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Here is another overunity technology.

For those into electrical circuits there is a type of circuit using capacitors or inductors to 'recycle' current. In other words at the same time a circuit is doing useful work it can be charging a capacitor. Once the capacitor is full the current will stop flowing in the circuit. Then the charged capacitor can be unloaded through the circuit to do useful work as well. By doing this you get near twice the work for the same amount of energy. For example you can make a motor do 60% more work with such a circuit given the same amount of charge.

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I am an Electrical Engineer too. I actually did experiments with this myself using a water pump. I pumped 40 - 50% more water than I should have gotten given a battery powering the circuit. Basically I did a two pass experiment. With the energy conservation circuit and then without. I did several iterations of the experiment. At first I thought as he did, but after doing the experiments the only conculsion I could come to is the capicator does not take energy to be charged.

Simone said:
I asked my dad about this... he is an Electrical Engineer, he said "Sorry, no, It takes more energy to charge the capacitor than you can usefully get back out."
My dad is a skeptic about everything and I like to bounce ideas off of him, and sometimes he's probably wrong about stuff...but sometimes he's right. Since his expertise is in this area, I'm guessing that he knows something about the subject... unless there's something that you know that he doesn't know about?
I found out about this circuit through a company that sells lots of small books. Eagle research I think it is. I was really curious at the time to see if I could reproduce the results they got. I was able to do so. Others should definitely be doing so as well. I could have made mistakes in my experiment.

Best way to apply the concept to generate power would be two conservation circuits driving motors which drive generators. The output of one powers the other. Then connect to the loop just after one or both generators to draw power from it. I tried investigate of a way to do this with only solid state devices, but was not able to do so. Not saying there isn't. Most of my experience is with digital semiconductors not analog circuits. There may be a way to do it with batteries that don't mind getting short charge cycles. Most rechargable batteries have 'memory'.

Zeropoint and over unity are not the same. Overunity just means the efficiency of the system is over 100%. A 100% efficient system means no loss of energy.

Sorry... Don't know anything about the air car.

Simone said:
Wow, that's interesting, that is great that you did the experiment yourself... you'd think that there would be people all over the place confirming your experiment.. or are people just accepting the 'textbook' stuff that they learned and not testing stuff out? Or have there been other confirmations of this? What would be the practical application of this other than pumping water? Have you tried any other experiments with the concept? Why do you think no body is doing anything with this?

Can you explain what the difference is between overunity and zero point?

Also, I asked my dad about the air car because I saw it in the news and he said that was a hoax, what is your opinion on it?
Thanks for the info
On this page:

These two books.

These go over the energy conservation circuit.

Simone said:

Is it the Tesla pump on this site?
I tried many different circuits in pspice to come up with a design that would apply the principal to generate power without any moving parts. I couldn't find one. For my experiment I used a bread board to prototype the circuit. I used solid state relays in conjuction with a 555 time worked really well for the switching part of the circuit.

It is hard to measure the exact amount of elections that have flowed through a circuit over a given period of time. Without the conservation circuit it is straight forward power calculation since it is DC. Without the conservation circuit in action the flow is now non-linear. It is not even AC. What I did is just use recharagable batteries. I made the assumption that each full charge of the battery would yield the same amount of charge flowing through the circuit in both cases. There is also the issue that the load of the battery is different in both cases. So given that these possibilities were there I might have jumped the gun in come to the conclusion the capacitor is charged for free.

What eagle research sells are small books essentially. They present the concepts and give examples of the concepts in action. There are schematics that you could take and prototype yourself. I have not tried everything Eagle Research sells. I don't see they are trying to scam anyone.

The energy conservation circuit is not that complicated. It is not that hard to do. Again I used solid state relays for the switching. They did not use solid state relays in the books from eagle research. This could be a project for your son and your husband to do together. The pumping water experiment is a good idea since you can weigh the amount of water pumped with a digital scale. This would correspond to the amount of work done. Your father may have to give them a little guidance on a few points. As far as a place to get parts and supplies I recommend I have dealt with them often and never had a problem with them.

Happy to help! Love,
Simone said:
That's interesting,
So you pumped water and what else did you try that was 'solid state'? Why did you say that you could have made a mistake... do you mean you could have mistaken the amount of the water pumped? You said that you did several iterations... so you did it several times and got more pumped than you should have each time?

Have you tried any of their other projects from Eagle?
So are they just instruction manuals and then you buy all the parts and try the experiments yourself?
Was it difficult to do? I'm thinking that my husband and my son might enjoy trying some of these projects out. My son is really smart and likes science projects. It would be great to educate him on some of this stuff but he is only 6 years old... would you recommend it for his age? Were there a lot of parts to purchase?

Thanks for all your information
Power factor is an issue in the consevation circuit. I don't know if the switch capacitors in the energy grid are the same thing as what the conservation circuit does. Best thing to do is have your dad read those two books from Eagle Research. I work day in and out on digital designs. He may have a better handle on evaluating this type of circuit than me.

Simone said:
Hi Lightsedge, my dad sent me another email about this... is this the same thing that you are talking about? It doesn't sound like what you are talking about but my brain is not understanding the whole concept in general so I don't really get it. I think this is all over my head. :( I wish I was smarter.

"The phenomenon you are talking about is referred to as "Power factor"
in electric power engineering. You can read about it in:

If you follow all the links in this article you will learn more than you
probably want to know. But at least carefully read the main article. The essence
is that much of the electrical load on an electric power system, such as
SDG&E here in San Diego, are motors such as those in refrigerators, dish
washers, and clothes washers. These are inductive loads that cause the electric
current to be out of phase (delayed) with the voltage. If there is no
compensation, this causes more electric current to flow in the power lines for a
given level of power. Therefore the power company adds switched capacitors to
the power lines which compensates for the varying lnductive loads. This brings
the power factor closer to 1.0 and results in a maximally efficient system. The
capacitors don't add energy to the system, they simply make the whole system
more efficient by correcting the power factor. But the power factor can never be
better than 1.0 -- a purely resistive load.

These facts have been known since the beginning of electric power engineering.

We have an automatically switched capacitor bank on an electricity pole right
near our house."


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