Saviors Of Earth

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Need help with any information to help combat health officals and doctors against flu shots and vaccines on pregnant women and babies. FreeSpirit and I have a teenage daughter that has been pregnant and dew in 8 weeks. She has been seing a doctor all through the pregnancy, FreeSpirit has been with her every time. At her visit 2 weeks ago was the first time he recomended her getting the flu shot.  Monday, at her doctor visit, the doctor ask if she had her flu shot and Free told him that they decided not to get the flu shot. Then her doctor said "yes she is and it is recomended she take it". He is using intimidation by telling her that 2 pregnant women died last year from not taking the flu shot and some had miscarriges because of not taking it and very sick babies because the mother didnt take the flu shot. We know our rights and vaccinations are voluntary for now. This doctor is using fear and intimidation to poision babies and women.  If you look on the CDC site is clearly says not to give flu shots to children under 6 months, but on the same page it is recomended for pregnant women.  Isn't the baby's and the mother's blood directly connected and shared?   I see this becoming a future battle. We have done some research but any help would be appreciated. 

Thank You

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simpleman and FreeSpirit, Dr. Mercola's website may already be known to you. Useful link to share with everyone

"How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds

Rule No. 3: Know your own state law so that you can conform to its exact requirements for exemption.

Article 4
There are two basic reasons for exception - medical or religious. Which one you choose will often depend upon the wording of the law in your state and your personal convictions
And good luck with your daughter...
Thank you, Christina. We had found Dr. Mercola's site and the page you post the link to, very usefull.
I had also found this , very usefull too
Thank You Christina I have a feeling this is only the begining on this I hate to switch doc at this point because of her being 15 I don't feel she is going the 8 weeks.I feel we are going to need a lot of prayers for strength on this one. Love,Light & Blessings To All
FreeSpirit, bless her, your daughter! Hope you can find a doc who is awake and aware! I don't have a daughter, but last year I spent £250 on material in order to spread the word at my son's school. Never received any response. They must have thought, I'd gone flippin' mad, which I am NOT :)

My prayers for you all!

Love, Light and Blessings back :)))
Thank You Christina we have switched doc don't think this on is as pushy if he is we will just have a fight on our hands.
FreeSpirit, bless her, your daughter! Hope you can find a doc who is awake and aware! I don't have a daughter, but last year I spent £250 on material in order to spread the word at my son's school. Never received any response. They must have thought, I'd gone flippin' mad, which I am NOT :)

My prayers for you all!

Love, Light and Blessings back :)))
Welcome my friend :)
Hi PaTricia Thanks for the support we are at 32 weeks now but I have the felling she is not going to make it to December8 she is starting to drop and the baby is head down and on her side as of the 11 th will keep everyone posted Love to All

paTricia T. said:
So happy to hear your daughter is doing well. How far along are you guys now. :o)

Have you thought about having a midwife? When I was pregnant I did not get any vaccines and it was never recommended at all. So I do believe there are many doctors that are open to free choice.

I have weened my children from vaccines as well. My oldest had hers while a toddler, my son a few, my youngest had one. We now get none. The Health Unit sends me reminders and I tell them no. So they sent me a nasty notice saying should an epidemic break out it would be illegal for me to send my children to school. lmfao...why would I send my children to school during an epidemic??? In our family none of us have had flu shots EVER.

I am so proud of you guys for standing up for what you believe in...and passing that to your daughter. She is and will be an amazing woman for having gone through this kind of decision making and facing those that are cloaked as gods (doctors). I'm so excited for you!
This video and conclusively show that vaccines do contain toxic compounds used as preservatives that are especially deadly to children or any human. This should be in every newspaper and news now or people should be protesting. I hope this is informative.....
Thanks, Dan. I will check it out.
No problem is life treating you lately? I heard a lot of this from. Dr. Russell Blaylock (nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer) I heard him speak of this many times on Alex Jones (PrisonPlanet) that you are probably already aware of and it made a lot of sense to me. But at the same time I've been too consumed watching Mr. Jones because he uses a lot of fear factor and I'm starting to get dragged down a bit. It's like I'm being bombarded to quickly by all of this and I have to come out for air. Although I discovered David Wilcock on SoE and he kind of blows me away especially "The 2012 Enigma" connected a lot of dots for me by what I have already read.. I was introduced by him by Sandman so that was a nice present to me. This documentary you might have already seen before as I know you are on your way to higher plains. But I will share anyway with you just in case

One last question Simpleman. How is it so simple for you? ;)

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