The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Don't worry Ant :D. This loss of rememberence was there for you to be able to grow, if you remembered everything then what is there to discover! Love you angel always Clinton.
You have such a gentle and beautiful soul Antonela. We have never met on this site before. Although I followed Brad's blog before the big did not come to this site until a year ago. But when you returned here your energy is very familiar to me. I was immediately drawn to your posting of return. You have special gifts. A healer.
Yes it is very frustrating not remembering. I am a creator and I cannot "remember" how to manifest on command like I "once could". It is like being a magician that pulls out everything but the rabbit from his hat while the crowd laughs at him. :o)
It seems that we are all getting just bits and pieces at a time. Perhaps that is why we are all here together....together we all bring our pieces to create the big picture. Together we can remember.
Yes, the changes can be very intimidating, but think of where we have all come from and the eons of changes we have already been through. And although we are not sure how... the loved ones always come back together. Separation is the illusion. We will all be reunited at the end of this game.
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