Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

God Theory
One day i thought that the universe was created by 1 God.
And from that one god came creation and life.
From life and creation came intelligance and spirtual essance
From intelligance and spirtual essence came knowledge and beings.
Over generations and aions the knowledge was like a conscience.
Expanding in all directions growing onward and further into the reaches of space.
Once the knowledge was at its peeking point things start to turn upside down.
The very fabric of space is turned inside out.
For if there is no center, time and space starts to twist untill it consumes itself.

So this tree would be this gods shadow, this gods creation of it self.
Creation of Existance

Mirror \/ 1st God's Dream zzzzz
(What is within)
(The Shadow of Existance)
Ancients .R
(Divines) .K
Ying / \ Yang .E
Good (Father)Life \ / (Mother) Creation Evil .S
(Untrue Gods) .S
(Imperfect Timeline) .
__ .E
Spirtual Essence / \ Intelligance .D
Beings / \ Knowledge .
Air Fire / \ Water Earth .H
Will Density / \ Mass Volume .A
/(True God)\ .L
/ 3rd \ .F
/ The \ .R .R
/ Awakening \ .E
Full Point / Center Eye \ End of Time .V .V
..............................................E .E House of God
Compaction \ / Perfection .R .R
\ Beginning / .S
\ Of / .A .A .
\ Time / .L
\ / .L
\ / .I
\ / .G
\ / .H
\/\/ .T
\/ 2nd God's Sleeping zzz .
(True Timeline) .
(Whats within) .
End of Time .B
Hate .L

Now that the Sleeping one has reached Nirvana the Third eye opens the Center Eye.
The Face of god is complete, all knowing, all seeing all existing.
For the middle piece being the living being that is created is the center of time .
Connecting the Past, Present, Future.
The perfect compacted Center piece to Existance.
The Awakening, the true beginning for all.
From a Pictual Theory this what it looks like.

(Center Piece)
(All Knowing Knowledge)

<> <>
(Beginning) (End)
(All Existing Existance) (All Seeing Sight)

Considering the theory what else would a god find inside himself?
Truely my guess was he would his true self.

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