Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hi All,

Im posting the following for everyone in the group, so that we would be able to realize & bring together our missions & incarnated abilities and manifest our collective dream in the present reality.

Firstly, we need to know what each of us are and are capable of through the Mayan Calendar..

Step one:
Scroll to the bottom of page and input your birthday. Check to the box "Full reading" and then press "Reading" button.

The page then shows your mayan calendar sign on the top. For example: White Cosmic World-Bridger

Step two:
Scroll to the middle of page, if you want to know more about your sign. For example: Click on "White Cosmic World-Bringer" and if this is what Step one had shown .. it would tell you all about yourself..

The Step One for me was :   ( )

Day tone. 8 is Galactic, Harmonize Integrity-Modeling
 Blue Monkey is the Guide of the Day, effecting Outcome.
 Red Earth is the Antipode of the Day, the Challenging focus. (Galactic) Blue Hand is the Seal of the Day, Destiny.  Yellow Human is the Analog of the Day, the Like-Minded power.
 White Wizard is the Occult of the Day, the Hidden power.
Blue Galactic Hand
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Core      Clan- Blood

I harmonize in order to know
Modeling healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of magic

Blue Galactic Hand


Tone 8: Galactic - Harmonic Resonance

Blue Hand is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.

Blue Hand is a gateway, an opening, a portal from one understanding to another. A clue to the meaning of Blue Hand is found in the meditation, "I am, by thinly veiled design, the threshold to other dimensions. In my ending is my beginning. The initatory gateway awaits." Blue Hand is the seventh or last archetype in the cycle of development of primary being. It represents the power found in completion. Blue Hand is seen as a closure, which is really an opening to another level of being.

Like the fluidity of moving water, Blue Hand is associated with the process of dance, mudra, and beauty. This movement is a metaphor for the ebb and flow of life. In meditation with Manik, experience the flowing quality that is the beauty of the cosmic dance. Remember this essence and this fluidity at times when your life feels most inflexible or lacking in beauty.

Blue Hand represents the 'beauty way', the ability to see intrinsic beauty within yourself and in all things. Living the beauty way requires being in your full beauty and power. From this place, your self-authority naturally flows. This is the position where your ego is aligned with divine will. When you are standing in your full beauty and power, your very presence invites others to be all that they are. To the Maya, Blue Hand represents the deer, the gentle, serenely aware guide who walks in fluid beauty and grace, opening and revealing.

The essence of Blue Hand is held in the metaphor of a wave. The wave has many stages, from momentum to crest to completion and merging with the ocean once again. Blue Hand connects you to the greater ocean and reveals the shores of your true identity. If you identify with the struggle of eddies and storms, that is the learning you will draw to you. If you identify with your oneness of spirit, by the law of affinity that is what you will become.

The energy of Blue Hand will also help you to manifest spiritual skills - especially those intuitive gifts such as oracular divination. In each incarnation, you bring certain gifts. Each path - from priest and priestess to shaman and dancer to artist and gardener - carries varied tools and skills. You have chosen certain gifts and tools that offer you a way to interact with others and your life process. This may be as simple as calling on your innate wisdom and insight in order to see clearly the gifts and tools that you carry. 

Blue Monkey is your Higher Self & Guide.

Blue Monkey represents the Divine Child, the child that is ever in a state of open-hearted wisdom, innocence, trust, simplicity and joyful wonder. What would it feel like to actually BE a magical child in this culture and time? The secret that very few know - because they may feel more comfortable trying to protect themselves - is that the divine child offers the strongest of all protections, the invulnerability of openhearted Love. Through innocence, a kind of immunity is created that allows the divine child to be TRANSPARENT so that the apparent 'slings and arrows' of the world can pass right through without being personalized into wounds, reactions or hurt feelings. This is the path of innocence regained. Transparency is the path of the new consciousness.

Look deeply into the eyes of a happy two year old. There you will see the innocent trust, openheartedness, and spontaneous joy that typifies the divine child. Imagine yourself as an enlightened two-year old, in a state of ecstatic communion and delight. In childhood, you didn't have to remember to be playful - you could easily and fluidly express your emotions. You didn't have to understand whys and wherefores - you knew with your heart. This if your natural state of being, the state of ecstasy, the path of revealed innocence.

In Western culture, many people have a distorted understanding about what it is to be a human being. We are often taught that sucessful adults are responsible, serious, rigid, controlled and goal oriented. In your journey with society, your developmental stages may have been incomplete. The natural sensitivity, fluidity, and freedom of the child may have been left behind in partial passage. Perhaps your inner child was wounded or treated insensitively, and you carried this unresolved process into adulthood. Blue Monkey encourages you to bring forth this incomplete or wounded part for integration and healing.

In this New Myth, your spontaneous, divine child will usher in and anchor the new frequency. How can you heal your inner child? Explore what truly gives you joy. Find types of work that support your sensitivity and create deep satisfaction. Be simple: love, play, dance, draw, colour, sing. These activities are for all divine children - they serve the expression of the magical child in everyone. Consciously make time for the joyful freedom and magic of play!

The number for Blue Monkey is eleven, the vibration wherein novelty and spontaneity break down resistant forms. When unity merges with Essence Self, a mystical foundation is created that disintegrates old patterns. This is actually integration in disguide. As your walls tumble down, they crack into a smile, and the illumination of self shines through.

White Wizard is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper.

White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the heart. Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart. An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to 'not know' opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe. White Wizard asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in magic.

White Wizard invites you to step into self-empowerment. Empowerment comes from self-acceptance, integrity, and commitment to your evolution. Self-empowerment is not to be found outside oneself. Anything outside that brings you empowerment also has a divine foundation within you. If you feel a need for the approval of others, look to self-empowerment. When you feel effectively engaged, doing what gives you joy, your energy naturally expands to inlcude more of who you are, and magic flows synchronistically into your life. Claim your alignment with the highest wisdom. Call forth divine action in all that you do!

Align your own will with divine will and your Essence Self. Be transparent, innocently allowing magic to come through you rather than needing to create it. Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilties.

White Wizard is a tool of the light, a conduit for the work of Spirit. A wise magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing magic to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A magician dances the dance of love through offering gifts of freedom to others. This is real magic. Freed from the need to use power to manipulate or control, a magician uses wisdom to manifest liberation and love.

Red Earth represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime.

In this shadow it may seem difficult to be in the present moment. Instead of being tuned into "channel central," you may be tuned into the channel for shopping lists, relationship dramas, fantasies, regrets about the past, and worries about the future. Center yourself in the present moment! This is where you can most beneficially observe the synchronicities and revelations about your personal pattern and larger purpose. From here your mind can learn to be keenly observant, allowing the larger pattern to take shape as naturally as the small brushstrokes that eventually comlete a beautiful painting.

Often in the shadow of Red Earth, you may feel "out of sync" with the world around you. If you feel physically, mentally, or emotionally "off," remember that you may actually be in a process of realignment. Allow for synchronization with the new, expanding pattern. Affirm "I am one with the galactic heartbeat that aligns the core of my being into the crystalline core of Earth and through all realities and dimensional fields."

Another shadow of Red Earth is being disassociated from the Earth and your body. Are you overidentified with seeing yourself as a star being, an alien, or a walk-in? Everyone on this planet is both an Earth child and a celestial being! Remember that your issues create judgement of your earthly existence and your personal growth process. Remember that you chose to assist in the Earth's transformation at this time, in order to utilize the unique benefits of this experience for your own spiritual unfoldment. Embrace this opportunity to explore and discover and to work through any denial or issues of your physical, earthly self. Strive to transform all crystallized thoughts, beliefs, and judgements into fluid consciousness. By accepting your physical form and your growth process in the world, you access a hub of centeredness out of which all the truth and magic of the universe unfold.

Take off your shoes. Touch the one Earth. Find a place to dance with the sacred hoop of life. Contribute your vision as an awakened member of the global rainbow family!

Sit in relationship with the energies of the Earth, as a shaman would sit in a forest. Take time to listen to the information being transmitted through your feet. Walk into your life. Find and do what gives you joy. From this place of centeredness, magical happeningsn spring and synchronicity abounds, helping you to access cules to the cosmic puzzle.

Remember, you hold the Earth within you. You are the global family, the deeper of the Earth's garden.

Yellow Human is your Compliment - something that comes naturally to you.

Yellow Human is the grail, the golden fleece, the philosopher's stone, the alchemical transmutation that turns baser materials into gold. It is the cornucopia, the paradox of emptiness and harvest, the still place that lies open and fallow, receiving the gifts.

Yellow Human offers you the gift of beginner's mind in the fullness of union. Be receptive. Yellow Human is preparing your circuits for transformation. Become empty, that your thirst may be quenched by the bounteous gifts poured from the chalice of the spiralling galaxies. Open and receive all that Yellow Human offers in the chalice of your own body.

Eb asks you to strengthen and clear your physical vessel in order to prepare for the expanded energies of higher mind. Your chalice of self is being purified through vibrational adjustments in the brain/body system. With this quickening, adjustments are made and your circuits of consciousness are naturally transformed. Often this process is accompanied by the sensation of being altered or "rewired". Higher centers of the brain and the light-sensitive pineal and pituitary glands are being activated to contain more light. This penetration brings you to a critical threshold, creating enormous change at the cellular level. It also activates soul memories and expands your concepts of reality.

With this expanded consciousness, your brain/body system is being cleared and fine-tuned so that you can create a sluiceway for the activation and acceleration of cosmic consciousness. This penetration of frequencies and its accompanying quickening is like upgrading the 'hard drive' of your biocomputer and activating the 'hidden chip,' the unused parts of your brain.

In meditation, expand to include all that you are. Then bring that feeling of expansion back into your physical self. In this process, you create a complex stability, opening a chalice of self that is fully rooted in human form. With this expansion, you are freed to explore within a new center that, paradoxically, seems to have to center. Yellow Human reveals the secret of being essence within form, everywhere and nowhere, "nothing" but present in all things.

The metaphor of the ever-expanding chalice is a powerful spiritual tool. This chalice represents the eternal container of light, ever filled with spirit's fire and nourishment. It is the metaphor that represents the form in which your full potential can manifest. Each stage in your journey feels like the final one, but each stage then opens to an expanded form, releasing you into the next stage of consciousness.

All the gifts of the macrocosm pour out of the universal cornucopia. With an open heart, empty yourself to be filled with the fruits of your true desire. Through the temple of your body, lift the chalice of your expanded self and declare that it is filled with truth and clarity. Feel the ecstatic union with your full potential as a human being.

Meditate on the cornucopia with you at its center. Lift the chalice of your self-generated energy vortex to greet the vortex that will descend from above. As an open vessel, prepare a place to receive Yellow Human's gifts. When you flow in unconditional love, all the fruits of the universe rush toward you for benediction.

Bathe in love's essence as a child splashing in a pool on a hot day. Connect with others in joyous union. Use the broom of Yellow Human to sweep your day clear of past experiences and the issues and obstacles of small mind. In the spirit of Yellow Human function on all frequencies and power bands. Your cup is filled with the nectar of sacramental union. Be fulfilled by the great harvest of love!

 Your Tone is Tone 8 - Galactic

Empowerment, galactic grid, path of the one heart.

Eight is the ray of harmonic resonance, the foundation of self combined with the current of the trinity. It is love made visible. Create the flow of harmony in your life. Enter the spiral frequencies of the greater galactic grid. You are being offered empowerment through your innate resonance with this grid. Be aware of where you are drawn, for there you will find unique opportunities. Discover the harmony of being in this natural resonance with others. Be receptive. You are the diviner of harmony, the meeting ground of physical reality and the infinite.

Bring a deeper harmony to the practical circumstances in which you find yourself. Free the ego from its self-centeredness. Embrace the potent energies that are raising the harmonic frequencies of the planet. Breathe easily; you are the song being sun by the new golden octave. Sound the resonant tone of the one heart!


These excerpts were taken from the book, "The Mayan Oracle - Return Path to the Stars" by Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner - Click here to email Ariel and purchase a signed copy!



My suggestion would be to post your reading here for everyone to see so that we can try to understand who fits where in the manifestation we are looking for.

Ravi Raju

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Blue Planetary Night
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Signal Clan- Fire

I perfect in order to dream
Producing intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of magic

Blue Night is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.
Blue night is the dark mystery within, the journey into self, that place to which you can always retreat to garner the gifts of your process subjectively. You are being asked to enter into and explore your process subjectively. Blue Night is the immense field of potential found in the depths of human emotion and feeling. The touch of Blue Night is like the moment you crawl into bed and feel yourself surrounded by warmth, darkness and peace.

Blue Night's abyss holds the potent evolutionary playing field of all possibility. Here, as in the aboriginal dreamtime, there are no distinctions between then and now, real or imagined, dream or dreamer. In this expanded field, all things are not only possible but are constantly in the process of creation. In the framework of dreamtime, limiting constructs of "ordinary reality" such as time, space, and linear causality are freed into an expanded system, with unlimited access to ALL realities.

Dreamtime holds powerful opportunities. It is a field where potential, past, and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment. If such a construct is foreign to you, stretch your mind and entertain the possibility that you could help to dream a different reality into being. Enter into the mystery where reality is actually created.

In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as constributing to the larger dream that is emerging. By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected at superluminal speeds across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes. This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality.

At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as world peace, the underlying constructs of reality shift and a new reality begins filtering into human experience. Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and know that they are co-creating the larger dream.

Among other things, the dreamfield will bring to the surface your psychological polarities and core issues. These are the belief constructs you learn from society and experience, such as likes and dislikes, values and attitudes. You naturally attract the situation that promises integration, but through conditioning and habitual behaviour, you may choose to compensate, staying in a fixed pattern to protect your position. This choice will create only momentary relief, because the issues will keep being drawn back to be integrated. Thus, you may often find whatever is blocked or hidden manifesting into your consciousness through a dream, a body symptom, or a relationship. Often you may resist the new and the unknown. You may avoid going over your "growth edge", because it may be asking for a shift in your underlying belief structures. Yet profound growth is possible through working with this charged material. Through following it into the darkness, you bring into the dreamfield the light that will carry you to wholeness and fulfillment.

In working with the growth edge in your dreamfield, often it is important to catalyze enough energy to free the stuckness and fixed patterns. By following or amplifying the feeling, your increased awareness will lead to the root of the issue thas has been separated from consciousness. Hidden within the unused channels of your perception are clues to the mystery that will integrate and release the restrictive pattern.

A meditation for Blue Night is, "I am the darkness that is the light and the stillness that is the dancing." This meditation perfectly describes the paradoxical energy of Blue Night, the place of darkness from which all light emanates, the no-form abyss that contains all possibility. In finding this still point of Blue Night, you can access any expression of the light. The energy of Blue Night simply asks you to be still, to allow that expression to take shape from the darkness. From the darkness of Blue Night emerges the Essence Self. Sit in stillness, embracing the journey of insight and integration.

The colour of Blue Night is black, which represents the womb of the larger self, the receptive condition necessary to receive the light fully. Black is also an access route to the wisdom of the unconscious, the mystery of the abyss where you can tap into the collective dreamfield for insight and creative ideas. Blue Night also includes the shades of gray, symbolic of the merging of light with the darkness. If you wish to work with the energy of Blue Night, visualize black.
Blue Monkey is your Higher Self & Guide.

Blue Monkey represents the Divine Child, the child that is ever in a state of open-hearted wisdom, innocence, trust, simplicity and joyful wonder. What would it feel like to actually BE a magical child in this culture and time? The secret that very few know - because they may feel more comfortable trying to protect themselves - is that the divine child offers the strongest of all protections, the invulnerability of openhearted Love. Through innocence, a kind of immunity is created that allows the divine child to be TRANSPARENT so that the apparent 'slings and arrows' of the world can pass right through without being personalized into wounds, reactions or hurt feelings. This is the path of innocence regained. Transparency is the path of the new consciousness.

Look deeply into the eyes of a happy two year old. There you will see the innocent trust, openheartedness, and spontaneous joy that typifies the divine child. Imagine yourself as an enlightened two-year old, in a state of ecstatic communion and delight. In childhood, you didn't have to remember to be playful - you could easily and fluidly express your emotions. You didn't have to understand whys and wherefores - you knew with your heart. This if your natural state of being, the state of ecstasy, the path of revealed innocence.

In Western culture, many people have a distorted understanding about what it is to be a human being. We are often taught that sucessful adults are responsible, serious, rigid, controlled and goal oriented. In your journey with society, your developmental stages may have been incomplete. The natural sensitivity, fluidity, and freedom of the child may have been left behind in partial passage. Perhaps your inner child was wounded or treated insensitively, and you carried this unresolved process into adulthood. Blue Monkey encourages you to bring forth this incomplete or wounded part for integration and healing.

In this New Myth, your spontaneous, divine child will usher in and anchor the new frequency. How can you heal your inner child? Explore what truly gives you joy. Find types of work that support your sensitivity and create deep satisfaction. Be simple: love, play, dance, draw, colour, sing. These activities are for all divine children - they serve the expression of the magical child in everyone. Consciously make time for the joyful freedom and magic of play!

The number for Blue Monkey is eleven, the vibration wherein novelty and spontaneity break down resistant forms. When unity merges with Essence Self, a mystical foundation is created that disintegrates old patterns. This is actually integration in disguide. As your walls tumble down, they crack into a smile, and the illumination of self shines through.

White Mirror is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper.

White Mirror represents the Hall of Mirrors, where you can face your own reflection and see the truth about yourself. As a mirror, White Mirror merely reflects what is, whether truth, beauty or illusion. Here you can face unfinished business, the dissonance of difficulties, or charged issues that would keep you from the full expression of your Divinity. Become aware of any illusions or distortions within yourself; your clarity of perception will transform them. Take a moment to see yourself as you actually are, shadow and all, freed from the maze of mental illusion.

Sometimes you may find yourself reacting rather than freely responding to a situation or person. If you have charged reactions such as frustration, anger, fear, judgement or jealousy, look at how you might be projecting these issues onto someone else. The world is the mirror for you to truly see. Any strong reaction to a person or event signals an issue to work on in yourself. Be willing to examine and utilize what you see in your mirrors, in order to transform dysfunctional belief systems, negative thoughtforms, and fixed patterns.

In the Hall of Mirrors there is no good or bad, no right or wrong - there is only the reflection of what is. As you learn to see yourself, you begin to see your emotional reactions as signs indicating where to focus your awareness for growth.

On this quest, come prepared to face White Mirror's sword of truth and purification. The wisdom of this sword penetrates, exposes, and ultimately heals your illusions. Discrimination is tempered with love cleanly cuts away everything that does not serve your evolution. To the Maya, White Mirror is the flint that hones your sword.

The greatest gift of the sword is the power of forgiveness. A profound freedom emerges from forgiveness, the releasing of the illusion of cause and effect. Use the great gifts offered in this blad of truth and light to forgive and release anything you may judge or see as imperfect.

You are already an Enlightened Being!

The colour for White Mirror is reflective silver. Silver symbolizes the lunar intelligence of intuition and receptiveness, the mirrored illusions of duality and multiplicity. In the larger pattern, all thigns are reflections of the greater reality. Silver offers a glimpse of the Great Mystery, the reflection of things as they really are. To access the qualities and teachings of White Mirror, utilize silver.

White Mirror's are able to clearly reflect others back to themselves once their own mirror is clear.

Red Skywalker represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime.

In the shadow of Red Skywalker is the tendency to hold onto the limited reference points of your beliefs, patterns, and identities. Your reality is maintained by these beliefs, which may be viewed as set reference points. When your reference points change, so does your reality. As you explore unfamiliar territory, your points of reference become open and fluid. This can be perceived either as frightening or exciting. Experiencing fluid reference points can feel like floating weightless in space. However, you also feel delight as you discover the depth of your changed perspective, knowing that you have been touched by the Divine.

In the shadow of Red Skywalker, you may also feel anxious, uncomfortable, or fearful of moving into the unknown. You may have issues of looking at the shadow of self. The word courage in French means being 'at heart.' Find the courage to move through what seems difficult or uncomfortable. Take heart, skywalker! Red Skywalker offers a loving hand to lead you into the unknown. Being anchored in a secure sense of self and Source creates a lifeline for the journey.

Another shadow of Red Skywalker may be the desire to withdraw from the world. Once you have been deeply touched by the light, you may yearn for the experience again. You may feel difficulty coping with the "abrasive edges" of daily life created by old perceptions. Do you feel like a hermit? Perhaps you find yourself spending much of your time in isolation, withdrawing into meditative, intellectual, artistic, or fantasy pursuits. If so, look deeply at your hidden needs, the root source underlying your issues or reactions.

Learn to create a balance between solitude and service. Discover and satisfy your true spiritual desires, and create joy in your everyday work and play. Help to bring the light of heaven into the world. If you feel discouraged, draw even more light into yourself. An angelic messenger offers you unconditional strength, love, and courage. If you feel isolated, walk into service, sharing the compassion of your light and love.

The transformation offered in this shadow has to do with balance. Take time in solitude for your own inner work and spiritual nurturance, and fulfill the commitment to outer work and service. Create a balance between being in the world and being a skywalker.

Yellow Warrior is your Compliment - something that comes naturally to you.

Yellow Warrior, the galactic guide, is a mystic ferryman on the return path to the stars; allow Yellow Warrior's staff to ferry you to the spiraling vortex of cosmic consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the grace of the descent of the dove. Embody the mystic gift of trust in direct guidance. Through trust, you journey to the place of 'no time' and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind.

Yellow Warrior is a conduit for cosmic communication, offering access to the universal web of consciousness. This is the web of the Mayan mystic spider that weaves intergalactic threads, the conduit of interconnected consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the spider in the web, the grid connection for divine communication. Receive these ripples of knowing from Yellow Warrior's web through the central axis in your spine, your staff. Accept this gift of knowing in grace, as you would receive the morning light by turning your face to the Sun. Grace is an unexpected touch, a blessing given in love, a natural gift from the universe. Use the power of love like an electrical current to serve the light. Open fully to feel and receive it!

The number for Yellow Warrior is sixteen, the number of unity with the cosmic foundation of resonant evolution. As you embody the ferryman's staff, you become anchored in your connection to cosmic consciousness. Holding within you the foundational steps of the trinity, you carry the "Christed one" into the world. As a living mystic, you are the conduit of the spiraling galaxies that creates a union with cosmic consciousness. Sixteen may also be seen as the beginning of another octave - a higher octave characterized by organic balance and the new Earth under your feet.

Yellow Warrior's colours are indigo and gold, combining the limitlessness of the night sky with the freedom of the daytime Sun. If you desire to access grace and trust, focus on these colours.

Your Tone is Tone 10 - Planetary

Intention, true identity, foundation of Essence Self, aligned manifestation.

Ten is the ray of manifestation, the foundation of individual self manifesting its true identity, the foundation of Essence Self. A potent manifestation awaits you. Two worlds combine. The key to manifestation in all realms is through clear intention and the embodiment of your divine essence. What does your heart desire to manifest? Begin by aligning with your essence. Essence aligned with intention creates an etheric thoughtform, an "energy matrix image." As long as it is unrestricted by limiting beliefs, the energy pattern emerges and evolves. As it evolves, it aligns with the larger pattern until finally it is released inot manifestation.

The Planetary Tone of ten is asking you to look carefully at your own foundations. What structures and belief systems is your reality built on? What foundations motivate your choices? You are now creating a new foundation, walking into all that you are - your Essence Self. As the foundation of your Essence Self emerges, others will recognize your true identity. When you are in resonance with the universe, manifestation is a natural by-product.


My reading was:

White Magnetic Wizard
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Truth

I unify in order to enchant
Attracting receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled
Yellow Overtone Sun
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Polar Clan- Fire

I empower in order to enlighten
Commanding life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of elegance

Thanks for the post Ravi :) My full reading resonated well with me.
@: paTricia : That was an excellent question about the Blood Clan.. I seem to be one aswell and this is what I found...

( )

A Clan is a fundamental classification of the approach that consciousness takes to expression, evolution and bringing about change in the universe. What are the four seasons like? What are their characteristics?
The four Clans as defined by the Dreamspell are Fire, Blood, Truth and Sky. Each of these is given one of the four primary Mayan colors, themselves having Dreamspell significance and therefore given a term, “chromatics.” When applied to the Clans, we end up with Yellow Fire, Red Blood, White Truth and Blue Sky.

Since each of these galactic seasons is being expressed in consciousness as a Clan, each Clan represents a message or method of behavior that broadly defines a spirit. While there is much room for consciousness to express itself with variety and specificity, the broad scope of activity might be summarized as relating to or being directed in certain ways, even over the course of many lifetimes. A member of the Yellow Fire Clan will be motivated in a certain way; react to others from certain present assumptions and values; or achieve greatest clarity or healing from specific conditions. A Red Blood Clan member might have decidedly different characteristics in these categories.

Perhaps as important as their differences are the things which the Clans share in common. Knowing more about the differences and commonalities can afford the aspirant greater understanding of what influences are playing themselves out in their lives.


Red Core Blood is a purely out-pouring drive. Red Core Blood is the heart position, and it is the last vestige of the Yellow Fire Clan energy. Whereas Red Cardinal Blood seemed so receptive and permissive, Red Core Blood focuses the energy back into the small, concentrated drive reminiscent of Yellow Fire Clan. The heart pumps the blood from its center outward into the body. It pumps so powerfully that even the blood at the end of the line is pushed all the way back to the heart by the outward pumping motion. So, too, does Red Core Blood drive always outward from a center.

Typical of the Red Blood Clan members, Red Core Blood is still receptive, but its reaction to receiving is to immediately give back our give away. Red Core Blood always has enough to give away, and Red Core Blood is always giving, even if you don’t want it; advice, criticism, repurposed gifts, work, etc. Red Core Blood opposes the Cardinal and Polar tendency to put things in their places by focusing on utility. Red Core Blood considers a thing to be in its place when it’s being used, and it abhors anything languishing on the shelf. Red Core Blood can be zestful in its appreciation of things natural, indulging in food, and sensual pleasures. Red Core Blood doesn’t forget to give to themselves, but it isn’t in Red Core Blood’s nature to dwell on themselves. To Red Core Blood, the Self is a foregone conclusion; it’s the already-known, and its place is to be in use.

Red Core Blood is entranced by core issues, and questions of the heart. Red Core Blood will stop only to be entranced in this way. Red Core Blood stops suddenly when it witnesses core activity of any kind; the kindness of strangers, the first words of a baby, the first time a deer tries to stand, and so on. Red Core Blood also longs to be present at moments of realization and release. Red Core Blood loves to see things go away, when it’s appropriate. Red Core Blood believes in tides carrying things to their best destination. So, when in doubt, Red Core Blood cuts it loose.

Red Core Blood
doesn’t often have enough for itself. Red Core Blood needs generous friends and supporters who remember not to give Red Core Blood anything until they need it, lest they give it away too soon. It is often necessary to insist, to get Red Core Blood to follow directions that are not its own, but when you do insist, as long as it doesn’t contradict their strong core truths, they will comply out of their natural flexibility. Red Core Blood gives of itself easily, but never to the point of emptiness. Red Core Blood has a core containment strategy that understands that you are only useful when you’re at your best. Red Core Blood may over-give by mistake or out of habit, but not often, and never again. Once the lesson is learned, the change is made deep inside so that it will be automatically correct the next time.


paTricia T. said:
Blue Overtone Hand
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Core Clan- Blood

I empower in order to know
Commanding healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of vision

The power of vision...who would have thought. LOL
commanding healing...well I have told you guys that I am not a healer. Hummm...years ago I was taught to heal through energy work.. visualy seeing the ethric energy. I stopped doing it because I didn't think that I was clean enough to heal others.
Hey...I see some of my budies here are of the blood clan as cool. What the heck is a blood clan anyways.
@ Golden_Angel :

Your Clan & Earth Family: ( )

Red Cardinal Blood is more specific in its categorization of phenomena. Red Cardinal Blood is the great processor of the galaxy, the bureaucrat that loves to keep track of everything. In line with its Cardinal Tribe, navigation is part of the dynamic of Red Cardinal Blood, but rather than be a pilot, the Red Cardinal Blood is more likely to be a co-pilot, harbor pilot, harbor master, map-maker or marketing town bureaucrat. Red Cardinal Blood wants to be involved in travel without having to do much traveling. In the event that Red Cardinal Blood was born traveling, or was raised to travel, then Red Cardinal Blood influences in the direction of keeping the travel going, forever. Blood Clan influence ties this Tribe down to maintaining the status quo in some way.

Still, Red Cardinal Blood in interested in ensuring that all things, locations and relationships are known understood and stabilized. Red Cardinal Blood is excellent at mediation, as it will take no side naturally, and instead strive for stability and peace.

Red Cardinal Blood as a near-fatal weakness: the longer it has worked to establish its “home port,” the more devastated it will be if that work is destroyed. With Red Cardinal Blood it’s most true that to “destroy the place is to destroy the person.” Red Cardinal Blood rarely re-invests in a new place once it has committed to one. Red Cardinal Blood rarely assumes a life path with a wide spectrum of goals. Rather, Red Cardinal Blood commits or fades way.

Red Cardinal Blood, like Red Polar Blood, is still close enough to the Yellow Fire Clan influence to have some drive to it, and Red Cardinal Blood has what often seems to be an unquenchable steadfastness. What it lacks in speed it gains in sheer determinedness. Unlike many of the other Cardinal Tribe’s however, Red Cardinal Blood is the most easily interrupted. Red Cardinal Blood is very receptive and understanding. Everything must be in its place, including whatever has just stood in the path. We’ll all get there when we get there. But, no matter how many interruptions, Red Cardinal Blood will pick up the original intent every time, until it’s complete.

Red Cardinal Blood
is one of the Tribes that are least shy of finishing things. Completion is the vacation time for Red Cardinal Blood. A clean desk, a finished job, a ship sailing way, its bilges bulging with wares is the most cleansing experience it can have. Too long from the job and Red Cardinal Blood begins to stagnate and become sickly. If you want to help a Red Cardinal Blood take some time for themselves, push up your sleeves and grab a pile to finish the job.


Golden_Angel_K said:
White Overtone WorldBridger

Green Central Castle of Enchantment
Earth family- Cardinal Clan- Blood

I empower in order to equalize
Commanding opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of timelessness

Thank you Ravi Raju for this, but i think we dont have to wait for so long to bring 5th dimension as mayan calendar says, we only need pure intention from our hearts to bring it here, in the NOW moment, we can do it indeed, only if WE truly want..
yeah im interested in the second line as well "Yellow southern castle of giving" :) we share the same castle patricia maybe thats where our radiance comes from lol. :P But yeah i would definitely like to learn more about this stuff.

paTricia T. said:
Thanks Ravi Raju, that was a lot of fun. It sure cast some light on a few things. Ironically, it says I am an oracle, and my first book that I published is an Oracle. LMAO

What about the second line it gives for people? (you see...I just gotta Where do we read up on that? When you have time Ravi.
Hmmm... i didnt even realize and make those connections... nice observation patricia. if i were any more yellow i would be a banana LOL or a Sun... that sounds a little better haha...

paTricia T. said:
LOL It is funny that you have yellow as the main colour in your profile pic too. You have two yellow influences. Interesting.

Tetragrammaton said:
yeah im interested in the second line as well "Yellow southern castle of giving" :) we share the same castle patricia maybe thats where our radiance comes from lol. :P But yeah i would definitely like to learn more about this stuff.

paTricia T. said:
Thanks Ravi Raju, that was a lot of fun. It sure cast some light on a few things. Ironically, it says I am an oracle, and my first book that I published is an Oracle. LMAO

What about the second line it gives for people? (you see...I just gotta Where do we read up on that? When you have time Ravi.
White Crystal Mirror
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Signal Clan- Sky

You are already an Enlightened Being!

I dedicate in order to reflect
Universalizing order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of heart

My meditation: "I am the darkness that is the light and the stillness that is the dancing."

My compliment: Red Dragon embodies unity, in which all things are one with the Source.

Your Tone is Tone 12 - Crystal, Through you, the mysterious balance of the cosmos is fulfilled.
@ paTricia & Tetragrammaton :

This is what I found: ( Source : )


As the 16th wavespell of the Galactic Spin, the Yellow Warrior wavespell is
always the final RIPENING wavespell of the 4th Castle of Time: "The Yellow Southern Castle of Giving." Yellow Warrior Wavespell closing the Yellow Castle - giving us extra Yellow -Southern - Ripening Power! Among others, one theme of this castle is "fearless giving."

This Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Earth Wavespell, the
White Dog Wavespell, the Blue Night Wavespell, and the Yellow Warrior Wavespell.

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which the
powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring specific lessons
and initiations. Within each Galactic Spin, there are 5 castles of time, 52 X 5
= 260 days.)

Hope this helps.. RR

paTricia T. said:
Thanks Ravi Raju, that was a lot of fun. It sure cast some light on a few things. Ironically, it says I am an oracle, and my first book that I published is an Oracle. LMAO

What about the second line it gives for people? (you see...I just gotta Where do we read up on that? When you have time Ravi.
Yes thank you Ravi for taking the time to post the extra info, you're awesome! :)

And COOL Tony! nice reading you got there ;)

Also here's my meditation and compliment and tone i forgot to include earlier.

My meditation: "I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am...I Am that I Am."

My compliment: Blue Storm - something that comes naturally to you.
Blue Storm is the initiation by fire, the lightning path, the arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation. To the Maya, Blue Storm represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. Blue Storm is the purification of the 'body temple' and the ignition of the light body.

Your Tone is Tone 5 - Overtone
Core purpose, central intent, foundation, place of centeredness, simplicity, acceptance of your humanness.
Five is the ray of center, the first bar, the foundation of humanity in the individual self. ----- LOL so thats why most of my artwork is centered haha. :)
Yellow Planetary Star

Tone 10: Planetary - Manifestation

Yellow Star is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.

You are a starseed! You contain a holographic 'seed packet' of your evolution into the Mind of Light and the energy that directs you toward wholeness. This resonance offers an expanded view of the larger self and new ways of perceiving reality. Through self-acceptance, you are gifted with this journey. Yellow Star is ignition, like a cosmic milkweed explosion of resonant sparks. It is the launching pad from which you can hear the rumble of the rocket of your accelerated evolution.

The energy of Yellow Star may be experienced as a gentle rocking that becoes a floating and spiraling sensation, ending in a rush of feeling as you move into expanded reality. This sensation has been described as gently cascading fireworks, shimmering burst on the tapesty of Creation. Cascade into this unchartged perspective. Flow on the cosmic winds wherever Divinity directs, arching back to this reality wth a new experience of self.

Yellow Star's starseeded gift is the revelation of the harmony that unites all things. Instead of just aspiring to be harmonious, become harmony. Practice harmony not just as an abstraction, but as a living reality. This practice blends different energies, thoughts, people, and processes. Act on intuitive guidance as to what to combine and when. As you begin to follow your heart, you will know the feeling of being on the return path to the stars.

Yellow Star offers you the ability to hold a greatly expanded focus, a unity of awareness that encompasses aspects of the larger constellation of self. An example of this would be a simultaneous awareness of the desires of the existential self and the truth of the Essence Self. This star harmony encompasses the greatly enlarged perspective of your starseeded self, the part within you that holds the potential of your greatest destiny.

Unlike the preceding 7 tones, which were seperate and distinct, Yellow Star begins a more complex harmonic series as it completes the preceding octave. On a spiritual level, Yellow Star begins the development of higher being. The fundamental tones that occur in this series are of a more expanded frequency than those of the preceding seven tones. In this new octave, there is alignment in the harmonies of Earth and the harmonies of the stars that are now being sounded on Earth. Yellow Star is the first in a series of star harmonies that evoke accelerated growth of the starseed potential within you.

Yellow Warrior is your Higher Self & Guide.

Yellow Warrior, the galactic guide, is a mystic ferryman on the return path to the stars; allow Yellow Warrior's staff to ferry you to the spiraling vortex of cosmic consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the grace of the descent of the dove. Embody the mystic gift of trust in direct guidance. Through trust, you journey to the place of 'no time' and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind.

Yellow Warrior is a conduit for cosmic communication, offering access to the universal web of consciousness. This is the web of the Mayan mystic spider that weaves intergalactic threads, the conduit of interconnected consciousness. Yellow Warrior is the spider in the web, the grid connection for divine communication. Receive these ripples of knowing from Yellow Warrior's web through the central axis in your spine, your staff. Accept this gift of knowing in grace, as you would receive the morning light by turning your face to the Sun. Grace is an unexpected touch, a blessing given in love, a natural gift from the universe. Use the power of love like an electrical current to serve the light. Open fully to feel and receive it!

The number for Yellow Warrior is sixteen, the number of unity with the cosmic foundation of resonant evolution. As you embody the ferryman's staff, you become anchored in your connection to cosmic consciousness. Holding within you the foundational steps of the trinity, you carry the "Christed one" into the world. As a living mystic, you are the conduit of the spiraling galaxies that creates a union with cosmic consciousness. Sixteen may also be seen as the beginning of another octave - a higher octave characterized by organic balance and the new Earth under your feet.

Trust in guidance is an essential attitude in accessing the position of the central pillar. Trust in Spirit to provide all you need, and trust that what is given will serve your highest evolution. Trust in the wisdom of the "Mind of Light curriculum." Trust in your inner voice, your feelings, your moment-by-moment guidance. This is Spirit's clear confirmation. Trust as an open vehicle for Spirit, your mystical intelligence, your divine guidance. Embody your ability to commune with cosmic intelligence.

Direct guidance, communication, and embodiment are the key concepts contained in the staff. It is a symbol of learning to stand in your full power and authority - learning to 'tune in' to galactic intelligence so that transmissions are received effortlessly. This resonance is created through embodying light. The ferryman is offering you his staff. Plant it within yourself so that it becomes a blossoming tree of consciousness.

Yellow Warrior's colours are indigo and gold, combining the limitlessness of the night sky with the freedom of the daytime Sun. If you desire to access grace and trust, focus on these colours.

Red Skywalker is your Subconscious Self and Hidden Helper.

Red Skywalker is the skywalker, the time/space traveller who can jump dimensions to assist you in realizing heaven on Earth. Red Skywalker is unlimited in form but often chooses the form of the angelic messenger.

A person who embodies cosmic wisdom may be known as a sky-walker, sage or bodhisattva. When others see such light in human form, they feel the vibration of heaven. This vibration may be embodied by you or experienced with a guru, master, an energy such as Red Skywalker, or in a 'chance' encounter with an extraordinary person.

An encounter with the energy of Red Skywalker can spark a deep yearning within you for reunion with the Source. Yet from this place of love and compassion, you also have a desire (embodied in physical form) to serve the light. This is the place in you that has the courage to fully express unconditional love, the depths of your being. Red Skywalker asks you to live the new myth by bringing this heaven to Earth in your daily life. As this reality is lived, it touches and awakens the same truth in others: "They kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven."

Red Skywalker represents balance in your life - not static balance, but a dynamic equilibrium that includes both your present expression and your starseeded self. In Red Skywalker's star-glyph you see that the pillars of heaven don't appear to touch the Earth. You are the element that appears to be missing in the star-glyph. You are the one whose expression of the light assists in drawing the pillars of heaven to Earth.

Joining these pillars in yourself can be viewed as reuniting your male and female aspects. Together, in balance, we create the pillars of the etheric temples of heaven on Earth.

The natural state of every system moves toward balance that is fluid and free, as in dance. That balance is experienced differently by each person, but it often brings a sense of steadiness or centeredness even in the midst of movement and change. When you are dancing, you can use your very state of imbalance to create the fluidity of the dance.

White Mirror represents your Challenge and Gift. With maturity and awareness this challenge will turn into a Focus. This is what you desire to learn in this lifetime.

Have you unconsciously created a reality in which you seem lost or confused? In this shadow, you may feel enmeshed in the illusions of the hall of mirrors. Remember that the only real power the hall of mirrors has is your belief that its grand illusions are real! On Earth, we presently live on a holographic playing field made of the elements of time and space. This field draws to itself the density and mass necessary to form a three-dimensional reality. All phenomena within it are images that appear for our learning and growth. Since each of us is a hologram of light within the larger hologram, getting lost in fear, judgement, and denial can certainly appear to be "real", but it is really only an illusion. The essential mind is silent, still, empty - hence, incapable of getting lost.

The transformation offered in this shadow is found by being mindful. Meditate and pray for the reestablishment of your direct connection to Spirit. Become quiet and still. Imagine yourself floating timelessly in the center of the star-glyph White Mirror, receiving divine wisdom. Cut away with clear discrimination. Forgive and release yourself and others. Enter into the timeless truth of the spiritual warrior.

Another shadow transformation of White Mirror may be found in seeing yourself clearly in the mirrors of the world and other people. Using others as mirrors allows you to experience hidden truths about yourself. Ask for honest feedback from friends you trust. Risk hearing the truth about yourself. Openly observe the events in your life to see how they can be used to better understand who you actually are.

One of the most self-limiting illusions is the belief that one's own view of reality is the only one. This often causes the mirror of the world to reflect back to you your "unseen" shadow, and when you see this shadow, it can produce a judgement or reaction. Such emotionally charged situations usually have two poles or positions. When you believe that only you are right, both poles remain charged and fixed. For a moment, experiment with letting go or changing your position. As you loosen your hold and step aside, the "other position" or person is freed to change as well.

Understand that judgement and acceptance are two sides of the same mirror - the transparent mirror of ascension.

Blue Monkey is your Compliment - something that comes naturally to you.

Blue Monkey represents the Divine Child, the child that is ever in a state of open-hearted wisdom, innocence, trust, simplicity and joyful wonder. What would it feel like to actually BE a magical child in this culture and time? The secret that very few know - because they may feel more comfortable trying to protect themselves - is that the divine child offers the strongest of all protections, the invulnerability of openhearted Love. Through innocence, a kind of immunity is created that allows the divine child to be transparent so that the apparent 'slings and arrows' of the world can pass right through without being personalized into wounds, reactions or hurt feelings. This is the path of innocence regained. Transparency is the path of the new consciousness.

Look deeply into the eyes of a happy two year old. There you will see the innocent trust, openheartedness, and spontaneous joy that typifies the divine child. Imagine yourself as an enlightened two-year old, in a state of ecstatic communion and delight. In childhood, you didn't have to remember to be playful - you could easily and fluidly express your emotions. You didn't have to understand whys and wherefores - you knew with your heart. This if your natural state of being, the state of ecstasy, the path of revealed innocence.

In Western culture, many people have a distorted understanding about what it is to be a human being. We are often taught that sucessful adults are responsible, serious, rigid, controlled and goal oriented. In your journey with society, your developmental stages may have been incomplete. The natural sensitivity, fluidity, and freedom of the child may have been left behind in partial passage. Perhaps your inner child was wounded or treated insensitively, and you carried this unresolved process into adulthood. Blue Monkey encourages you to bring forth this incomplete or wounded part for integration and healing.

In this New Myth, your spontaneous, divine child will usher in and anchor the new frequency. How can you heal your inner child? Explore what truly gives you joy. Find types of work that support your sensitivity and create deep satisfaction. Be simple: love, play, dance, draw, colour, sing. These activities are for all divine children - they serve the expression of the magical child in everyone. Consciously make time for the joyful freedom and magic of play!

The number for Blue Monkey is eleven, the vibration wherein novelty and spontaneity break down resistant forms. When unity merges with Essence Self, a mystical foundation is created that disintegrates old patterns. This is actually integration in disguide. As your walls tumble down, they crack into a smile, and the illumination of self shines through.

Your Tone is Tone 10 - Planetary

Intention, true identity, foundation of Essence Self, aligned manifestation.

Ten is the ray of manifestation, the foundation of individual self manifesting its true identity, the foundation of Essence Self. A potent manifestation awaits you. Two worlds combine. The key to manifestation in all realms is through clear intention and the embodiment of your divine essence. What does your heart desire to manifest? Begin by aligning with your essence. Essence aligned with intention creates an etheric thoughtform, an "energy matrix image." As long as it is unrestricted by limiting beliefs, the energy pattern emerges and evolves. As it evolves, it aligns with the larger pattern until finally it is released inot manifestation.

The Planetary Tone of ten is asking you to look carefully at your own foundations. What structures and belief systems is your reality built on? What foundations motivate your choices? You are now creating a new foundation, walking into all that you are - your Essence Self. As the foundation of your Essence Self emerges, others will recognize your true identity. When you are in resonance with the universe, manifestation is a natural by-product.
Thank you Ravi Raju, but what divide your refer...?

Ravi Raju said:
@Golden_Angel: You're most welcome..

The prerequisites required for the next dimension are already taking place but we need to help as many to resonate to the higher frequencies before the divide takes place.. this is something they need to do for themselves and we could be of help based on our chosen incarnate abilities when ever they ask for it.. hopefully this post helps a few of the star seeds to recognize their innate untapped abilities..


Golden_Angel_K said:
White Overtone WorldBridger

Green Central Castle of Enchantment
Earth family- Cardinal Clan- Blood

I empower in order to equalize
Commanding opportunity
I seal the store of death
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of timelessness

Thank you Ravi Raju for this, but i think we dont have to wait for so long to bring 5th dimension as mayan calendar says, we only need pure intention from our hearts to bring it here, in the NOW moment, we can do it indeed, only if WE truly want..

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