Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Can someone explain to me what's up with the magnetosphere today? (SCREENCAP)

This is really weird, has anyone seen it like this before???? :O

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it looks like it was a Gamma Ray burst from somewhere in the Universe. cool!
Why the video is set to private? any of you knows the reazon?

Love and Light

If gamma rays are photons, could that mean that we're getting hit by the Photon Belt?
Below point 5 of Marie's blog on "Live Broadcast with Drunvalo Melchizedek Summary 29th July".

"There are "BIG" changes in energy happening next month in August. Drunvalo is travelling to Newzealand to perform some very important ceremonies with the Waitaha Indiginous Tribes. (I believe they are the ones who foretold the return of their ancestors - the beings of light, before the Big Shift). Drunvalo will be performing these ceremonies from the 8th to the 19th of August."

Besimi said:
Bizarre things indeed.We had this blog yesterday,wondering,does that has to do anything with this magnetic disturbance ...

Two months ago a QXCI/SCIO bio-feedback machine detected gamma rays within my energy field.........

Nightfable said:
If gamma rays are photons, could that mean that we're getting hit by the Photon Belt?
Magnetosphere bombardment still going strong today:
Solar winds are increasing. Its 508 Km/s right while im writing this.

Looking at the images, Nightfable shared with us, looks like a magnetic flip. Could it be the pole shift starting?

People are having computer problems around here and not the ordinary stuff. And some one I know told me a friend theirs told them that their state wide computer system went down for a few hours Friday. (not sure what state or department)

I think its happening folks. If so, be wise and prepare. (food, water, medication, ect..)


23:50 UT: SOHO is not in contact. NOTE: MDI is temporarily offline while new commands and data tables are uploaded. Normal operations are expected to resume in a few days.

Peace and love


besimi your video is set to private, and i dont know your youtube username to try and send a friend invite, please fix it for us thank you :)

Besimi said:
Bizarre things indeed.We had this blog yesterday,wondering,does that has to do anything with this magnetic disturbance ...

Hi Simone. Good question!

Having googled “gamma rays” I am aware of the implications of this type of rays. It is not clear to me where I got this type from. My son had also a scan run through his entire body on the same day, but he had no such rays. He and I eat the same food (mainly organic), go to the same places… so there should not have been a difference. Anyway, the following screening in July showed the gamma rays had gone. But another type of radiation, radon, showed up in both my son’s and my body. I guess this could have been due to our frequent visitations to the crop circles.

Simone said:
Hi Christina, What do you mean that a bio-feedback machine detected gamma rays within your energy field... can you explain what you mean? Thanks!

Two months ago a QXCI/SCIO bio-feedback machine detected gamma rays within my energy field.........

Nightfable said:
If gamma rays are photons, could that mean that we're getting hit by the Photon Belt?

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