Saviors Of Earth

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President Obama declares national emergency over swine flu pandemic. BUT WHY?

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Nickolas, you're entitled to believe the explanation as given to the public :-)


Nickolas Macen said:
Hey Genius if you knew anything about politics or National security you would know delcaring a disease a national emergency only means that Doctors wont need a pathients paper work to give them treatment. That means if a thousand people show up at a hospital all with swine flue a doctor doesnt have to ask each one of those people to fill out paper work or give proof of insurance he can just give them medication to relieve the flu symptoms then quickly move to the next patient. There is a difference between a National Emergency and Martial Law you should look these things up instead of shaking in your boots over how big scary words make you feel sad.
THANKS CCS. I couldn't agree more.


cancapscorp said:
Thanks Christina....enquiring minds want to know. Neither of his children have been inoculated. Must not be an emergency enough to safeguard his loved ones, eh?
Hello Nick, hope you are well :)
:-) :-) :-)

Marina Jorkavaité said:

We can discover what one fears most by observing the means one uses to frighten us.........

Nickolas Macen said:
If you believe the big scary government agency is coming to give you a big bad shot go right ahead. Meanwhile instead of hiding in my basement ill be among the population that isnt paranoid of every little thing that a man in a suit and tie says

Nickolas, you're entitled to believe the explanation as given to the public :-)


Nickolas Macen said:
Hey Genius if you knew anything about politics or National security you would know delcaring a disease a national emergency only means that Doctors wont need a pathients paper work to give them treatment. That means if a thousand people show up at a hospital all with swine flue a doctor doesnt have to ask each one of those people to fill out paper work or give proof of insurance he can just give them medication to relieve the flu symptoms then quickly move to the next patient. There is a difference between a National Emergency and Martial Law you should look these things up instead of shaking in your boots over how big scary words make you feel sad.
Nickolas, I want you to be in a HAPPY place.


Nickolas Macen said:
You cant enjoy life by fearing that everything has been set up to kill you or control you, If you honestly believe that everything controlled by the government or the media is set up just to maintain control over your life then go right ahead but I would rather live my life not caring and enjoying myself rather then scared under a rock. Everyday they say something else THE WATER IS POISION, THE FOOD IS TOXIC, THE AIR IMPURE well guess what thats the way the world works, and that why humans are special we develope immunities to everything in our environment thats the loophole in this world and thats why you cant fear everything. You honestly believe the crap in the water kills you? Your grandparents drank it your parents drank it and now you do its the reason why humans still live today we are made to have things thrown in our face its the way of our life and I refuse to be scared of anything that would make it harder for me to be happy because I know that most of these facts are made up to make us fear leaving our houses or to trust other people because without trust we are left by ourselves and humans are worthless without interdependency thats why so many civilizations came and went because they were always paranoid the other guy was going to come and kill them. You can let history repeat itself but im done with that.


We can discover what one fears most by observing the means one uses to frighten us.........

Nickolas Macen said:
If you believe the big scary government agency is coming to give you a big bad shot go right ahead. Meanwhile instead of hiding in my basement ill be among the population that isnt paranoid of every little thing that a man in a suit and tie says

Nickolas, you're entitled to believe the explanation as given to the public :-)


Nickolas Macen said:
Hey Genius if you knew anything about politics or National security you would know delcaring a disease a national emergency only means that Doctors wont need a pathients paper work to give them treatment. That means if a thousand people show up at a hospital all with swine flue a doctor doesnt have to ask each one of those people to fill out paper work or give proof of insurance he can just give them medication to relieve the flu symptoms then quickly move to the next patient. There is a difference between a National Emergency and Martial Law you should look these things up instead of shaking in your boots over how big scary words make you feel sad.
The political world is a big stage with active players and we are the docile citizens.
On dutch television was told how big the rows were of people who wanted to be vaccinated in the USA.
People certainly were 6 hours long wait in line. All afraid of dying from an epidemic.
This fear is contributed by the government.
Poor naive Americans.
There is no epidemic only enrich the drug industry.
In the Netherlands there are now 5 people died of the flu, but these people already had a disease, making them more susceptible to infections of the flu.
Believe what you want to believe. Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.......


Nickolas Macen said:
No what you want is for people to be scared thats why you post things like this and the first thing it shows is an Obama picture deformed to look like Hitler with the mark of the beast on his forehead. There is no higher learning from things like this anything related to such a era isnt meant to be enlightening or awakening its meant to scare people into believing in false truth. Whenever someone has a false they wish to claim a truth they will take images of satanism or Nazism because symbols like this stir emotion and cause what you see to sear into your brain. You speak of truth well here is the truth, THAT LINK leads to a site that is meant to clutter the mind with negativity and prevent logical thought. You see now when i look at Obama the next time I see him on the news or wherever the first thing that will pop into my mind is that image because the makers of such an image want that burned into your thought process preventing you from making a logical conclusion on a man who has not once done anything wrong. When Bush was around he was never crucified to the extent of Obama this early in his presidentcy because people distrust those who bring change.

Nickolas, I want you to be in a HAPPY place.


Nickolas Macen said:
You cant enjoy life by fearing that everything has been set up to kill you or control you, If you honestly believe that everything controlled by the government or the media is set up just to maintain control over your life then go right ahead but I would rather live my life not caring and enjoying myself rather then scared under a rock. Everyday they say something else THE WATER IS POISION, THE FOOD IS TOXIC, THE AIR IMPURE well guess what thats the way the world works, and that why humans are special we develope immunities to everything in our environment thats the loophole in this world and thats why you cant fear everything. You honestly believe the crap in the water kills you? Your grandparents drank it your parents drank it and now you do its the reason why humans still live today we are made to have things thrown in our face its the way of our life and I refuse to be scared of anything that would make it harder for me to be happy because I know that most of these facts are made up to make us fear leaving our houses or to trust other people because without trust we are left by ourselves and humans are worthless without interdependency thats why so many civilizations came and went because they were always paranoid the other guy was going to come and kill them. You can let history repeat itself but im done with that.


We can discover what one fears most by observing the means one uses to frighten us.........

Nickolas Macen said:
If you believe the big scary government agency is coming to give you a big bad shot go right ahead. Meanwhile instead of hiding in my basement ill be among the population that isnt paranoid of every little thing that a man in a suit and tie says

Nickolas, you're entitled to believe the explanation as given to the public :-)


Nickolas Macen said:
Hey Genius if you knew anything about politics or National security you would know delcaring a disease a national emergency only means that Doctors wont need a pathients paper work to give them treatment. That means if a thousand people show up at a hospital all with swine flue a doctor doesnt have to ask each one of those people to fill out paper work or give proof of insurance he can just give them medication to relieve the flu symptoms then quickly move to the next patient. There is a difference between a National Emergency and Martial Law you should look these things up instead of shaking in your boots over how big scary words make you feel sad.
Trudy, main stream media is often biased as you already know, Dutch television not excluded.

Love & Peace

Glad you are back :-)

Trudy said:
The political world is a big stage with active players and we are the docile citizens.
On dutch television was told how big the rows were of people who wanted to be vaccinated in the USA.
People certainly were 6 hours long wait in line. All afraid of dying from an epidemic.
This fear is contributed by the government.
Poor naive Americans.
There is no epidemic only enrich the drug industry.
In the Netherlands there are now 5 people died of the flu, but these people already had a disease, making them more susceptible to infections of the flu.
Obama has so far established no changes, just called ... change change ... well fair enough, all that yelling, has brought him the Nobel Prize. Once Quantanamo Bay is closed , I believe in change.
And a strong mind is not affected by humiliating pictures, which actually made by corrupt individuals.
Thanks CCS. Thanks to those Americans who are well informed and share their experiences based on facts.

Love & Peace

cancapscorp said:
Trudy said:
The political world is a big stage with active players and we are the docile citizens.
On dutch television was told how big the rows were of people who wanted to be vaccinated in the USA.
People certainly were 6 hours long wait in line. All afraid of dying from an epidemic.
This fear is contributed by the government.
Poor naive Americans.

I would be interested in viewing this story since it is not the case in my state.The healthcare workers in New York were spared mandatory vaccinations, that's right, healthcare workers were told they HAVE to be vaccinated or lose their jobs, and a Federal Court suspended the vaccines. In Georgia nurses hired attorneys for the same reason. The Teacher's Union published a statement in the Atlanta Journal Constitution refusing to get vaccinated. The school where my sister teaches was turned into a clinic to administer the Flumist to children whose parents paid for the vaccine along with a form stating there would be no liability for any adverse affects and less than one child per class showed up in the cafeteria on the day of the scheduled vaccine.
In fact, there is a limited supply of the vaccine and even fewer locations are offering it and only to pregnant women ( who are being told to get it by their physicians) and children 2 to 4 years of age.
I don't think that story is representative of the majority of informed Americans and I don't think all of the subtleties of the situation ( people who receive Public health services, non English speakers, mothers on public assistance- who have little outside support to refuse under the circumstances) are known by the Dutch media.
Yes Christina you are quite right in there ... :)))

Trudy, main stream media is often biased as you already know, Dutch television not excluded.

Love & Peace

Glad you are back :-)

Trudy said:
The political world is a big stage with active players and we are the docile citizens.
On dutch television was told how big the rows were of people who wanted to be vaccinated in the USA.
People certainly were 6 hours long wait in line. All afraid of dying from an epidemic.
This fear is contributed by the government.
Poor naive Americans.
There is no epidemic only enrich the drug industry.
In the Netherlands there are now 5 people died of the flu, but these people already had a disease, making them more susceptible to infections of the flu.
probably because he has advanced notice that the h1n1 virus will mutate (with a little help from the so called vaccines) to pneumonic plague...............

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