Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I was reading Snapshot again last night and I came upon THE CHANGE OVER, FOL. speak of an exchange where some of us will go on their ship and some of them will come here for a time ......A exchange of beings...
Heres my take on this, the exchanges are already taking place.As we are all one and as there is no time. Well heres my exsperience last week. Powerfull, beautifull energies have been running through me for some time, recently I was inspired to go to a medium, while I was laying on the massage table the energies started, I was encouraged by the medium to go with it, I felt very light and went some where so beautiful I didn't want to come back, as I came back to myself I looked up and saw that I had come out of a dark red swirling mass, a being was also desending then stopped.
To my left was a clear crystal pyramid with electric blue shimmer to it. I've had this a few times in meditation.When I got back in my body my hands were like electricity and it took me 3 attempts to sit up.Tears werE flowing as I felt so much love. The medium said at the beginning of the reading that there were so many Marsters and Angles around so obviously I was being protected.
And Blossom was asked to bring 12 people to an energy point in Nosa where they all had an interesting experience also."WALKINS"?????
Love and Light Kerrie.

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wow... congratulations on that experience
I was wondering how the alien being must have felt, when he/she/it came from that place of love to be swept in our dense human bodies. Guess the experience must have been quite less ecstatic - no offens to you dear Kerrie. But if you can float, or travel in time and dimensions, you must feel quite free. So a human dense body must feel pretty limited for "them".
Kerrie, do you have link or information regarding the 12 people and their experience? When was this?
Thanks! :)

Kerrie said:
It is in Blossom's ebook on her web site "Snapshot".$15.00:)) 12 is a sacred #
12 Zodiac,Hours,Months,Disciples,Jury,Court,Crystal skulls,DNA strands,sun discs,days of Christmas,Creator Gods,Sacred Truths,Dimentions of Earth,Chakras,Titans,Tribes of Israel,Knights of King Arthur The 12 squared 144 of the rapture. (The timeless Enigma of the Crystal Skulls)
Love and Light Kerrie

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