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Activities in Yemen and the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden
05/01/2010 at 15:24 pm | 2.787 views | ET |
Sorry for Yemen attack
Since the failed attack on flight 253, which was executed on Christmas Day by Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, the forces of the U.S. and elsewhere got a new excuse to invade a country in the Middle East. It is this time to Yemen, where a stronghold of Al-Qaeda was active and who have also claimed the attack.
What you are not stated in the Dutch media to hear is that the Nigerian youth at Schiphol was accompanied by an as yet still unknown man, neatly dressed in suits, who helped Mutallab board of the plane to Detroit, while not in possession of a passport. Mutallab according to eyewitnesses as Sudanese refugees' put aboard Flight 253. (See news article
Mutallab, the alleged terrorist, appears to be the son of one of the richest men in Nigeria, the minister and former bank president Umaru Mutallab.
(Read more about this case in this article)
Al-CIAda that has claimed the attack comes as no surprise to, because it was the intention with a massive excuse to fall within Yemen.
What is the real reason they suddenly set to invade Yemen jump, you'll wonder ... Terrorists? Oil maybe?
No, it is a Stargate!
Read below a statement of events surrounding the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden.
(The port is already since the 80 studied by geophysicists, who speak highly of different magnetic anomalies in the Gulf of Aden. Article here)
KOS Update January 4, 2010:
There have been increased activity around the capital Sana'a in Yemen. Militias of NATO, EU, Russia, China, Japan, the USA and are all really busy with little or nothing.
There are now hundreds of warships in the Gulf of Aden. They surround an open Stargate in the Gulf. Seven miles deep in the sea under the Star Gate of Aden is an awakening, consciousness, acting with awesome capacity to bring peace on this Earth.
The secret scientists monitor these "anomalies" and they know they can do nothing to stop it. All the planets in our solar system and our sun to show transitional changes in their composition and magnetism. All old and new grids' Activate now and will soon be an incredible force by demonstrating a 5D crystalline and electromagnetic field around the planet to generate a horizontal force shield that the use of aggressive weapons impossible.
The Blue Moon, the Earth-Activation grid given a boost to the Stargate with powerful energy. This energy has accumulated since December 31. The second full moon in December was no more than a cosmic energy boost needed for the crystalline Earth grid to launch and activate the Diamond tetrahedron which is inside the Earth and are thus open to the Stargate, as in former times was the case.
This activation of the grid is controlled by Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. On command, all weapons are disabled. We launch shuttles from our Mother and we will ship the soldiers from all countries around the world, bring home to their families.
The escalation that is currently happening in Yemen, the last convulsions of those who have long been in power are to wage war. They can massive mother ships from the Stargate ensue. They are aware that once the Stargate force reaches its climax, their weapons will no longer work.
At that time we have to Disclosure / publication to explain why the soldiers no longer fight. State Hillary Clinton said today that Yemen both a regional and global threat. She let 'Cosmic' absence. This claim will also be her last. Warfare will no longer come from her hand, when the Stargate is fully open.
The soldiers from around the world will thus be directly affected. They are horrified to see their weapons, and can not contain. They will look at their sizes and those where they shot and say that no weapon is still working. They will radio contact with their commanders and it will be done in one stroke, around the world.
The Stargate of Aden, on the coast of Yemen, is the force that all weapons and guns off the world. There will be simultaneous world. The vessels of the Galactic Federation will come to the soldiers returned to their homeland and their families to bring. Everyone will see ships and fully visible to all ships will not be long.
Visualize Peace.
Detailed data on the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden (January-May 2009)
January 4 '09 - In the Gulf of Aden, more than 300 naval ships circle of friends and enemies, the deep underground Stargate, which is above the water activated with visible metallic rings in the air and a full port inter-/multidimensionale have opened, creating huge cigar shaped ships arrive. Where they come from a Stargate, is there a short time they become visible.
Imagine that a huge increase brings the events in that area and that all negative gates are closed and locked. And that means that the cigar-shaped ships come from positive galactic powers.
January 28 '09 - The Stargate of Aden continues to develop an acting ability that will transform the entire region, including countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, and descending to the south towards Somalia (including Yemen).
February 17 '09 - Spirals * (or Super Strings) of energy come out through the Stargate of Aden in the past week. They are 30,000 light years away, located in the "Delta Quadrant". (see "Spiral Norway 'below)
Navy ships around the world surround this "anomaly" and still can not do anything. They do not want you to know something is off the grandeur of this phenomenon and what it predicts.
It predicts your elevation and their demise, unless they open their hearts to love and receive frequencies to allow.
April 16 '09 - You'll wonder what an area that is now filled with more than 300 naval vessels even China, Iran and all European and Asian countries, has to do with (Somali) pirates. The answer is that it is a cover-up for the activities of all these naval vessels which have been a months deposit form around the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden.
The Stargate of Aden is the most important new development on this planet millions of years.
May 14 '09 - New gates will open this year in many locations. Note the total media blackout on the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden, which for some months now permanently open and active and harmonious interactions that helps to have other "anomalies" to activate over the years (*). Seven miles deep in the sea under the Stargate is an awakening of Aden, perceptual consciousness, with awesome capacity to bring peace on this Earth.
The secret scientists monitor these "anomalies" and they know they can do nothing to stop it. All the planets in our solar system and our sun to show transitional changes in their composition and magnetism. All old and new grids' Activate now and will soon be an incredible force by demonstrating a 5D crystalline and electromagnetic field around the planet to generate a horizontal force shield that the use of aggressive weapons impossible.
(*) Spiral in Norway on December 9 '09, activated
through the Stargate in the Gulf of Aden?
Dimensional Activation January 4, 2010
In astrological terms interpreted from the article "Cosmic Events January 2010" is something very remarkable forward. The writer refers to a special event to take place on January 4, 2010. It speaks of a passage between the outer and inner world and an activation from the Earth star chakra, which proposed the double Tetrahedron located inside the earth.
The activation is, according to her description, not only place in the Earth, but also on yourself, representing the principle of "As above, so below. It opens not only a cosmic connection between the dimensions of the Earth but also in us, man.
Given the increased activity in recent weeks in Yemen and the Gulf of Aden play, it would be possible that the passage of which they speak, the Stargate is in Aden.
Within Earth Opening January 4, connecting outer and inner earth
The veils are gone. The inner and outer joins together in us, and so is the outside of the Earth, the third dimension to connect with the 6th dimension in earth and ultimately with us to the 11th dimension. This port assist with opening the way inside, to go deep inside yourself, deep in the Earth and to authorize. No fear of the darkness, the unknown or death. The Earth star chakra will be activated in this society because it is the passage for the meeting of Heaven and Earth and the Earth is our mother and gives us life.
(full article here)
Six trucks with weapons vanished in Yemen
On Monday, January 4th we received a message from the BBC to face that in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, 6 trucks full of weapons and explosives are lost. When the trucks entered the capital lost the security forces of the Embassy of trucks suddenly from view.
Did the smart guys from Al CIAda perhaps all six trucks stolen, or would it have anything to do with the port on January 4 is activated, making these weapons are 'off' by other forces and powers?