your Heart Flame.

In order to transmute the negative karmic conditions, which we have ignorantly created in the past, we can learn to call for our I AM Presence to project successive waves of its own consuming Love downwards into our outer worlds. This Love expresses in the form of the Violet Flame, which you observe in the process of gently redeeming those past karmic conditions through spiritual transmutation. Having purified the majority of this negative karma and having mastered time and space, we can return to the Oneness of our Presence, ascending as Jesus demonstrated, and experiencing throughout eternity the Joys of Divine Creativity as Ascended Beings.
What a super discussion, thank you Patricia and Antonela. At the most difficult moments in your life you can say, "I am". And in the happiest of times you can say, "I am". And in the quiet moment before we all leave this world and go home, you can say, "I am".
Personally I like this video on the "I am" presence Patricia.... sure... in your words "I be" liking it ;-)

Imma Bee ;)
we must forgive, thats the answer you seek, my friend :)
Down through the ages people have used God and Religion as an excuse for bad behavior. If you believe in Demonic possession you could consider that your Ex was under the influence of a negative entity that was convincing him to say those things. You could consider he had read a book or heard something like that, and when his mind cracked and the word of God was going to be his excuse to harm you. You can also consider he was perfectly sane and actually a jerk and used that religious terminology to his advantage trying to manipulate you. Either way your adversion to that reminder is understandable. I can’t stand to listen to music from the mid 70s. It just reminds me of a time in my life when I was very young and my older brothers and sisters were always stoned and drunk teenagers. I feel trapped and uncomfortable every time I hear 70s music. I don’t think you being ok with I AM is going to alter your progress towards personal enlightenment and your spirituality.

I was having a hard time understanding this term too. I AM THAT I AM? What’s up with that? Patricia explained it was a question answered by God in the Bible. In the New thought Christian, (the first book in my 4 years of classes at CFIA) The author suggests you move the comma. So instead of it saying I am, that I am. It says I am that, I am. See I am that mountain, I am that stream, I am that tree, I am that sky… I am all that you see.

Anyway that’s how I understood it. We are God experiencing itself. That’s what the Metaphysical Christen believes. So if I am God, and You are God and really the essence of God is the very energy that creates. God could not explain who he is to a bunch of souls with amnesia in any other way but to say I am that I am!!

Here this is the book I was telling you about. Its a little book, One day reading and it costs 8 bucks!
We are all part of the whole. Also you X. The moment he spoke, he stood in his truth. Although a truth urged by a person comprising lower energies. I am that I am, he said. Quite true, because he was the drug addict who confirmed his existence.
If you say I am, then you feel in your heart you are a part of the Whole and the Love you Feel for Everything and Everyone around You ~*L*~
When you say I am that I am, just at that moment you confirm how your existence is at that moment in your life. And in his case it was a very low existence ...
Any how, and you know my dear friend where I am coming from, Ultimately it's all about Forgiveness and Letting Go ... Namasté Beautiful Light
wow paT!
im not sure what to recommend but maybe a can suggest the Galactic Mantra by Itom lab.
It goes through alot of 'I am' positive statments. i hope it can help change the context for you.

I must confess that, for some reason, I always found the sentence "I AM THAT I AM" very arrogant. It feels that you're putting yourself in a pedestal. I know it is not the case, it just that this specific words make me feel this way.

Simone said:
"Maybe just sitting quietly, knowing that you are in the presence of The divine, and the divine is in you... no words are necessary."

I like this too!!

Brenda said:
"...So instead of it saying I am, that I am. It says I am that, I am. See I am that mountain, I am that stream, I am that tree, I am that sky… I am all that you see.
Anyway that’s how I understood it. We are God experiencing itself. That’s what the Metaphysical Christen believes. So if I am God, and You are God and really the essence of God is the very energy that creates. God could not explain who he is to a bunch of souls with amnesia in any other way but to say I am that I am!!"

I love this explanation. It makes much more sense to me.
I am enjoying reading everyone's thoughts on this.
Listening to George Kavassilas, has been quite illuminating of late, for me, and I think some of his wisdom can help with the "I am".
All consciousness, that includes us, came into this universe on the ninth dimension trillions of years ago to experience, for the first time, duality. We have been here ever since and are evolving back up through the dimensions of this universe on our collective journey of discovery.
Our human collective amnesia only allows us to be "I am" in the now. But our unconscious knows better. The slightly hollow feeling we are left with when those words are said is because they are voiced within a prison of our own choosing.
=) Wheres the "I like" button for this one???? =)

patrick said:
I am enjoying reading everyone's thoughts on this.
Listening to George Kavassilas, has been quite illuminating of late, for me, and I think some of his wisdom can help with the "I am".
All consciousness, that includes us, came into this universe on the ninth dimension trillions of years ago to experience, for the first time, duality. We have been here ever since and are evolving back up through the dimensions of this universe on our collective journey of discovery.
Our human collective amnesia only allows us to be "I am" in the now. But our unconscious knows better. The slightly hollow feeling we are left with when those words are said is because they are voiced within a prison of our own choosing.

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