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EU MP Mario Borghezi,Bilderberger Foe,introduces EU Parlament Declaration to end UFO/ET secrecy - June 18,2010.

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner

EU MP Mario Borghezi, Bilderberger foe, introduces EU Parliament declaration to end UFO/ET secrecy

June 18, 7:35 PMSeattle Exopolitics ExaminerAlfred Lambremont Webre

YouTube: EU MP Mario Broghezi exposing EU Bilderbergers - Nov. 09

As of June 18, 2010 seventeen members of the European Union Parliament, led by Italian EU MP Mario Borghezi, have reportedly signed and tabled a “Written declaration on the declassification of documentation on UFOs” calling on member states to disclose documents relating to UFOs, and end UFO secrecy.

The full text of the EU Written Declaration (0057/2010), dated June 14, 2010, is set out in the article below.

The EU declaration states that the European Parliament “recognizes that in 1978 the 33rd General Assembly of the United Nations formally recognized UFOs as a valid issue.”

The EU declaration goes on to state that the European Parliament:

“1.    Considers it essential to set up a scientific centre for the analysis and dissemination of the scientific data gathered to date by various European bodies and governments;

“2.    Calls for public archives on UFOs to be opened up and for records to be declassified by the Member States, thus providing the public and the mass media with access to the full range of documentation on the subject;

“3.    Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Council, the Commission and the governments of the Member States.

On December 18, 1978, the U.N. General Assembly adopted UNGA Decision 33/426, stating that the “General Assembly invites interested Member States to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and to inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and evaluation of such activities.”

To date - nearly 32 years later - the U.N. General Assembly has not taken any practical steps to implement UNGA Decision 33/426.

The European MP sponsoring the resolution appears to be a committed foe of Bilderberger and Trilateralists infiltration of the European Parliament. In November 2009, EU MP Mario Borghezio questioned the nominations of Bilderberg and Trilateral attendees and cohorts for the posts of EU President and EU foreign minister. readers can view MP Mario Borghezio’s statements in the EU parliament against the Bilderberger and Trilateralist infiltration of the EU in the article below.

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Official text of the EU Written declaration on the declassification of documentation on UFOs

In this video, readers can view MP Mario Borghezio’s statements in the EU parliament against the Bilderberger and Trilateralist infiltration of the EU Parliament.

The full official text of the declaration on declassification of documentation on UFOs is as follows:


Written declaration on the declassification of documentation on UFOs

The European Parliament, –

having regard to Articles 4, 179, 180 and 189 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

having regard to Rule 123 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas in 1978 the 33rd General Assembly of the United Nations formally recognised UFOs as a valid issue,

B. whereas in 1993 a resolution drafted by the Italian physicist Tullio Regge and seeking to extend to European level the investigative remit of what was then the only government body looking into UFOs (the SEPRA, which has now become the GEIPAN) was tabled in Parliament,

C. whereas many members of the scientific community have been looking into the issue of UFOs and have denounced the systematic covering-up of information on the subject,

D. whereas a study of the material collected by the governments of all the Member States would have major scientific and technological spinoffs,

1. Considers it essential to set up a scientific centre for the analysis and dissemination of the scientific data gathered to date by various European bodies and governments;

2. Calls for public archives on UFOs to be opened up and for records to be declassified by the Member States, thus providing the public and the mass media with access to the full range of documentation on the subject

3. Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Council, the Commission and the governments of the Member States
EU MP Mario Borghezi and the Bilderberger anti-disclosure agenda

EU MP Mario Borghezi has worked to expose the presence of the Bilderberger and Trilateralist factions in the European Parliament. The Bilderbergers and Trilateralists are both clubs that employ policy-makers, media executives and personalities, politicians, and public office holders to implement the anti-disclosure policies adopted by an insider group of substantial asset owners, including principals in the Rothschild and Rockefeller groups, and the British and Dutch royal houses.

In this video, EU MP Mario Borghezi participates with Canadian expert Daniel Estulin on Bilderberger infiltation of global public policy.

The following is an investigative account of EU MP Mario Borghezi’s exposure of Bilderberger agent’s influence in the European Parliament.

EU MP Mario Borghezi’s actions to expose Bilderberger and Trilateralist infiltration in the European Parliament augur well for his shepherding of an honest, truth-oriented disclosure agenda in the UFO disclosure declaration.

Italian MP Denounces Bilderberg Influence During European Parliament Meeting

Kurt Nimmo, Infowars, November 14, 2009

Mario Borghezio, an Italian member of European Parliament, dropped a bomb shell at the EU this week. In the video below, during a session of the parliament in Brussels Borghezio questioned the nominations of Bilderberg and Trilateral attendees and cohorts for the posts of EU President and EU foreign minister.

“Is it possible,” Borghezio asked, “that no one has noticed that all 3 frequently attended the Bilderberg or Trilateral meetings? I believe we need to apply the principles of transparency, so often mentioned here in our institutions. We need to establish clearly whether these are the candidates of their own countries’ political forces, or whether they are simply the candidates of these occult groups that meet behind closed door to decide matters over the heads of the people.”

The candidates in question are Jan Peter Balkenende, David Miliband, and Herman Van Rompuy.

Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende attended the Bilderberg meeting held at the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly, Virginia on June 5-8, 2008. As Paul Joseph Watson noted on May 22 of that year, the Dutch embassy went out of its way to hide the fact Balkenende had attended the elite confab.

Balkenende and his European Affairs Minister Frans Timmermans were formally petitioned over their involvement with Bilderberg by Dutch MP Harry van Bommel. Timmermans referred directly to research conducted by Watson and Bilderberg researcher Daniel Estulin.

“Prime Minister Balkenende attended the Bilderberg Group conference in Washington DC last year, before meeting with President Bush, along with Queen Beatrix and her son William-Alexander. Queen Beatrix is a regular attendee of the elitist confab and was photographed by our reporters arriving at Bilderberg last year,” Watson noted on May 15, 2009.

David Miliband, the current Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of Britain, is an EU operative pushing “environmental reform” and the globalist climate change agenda. In 2006, he pushed the idea of carbon trading “credit cards” for everyone. He is considered “ideal material” for the post of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union. Miliband went to Oxford and was a Kennedy Scholar at MIT, a scholarship with intimate ties to Anglo-American elitism. His father, Ralph Miliband, was a noted Marxist intellectual.

Herman Van Rompuy is the current Prime Minister of Belgium and a member of the King’s Crown Council. Van Rompuy also pushes the globalist “green” agenda, as Flanders Today has reported.

Van Rompuy “showed his hand” at a Bilderberg meeting when he “told the elite club that the European government leaders are increasingly becoming proponents of Europe tapping off green income,” in short fleecing the plebs under cover of the climate change ruse. “Van Rompuy accepted the invitation of Etienne Davignon to address the gathering because the discretion of the Bilderberg Group has attained legendary status, and what is said at its meetings has never leaked out,” the newspaper added.

In fact, thanks to Bilderberg sleuths Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin, much of what the Bilderbergers have in mind for us has leaked out.

How to evaluate EU MP Mario Borghezi’s EU UFO disclosure declaration in the EU parliament

1. Political Integrity and Disclosure – Because of EU MP Mario Borghezi’s prior denunciation of Bilderberger and Trilateralist anti-disclosure factions in the European Parliament, it appears less likely that the EU disclosure declaration will be co-opted by the same anti-disclosure forces that have co-opted UFO/ET disclosure in the U.K. Ministry of Defence and in the U.S. Department of Defense. One should remember that at present, 17 of the 345 members of the EU Parliament have reported signed the UFO disclosure declaration.

2. Explicit anti-Bilderberger and anti-Trilateralist sponsor - The EU UFO disclosure declaration appears not to be controlled by anti-disclosure Bildergerger or Trilateralist forces. has reported in "UK releases past UFO reports, will destroy future UFO reports, avoids government ET/UFO “conspiracy” how both the U.K. Ministry of Defence and the U.S. Department of Defense are taking implementing an aggressive anti-disclosure policy. has reported in "UFODC-Obama adviser says documented UFO/ET landings on U.S. Capitol “could destabilize society” how Obama administration insiders are actually implementing anti-disclosure policies.

One principal reason for these Obama administration policies may be the deep infiltration into the Obama administration of anti-disclosure Bilderberger and Trilateralist principals, such as Zbigniew Brzezinski, a founder of the Trilateralists and one of Obama’s mentors since the early 1980s.

As reported in "Informal UFO/ET disclosure now happening in leaked UFO/ET reports via U.S. Capitol Police", informal UFO/ET disclosure is now taking place in the U.S. through individuals that are outside the command and control of Bilderberger and Trilateralist elite command structures. has reported in UK Deputy PM’s birthplace is UFO hotspot, but will UK ‘disclose’ the UFO/ET presence under Cameron? The likelihood that UK Prime Minister David Cameron will not engage in meaningful extraterrestrial disclosure.

One principal reason for this non-disclosure may be, as stated, David Cameron’s own background as Bilderberger participant (Cameron is believed to have attended the 2006 and 2008 Bilderberger meetings).

4. UFO/ET disclosure abdication by the U.S. – The EU UFO disclosure declaration is apt to highlight the abject abdication of UFO/ET disclosure by the Obama administration.

Less than a week after a senior U.N. official confirmed to this reported Alfred Lambremont Webre that the U.N. Secretariat would hold a meeting on extraterrestrial policy if it were requested by a U.N. member nation, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. and U.N. Ambassador Susan E. Rice’s offices will not even discuss the matter on the record. On March 18, 2009, Juan Carlos Brandt, U.N. Chief of Advocacy and Special Events stated to this reporter, “If there is one (1) U.N. member state that would ask for a meeting on extraterrestrials, it would take place.” The office of the President of the 63rd U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann, the former Sandinista foreign minister of Nicaragua (1979-90), also has confirmed to this reporter that it would support any U.N. member nation calling for implementation of UNGA Decision 33/426, which calls for coordination of research on “unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial life.” On March 22, 2009, a U.S. ally, the U.K. Ministry of Defence released over 1200 previously secret files relating to UFOs and extraterrestrial life. On March 26, 2009, when reached by this reporter, neither Hillary Clinton’s nor Susan Rice’s offices nor their spokespersons would comment on the U.N. official’s statements, or on U.S. plans to support implementation of UNGA Decision 33/426.

5. The EU UFO disclosure declaration & the November 2010 Denver ET Affairs Commission ballot initiative – Two of the current initiatives that appear to have integrity and a promise of delivering public disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence are – at this time - The EU UFO disclosure declaration & the Denver ET Affairs Commission ballot initiative, which has now been moved to the November 2010 general election ballot in Denver, Colorado.
Is this for real? I sure hope so. I have been putting all my energy into making this happen. Can anyone confirm that this is really going to happen?
I do hope is for real!!!
has anyone heard anything new on this?

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