Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Greetings all.

Over the course of the last two weeks, something rather peculiar has started happening to me. Every day, whenever I have a blank piece of paper and a pen nearby, I'm compelled to draw certain symbols. I don't know what they mean, but if I lose the paper, I tend to draw them again, exactly the way they were before.

At first I thought I was just doodling in boredom, but I'm starting to detect a pattern. For one, these symbols are very structured, and seem to follow a syntax, even if I'm as of yet unable to decypher them.

Oddly enough, in the last few days the symbols have included kanji symbols, and even hieroglyphics. Somehow I know they are significant, but I can't seem to translate them. They simply pop into my mind, and I draw them.

My question is this: has anyone ever had this same thing happen to them? Or are you compelled to look up unusual symbology to decyper it? I wish I could upload the symbols I've drawn, but I don't quite know how.

Somehow I feel they are significant.

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Hi, do you have a scanner to scan the symbols. And then attach it here, you see a sort of camera picture, that means you can upload a picture or just under your reply box says upload files. Or you can try to find the symbols on the internet and put them together in a word document and upload it. Or you can email it to somebody who while put it up for you.

I am very curious wich symbols you have drawn. Very interesting story.

Wish you lots of love and light
when I was a young I was constantly doodling, "always" 7 circles, ranging from large to smal lined up in a strait line, and planets, and stars,
the sun, half moon .....

but what is even more peculiar is that I always use to see this tree in my dreams when i was young, This tree was always standing in the centre of this field, nothing else around it..... Then one day a few years ago I saw this exact same Tree on the cover of a movie jacket "Big Fish", and i remembered , with a mental flash of that tree from when i was a kid ha! that is the tree !!!
I'm going to borrow a friend's digital camera and try to upload the images. I'll have to crop them slightly, because most of my drawings are on confidential work documents, since I tend to draw when my mind is not otherwise engaged (which happens a lot at work).

Now, all this comes a month or two after a very strange meditation while out and about. I was spending the weekend camping, in the North of England near the summer cropcircle hotspots, and while meditating to clear my mind I had a flash of symbols that came to me, almost as if an entire language was being 'downloaded' directly into my mind. Looking at my drawings now, I seem to always draw a symbol or series of symbols with a translation underneath. Sadly, this translation seems to be in a language I don't speak, or don't know anymore, almost like a Rosetta Stone.

I really hope I can figure this out soon, possibly with the help of far more intelligent people than myself ;)
How curious! I also used to draw a crying eye all the time. Sometimes with a rose...
I also used to draw cubes and sequences of cubes a lot! Once, in high school we were asked to draw a symbol that define us and I drew a cube. Unfortuntelt i don't remember what explanation I gave for choosing this form...

Very interesting Ullan. I hope you'll be able to scanned and/or upload these images and post them here. I am curious to see them.

cancapscorp said:
when I was about 6 I drew a crying eye. I would doodle it everywhere. I forgot about it until my mom told me she saved a " blotter" from my grandfathers desk and there were eyes all over with tear drops.
Later I realized it was the eye of Horus, when I saw the eye of Horus in a book. I imagine this happens a lot vut since people don't really think about what they doodle when they are on the phone, or at work, etcf they usually do not save the paper.
No doubt you are tapping in to something:) Investigate!
yes i have! they come to me in dreams, a few of which ive uploaded onto My Page on SoE

lets see yours
Hi Cancapscorp, This is also curious to me, as I use to quite often draw a crying eye. How did you come to connect it with the Eye of Horus?

Simmy said:
How curious! I also used to draw a crying eye all the time. Sometimes with a rose...
I also used to draw cubes and sequences of cubes a lot! Once, in high school we were asked to draw a symbol that define us and I drew a cube. Unfortuntelt i don't remember what explanation I gave for choosing this form...

Very interesting Ullan. I hope you'll be able to scanned and/or upload these images and post them here. I am curious to see them.

cancapscorp said:
when I was about 6 I drew a crying eye. I would doodle it everywhere. I forgot about it until my mom told me she saved a " blotter" from my grandfathers desk and there were eyes all over with tear drops.
Later I realized it was the eye of Horus, when I saw the eye of Horus in a book. I imagine this happens a lot vut since people don't really think about what they doodle when they are on the phone, or at work, etcf they usually do not save the paper.
No doubt you are tapping in to something:) Investigate!
I drew Roses too, and eyes, and a garden wow how cool is that... they say every picture tells a story "-) maybe we are all telling a story

Simone said:
i drew a lot of spiritual pictures when i was younger. unfortunately at some point in my life i threw away my original drawings not knowing how important they were at the time. later i found a book with the exact same picture as one of the drawings on the cover of the book. so keep your drawings and keep searching... you will soon have your answers. i would also love to see your drawings ullan!
just curious are you left handed? I'm a leftie and i would always draw the left eye too

cancapscorp said:
deborah said:
Hi Cancapscorp, This is also curious to me, as I use to quite often draw a crying eye. How did you come to connect it with the Eye of Horus?
Simmy said:
How curious! I also used to draw a crying eye all the time. Sometimes with a rose...
I also used to draw cubes and sequences of cubes a lot! Once, in high school we were asked to draw a symbol that define us and I drew a cube. Unfortuntelt i don't remember what explanation I gave for choosing this form...
Very interesting Ullan. I hope you'll be able to scanned and/or upload these images and post them here. I am curious to see them.
cancapscorp said:
when I was about 6 I drew a crying eye. I would doodle it everywhere. I forgot about it until my mom told me she saved a " blotter" from my grandfathers desk and there were eyes all over with tear drops.
Later I realized it was the eye of Horus, when I saw the eye of Horus in a book. I imagine this happens a lot vut since people don't really think about what they doodle when they are on the phone, or at work, etcf they usually do not save the paper.
No doubt you are tapping in to something:) Investigate!

Horus, represented as the falcon-headed god, was an important god in Egyptian legend. The symbol representing his eye, Eye of Horus, was a powerful symbol used to protect from evil. Pronounced "udjat" by the Egyptians, the Eye of Horus represents a human eye with the cheek markings of a falcon.The ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus or wedjat ('Whole One') is a powerful symbol of protection, and is also considered to confer wisdom, health and prosperity.The ancient Egyptians considered the eye of horus as a representative of eternal renewal of the kingdom from Pharaoh to pharaoh.

The ancient Egyptians believed that this symbol has a very powerful and magical effect on restoring harmony to the unstabilized world and restoring unrightful things.

the eye I drew was stylized with a huge sloping teardrop. It wasn't until I was in my 40's I made the connections. It was always the left eye!
oh wow I thought the scolding of lefties was a time before us, I was never scolded for being a leftie in kindergarden, but was always being made to feel bad because i was so "shy", aloof and all that
I haven't forgotten about the symbols, I promise ;)

Had a call from a friend and I was needed there for the weekend. Strangely enough, he'd just drawn a large recognition symbol on his box of miniatures so it would be distinguishable from his other boxes which are about to meet their destiny in the freecycle.

He didn't realize what he'd drawn, until I pointed out he'd painted the Eye of Horus all over it...

So yes, expect my symbols soon. This is probably a universal way to tell me to stop procrastinating ;)
I have a friend who has something similar happening to him. He says that every now and then (seems to be a couple days) he receives messages from God and writes them down. He has all sorts of different symbols and such all over his room, but ever since its been happening he's been becoming somewhat anti-social. I worry about him, but I know that someone is trying to say something to him or through. This is probably the same for you, as well.

I would suggest showing your drawings to other people. Maybe you will find someone who knows what they mean.
First off, I'd say keep an eye on your friend. If he's becoming withdrawn, visit him perhaps a bit more often than you usually would, and take him somewhere to relax his mind.

I do apologize for the delay in uploading the symbols, but I can't seem to get around to doing it. Hundreds of things demand my attention at the same time whenever I'm about to make progress. Also, the symbols appear to develop into more recent languages. The last series I wrote, now over a week ago, I've positively identified as Runic. Over two days, I wrote a sentence that developed from early to late runes, the translation still pending. The only symbols I've decyphered so far are 'shining domain' but considering runic is derivative to the meaning of preceding runes, this may yet change.

I'm planning on decyphering the runes to the best of my ability, hoping for more to come that might be in more recent languages, and compare them to the earlier symbols. My hope is that this may turn out to be a 'rosetta stone' of some form.

Timothy Anderson said:
I have a friend who has something similar happening to him. He says that every now and then (seems to be a couple days) he receives messages from God and writes them down. He has all sorts of different symbols and such all over his room, but ever since its been happening he's been becoming somewhat anti-social. I worry about him, but I know that someone is trying to say something to him or through. This is probably the same for you, as well.

I would suggest showing your drawings to other people. Maybe you will find someone who knows what they mean.

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