Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


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The song was so lovely, and very much appreciated.

I know it's difficult to gain interest in these teachings, and many people are afraid to change their teachings, or to learn more because they believe they already know enough.

I believe we can never know enough, and the worlds problems cannot heal without the right works. Soon they will all learn and understand because my inner spirit tells me that our time is very short. I'll read more as soon as time allows. Thanks for sending the notification. Blessings and hugs, Lea PS, the painting shown above is in my pictures on FaceBook. I have all that I could find of these very old artworks and posted them there to try to invoke a response. I think it all frightens them.
This is interesting indeed, thankyo for sharing this article and inviting me, while I admit this is entirely new to my ears, as to what i learned in church groing up as a young girl, this article speaks to me today in terms of many of the symbols i have seen involving Jesus in some of my visions... especially the pyramid, the fact that he travelled to E|gypt and studied , would explain 2 visions of mine

Loved reading that about Jesus' life...I always wondered aboutthat, and never tire of reading about Him and His life! Thank you so much Vicky for sharing all your work!


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