Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

REPLACEMENT OF THE MOON ~The Federation of Light ~ through Blossom Goodchild ~ and also Breton of Andromeda through Mark Kimmel~

Good morning to you … it could be your night time … you might have neither … which leads me very smoothly into a subject concerning the moon right now. I had heard nothing about its ‘disappearance’ until yesterday and was asked if I would ask you what is going on. I was asked by someone in America as they haven’t seen the moon for a few weeks, if I could see the moon in Australia … so I looked last night … no moon… but I do not know if this is just within its cycles and cannot be seen. I know this is a biggy, so I will put my TRUST hat on and … fly me to it …

More and more one is finding that there is phenomena occurring that cannot be explained by those of your world whose job it is to explain the unexplained. And yet they are becoming baffled at a surprising rate. Many of your scientists are leaning over to a side of themselves that was once forbidden in their minds, as they were determined to prove that things that are not from your world … are. This is credible for them, for it was their chosen purpose in this time to serve in this way. Indeed by doing so they have put many questions in the minds of many people in order to work things out for themselves.Yet in these days so much is occurring that simply cannot be put down to earthly situations or circumstances. And we say such occurrences are merely the ABC of what is to come.
Regarding your moon … yes, we are aware of that of which you speak.

As with White Cloud I am asking for a picture, so that my mind doesn’t get in the way and interfere with your explanation. Can we do it that way?

Most certainly. This works well for us also. We are showing to you a vast waterfall. It is of the most picturesque that one could imagine. The water is flowing strongly from the top, down into a deep ravine where it mixes with the water already there and continues flowing down stream at a rapid rate. There is much force in this water that we are making you aware of. For that is important. … The impact of the water that is falling as it unites with the water already there. There is much bubbling and would we say ‘electricity’. The source from whence this water is flowing at the top of the waterfall is from mountains much much Higher up. We show as if they reach into the Heavens and the majority of them cannot be seen. This too is most relevant. What we then show to you is that further downstream there is a dam. A brick monstrosity that is holding back the flow of this water. It is preventing it from reaching its destination and blocking its natural flow. So therefore behind this wall there is a great build up of ‘electricity’ that is accumulating in power in that one place. The seams of that wall are beginning to crack under the pressure. We now show to you of the water finally ‘exploding’ through and over this wall. Breaking down all barriers. The wall that was once so ‘protective’ from allowing that source through is broken down into individual bricks which when standing alone, become so weak and powerless. The bricks are scattered in all directions and the blockade is undone once and for all. The rush and force of the water as it bursts through into the place that it is destined for, brings with it a freshness … an electricity that abounds in newness. A circulation occurs that allows ALL to ‘feel’ this surge as it flows forth downstream. You can hear dear lady as if there is much laughter, you see as if many souls are at the sides of this flowing river, there is a FREEDOM in the air.
This FREEDOM is where you are heading. This FREEDOM is what is coming to you. Many of you, through thoughts we have been able to assess, are losing hope within your Beings that the world your souls knew you came here to earth to bring about … is not happening.
And with this happening … so many changes are abounding. You need only to stop and listen to the beating of your heart to know that this is fact.

And the moon? … Let’s not forget about the moon?

The moon shall appear different. You are … we believe the word is skeptical … are you not Blossom?

Nope. I am in the fortunate position of being told of many strange phenomena that is occurring at this time… With all respect… why should this be different? May I ask then … just call me BLOSS the BOLD!! … in what way will it be different?

We give to you the number three. It will be as if there are three moons within the one moon. We are giving you an image of the moon, and it is more Golden as opposed to white, and it has two outer rings around it. There will be radiance from it, an energy that has not been picked up on before. And you are getting ‘This is the real moon’. It is back.

Struth … my hearts pounding BIG TIME. What does that mean exactly?

Your moon that was designed by ‘The Game Masters’ is what we chose to call the REAL moon. That was replaced you know.

No. I didn’t know. I had no idea. By what? A fake moon? Why?

To impress upon you souls of earth a falsehood. An existence that isn’t really what we would call an existence.

Pray continue… or should we just … pray!!

Blossom, as we move rapidly into the space in your time that you of earth call 2012, the REAL WORLD shall be revealed to you. This real world has been cloaked under a darkness that is incomprehensible to most when the Truth of it is known. VERY FEW KNOW of this deep destructive energy … not in the way we know it. Many will not agree … but we say to you … that this will end. This cannot be of any form of energy on your earth plane if the prophesies that were written in the COUNCILS OF LIGHT are to be fulfilled.


We do not desire to tell you ALL we know regarding certain matters that those of lesser Light have in store. Again, some think they know , but we know the minds of the very lowest energies ,and what they have in store is far greater an atrocity than the worst atrocity in Lighter minds could conceive.
We bring in this Higher Light for many reasons. One important one being that the Light energy vibration is weakening the energy that is here to control. This energy has been doing its work for quite a while. The change CAN occur even faster once those of ill soul are brought down from their so called thrones. Their kingdom is crashing at their feet.
The walls of Jericho are tumbling down.


Rise up dearest souls. Feel the new world entering in. Bring it in. Do you believe us?

Well, by the Love I am feeling right now … I feel it so strongly that I reckon I could do it by myself!!! Whoa! Hold me back….

Why would we do so? This energy that you can feel NOW Blossom is the NEW form. The NEW excitement. Within this energy is the power that is allowing the power within each one to be unleashed … if that is the correct manner to use. The excitement … The Love … All things that we have been speaking to you about … is taking place. We say it has been for a while as you know… but NOW it is so that the energy can be felt in a greater way by a greater number of souls. And through this energy we walk into the following days with a power that KNOWS that we are walking in the right direction. There is NO DOUBT. There CANNOT BE DOUBT for the feeling in the soul leaves nothing to be denied.

Excuse me, while I just peel myself off the ceiling! Thank you so much. I can feel your LOVE so strongly I could burst into tears. And some are still trying to tell me you are … How bizarre … I wanted to write two words that stand for an ‘imagery that man devised to create fear’ … give you a clue … two horns, pointed arrow tipped tail and the colour red … but I simply couldn’t have those two words written on this page. The energy of those words just could not be put side by side with the beautiful energy that is on these pages. Guys … from my heart ... I LOVE YOU … and I know many who read your words feel the same. Thank you for the honour. Thank you for it all. Just simply … THANK YOU … tissue anyone?
The following information was provided on 10/4/08. This is my 8th posting to
Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in
chronological order.

I am Brenton of Andromeda, my greetings to you from our starship.
When we last communicated, I said to you that the Earth originally had no moon.
The artificial satellite, which you call “the moon,” was inserted into Earth’s orbit
quite recently in terms of the life of the planet.
As you can imagine it took a great power to do this. Observations of the backside of
the moon, by human probes and astronauts, confirm that there are artificial
structures there. These are part of the artificial nature of the moon. Earth’s moon
does not rotate because she is an observation platform.
The moon has major effects on the planet and her people. It causes the tides, which
wash the shore of the land unevenly, and affects fisherman and others who must
traverse the seas. The moon affects the cycles of women. The moon also creates an
artificial time.
These are but part of the control placed upon this planet and her people by a very
powerful dark force that enslaved this region of the galaxy. In addition to inserting
the moon, it tilted Earth’s axis of rotation. Earth was not tilted prior to this point.
This was done, to show the very planet the power of the darkness, to place her in
chains if you will.
Over the next few months, we will remove the moon, and we will right the planet on
her axis. Earth will then spin perpendicular to her rotation about the sun, her
original rotation. This will moderate the climate of the planet. The temperate zones
will no longer experience seasons; growing will be extended to year round, like in
more tropical climates. Then the continued heating of the planet will bring about an
even more expanded zone in which the climate will be conducive to growing food
and other plants. The tropical zone will not be unduly hot.
You can imagine that there will be effects on the weather. That is why we are
moving the axis of the planet quite slowly. We anticipate that it may also produce
strains on the tectonic plates. We anticipate that after a short period of time, the
climate will attain stability, so there will be no more hurricanes or tornadoes. We
believe it will be more stable, salubrious and moderate, more conducive to human
habitation, without the need for technology to battle a constantly cycling climate.
The removal of the moon will also be done slowly so as to interrupt things on the
planet’s surface minimally. It will be withdrawn gradually, perpendicular to the
surface. Over time you will see the moon gradually retreat from Earth.
These measures give the humans of Earth an idea of our commitment to helping
you. We are restoring Earth to that which it was prior to envelopment by the dark.
That dark power has now been dissipated by the combined efforts of your brothers
and sisters from other star systems. This has been a project of significant magnitude,
a cooperative effort of unprecedented size. It will require continued efforts,
involving many large craft, to tow away the moon and to right the axis of the planet.
Cleaning the surface of the planet from the effects of the darkness will be easier.
However, it will require the skill of a surgeon, rather than the meat clever of the
butcher; the people of Earth will be intimately involved in that process.
I am Breton of Andromeda. I bid you good by until our next communication. All
aboard send their love to our brothers and sisters on the planet.
Whew, that’s it for today folks.
In Truth, Love and Joy,
Mark Kimmel

Here Before
The following information was provided on 10/2/08. This is my 7th posting to
Mark’s Corner. I strongly suggest you read the earlier postings first, preferably in
chronological order.
My name is Brenton; I am from the star system Andromeda. I wish to speak about
creation and human ability to create. We will begin with a picture of Earth at the
time humans first came here. God created this beautiful planet, eons ago. In the
beginning it was both beautiful and peaceful.
When humans were first brought to this place they knew of whence of they had
come and why they were here. However it did not take many generations until the
memories of their former homes grew dim. In a few generations they had only the
tales of the elders.
They were not a primitive people as has been portrayed. They were fully developed
intellectually and physically. True they did not resemble current man, but neither
were they descended from the monkey family. This initial seeding is call called the
Starseed Project because the people came from other star systems. Such projects
have taken place on others planets as well.
Science would have you believe that you came from the monkey family. Creationists
would have you believe that you were created as modern man, not too long ago.
Neither is true. The star seeds were a primitive race, but they were both intelligent
and were physically adapted to the Earth of one million years ago. The people of that
day understood that they created their own experience of life on their new home.
They were telepathic ‐‐ able to communicate without words.
Your Bible is correct in that it talks about an Eden. It did exist, however it was
populated by thousands of highly conscious people, people who knew who they
were and why they were here. This situation existed for many thousands of years.
We who seeded the planet were very happy about the situation. Our four races were
slowly beginning to meld into one. We from Andromeda brought the red race to this
planet. The black came from Sirius, the white from the Pleiades. It was a cooperative
adventure in which Earth was a fully conscious participant.
Picture if you will, of what people think of as ascending to a lighter density. It was
present on Earth one million years ago. In many respects Earth is merely returning
to that beautiful place where she was so long ago. (In my next communication, I will
describe the many changes wrought upon Earth as she was changed into a
subservient planet of darkness.)
Earth of that time possessed a moderate climate and was a paradise. There were
many fruits, vegetables, and nuts to eat. Transplanted humans wanted for nothing.
There was no advanced technology. People did know of cultivation. They knew of
education, and organized schools.
They did honor God, who they viewed as the Creator, and honored their ancestors
from the other star systems. Those who brought them here allowed them to evolve
in their own way, unique to the collaborative efforts between people and their
planet. All were conscious of that cooperation. There was a natural food chain as
demonstrated by the animals, but the people did not eat of the flesh of the animals.
Some of the animals were domesticated as household pets. In accordance with the
tranquility of the planet, ferocious animals did not attack humans.
The sky was clear, the water pure, and the land was fertile in every region of the
planet. There were no extremes of seasons such as you have today, because the tilt
of the planet was not as extreme. The landmasses were in place, but the tectonic
plates were in motion. There was more volcanic activity then today. There was little
extreme weather. Earth did not have a moon.
This is a picture of the Earth and her peoples, as they existed for a long time. I am
Breton of Andromeda. I bid you good by until our next communication.
That’s it for today folks. I do not promise to have daily postings, however so much is
happening right now that our friends want this information conveyed to help us
understand what is really going on.
In Truth, Love and Joy,
Mark Kimmel

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Replies to This Discussion

thanks for the reminders.

however, whenever i read the last article, i keep thinking, "So who brought the Yellow people" which is essentially the Asians. or are we red but in a lighter shade?
Thanks Kerrie ,very interesting.
Of course I like this post,just that some dots aren't coming togather for me.But a pattern of different infos by pleiadian perspective and Andromedans continues still.
I know for quite some time now that we have had Two Moons before, prior to this one we have now.
....Over all ,what I have been observing :informations from Pleiadians differ a little from Andromedan informations. ..?????
-----In this video (Billy Meiers space photoes) aboard pleiadian space-ship,came up with ancient two moons photoe.

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