Saviors Of Earth

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i can't see it from chicago since sat (11/22) today is the 26...let me know!

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I cant find it either here in slovenia ;o it is dark and abit cloudy but i should see it anyway ;-s hmmm... But i know i have seen it 2 days ago ;o
yet !! :P
im in ireland,cork city i had a look out the window first when i didnt see it i went outside,NO MOON 21;50 GMT 26\11
It is the new moon phase ans so probably won't be visible until the weekend. Yesterday it was the smallest sliver of a crescent moon and by Friday it will appear in it's new cycle. Again appearing as the smallest sliver of a crescent moon.

Relax lol
thanks for the input everyone, lets wait and see what happens!
ps. the only reason i am especially interested in this latest occurrence is because it coincides with the meteor over canada (a little smoke and mirrors perhaps?). anyway, we'll find out soon enough.

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