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Vaccine will be rushed out before results of health checks are known

By Jeremy Laurance, Health editor

Saturday, 18 July 2009

The first doses of swine flu vaccine will be given to the public before full data on its safety and effectiveness become available, doctors confirmed yesterday.

The aim is to provide maximum protection against the pandemic in the shortest possible time.
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But, unlike seasonal flu vaccine, the pandemic version will be spread over two doses in a higher quantity, and one brand is expected to contain a chemical additive to make it go further, potentially increasing the risk of side-effects.

Children, who are most vulnerable to swine flu and are likely to be among those first in line for the jab, may get the vaccine more than a month before trial results are received.

Adam Finn, professor of paediatrics at the University of Bristol and an expert on vaccination who will be testing the pandemic vaccine, said: "There will be a period where a risk judgement will have to be made. It will depend if there is an increase in the number of cases and deaths. Children are potent spreaders [of the virus] – they are now seen as the engine of the epidemic. We are dealing with information as it comes in – we could be dealing with a far worse epidemic, and we need to act sooner rather than later."

Yesterday it emerged that a baby aged under six months died at the Royal Free Hospital, London, last week and a 39-year-old mother who was reported to have given birth died at Whipps Cross Hospital, east London, on Monday. The Department for Children, Schools and Families said 1,000 schools had been affected by swine flu and some could be forced to stay shut after the summer holiday if the number of cases escalates.

The pressure to protect the population from the growing pandemic, and the short time available for production and testing of the vaccine since the H1N1 virus was identified in May, mean the licensing process is to be accelerated.

A previous vaccine against swine flu turned out to be worse than the disease. An outbreak in the US in 1976 infected 200 soldiers at a military camp in New Jersey, of whom 12 were hospitalised and one died. But before it was over 40 million people had been vaccinated, 25 of whom died and 500 of whom developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, an inflammation of the nervous system which can cause paralysis and be fatal.

Doctors said yesterday that today's vaccines are purer and cause fewer side-effects. Though the virus is mostly mild in its effects, it has claimed 29 lives in the UK and hospitalised 652 people in England. The NHS was ordered this week to plan for a worst-case scenario in which swine flu might cause 65,000 deaths over the coming winter, including several thousand deaths among children.

Discussions are still going on between the manufacturers, the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA), and the Department of Health over how much data will be required.

The Government has placed advance orders for up to 132 million doses of vaccine with two manufacturers, GlaxoSmithKline and Baxter. The manufacturers have tested and licensed in advance three "core" vaccines in preparation for a pandemic. These are vehicles into which the H1N1 pandemic strain of the virus is inserted.

A spokesman for the EMEA said the first samples of the fully functional pandemic vaccine were expected by the end of July and a decision on whether to approve them would be taken within five days. Trials involving 200 to 400 patients would be conducted, but the vaccine would be made available for use by the NHS before the results came in.

"What the manufacturers will be submitting will not have any clinical trial data. We expect the interim adult data from September and the first paediatric data from October onwards," he said.

Last night a spokesperson from the Department of Health defended the EMEA, saying : "The UK has one of the most successful immunisation programmes in the world.

"Appropriate trials to assess safety and the immune responses have been carried out on vaccines very similar to the swine flu vaccine. The vaccines have been shown to have a good safety profile. More than 40,000 doses of the vaccines which the swine flu vaccines are based on have been given without any safety concerns."


[info]ancientoneuk wrote:
Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 12:05 am (UTC)

Raises a few eyebrows I would have thought, especially when such a large amount of "vaccine" was "accidentally" mixed up with live Avian flu...

Now what we should be looking at are the claims from some scientists that this strain has the marks of genetic manipulation, listen to such as the Journalist who is taking Baxter to the FBI and recently lost her job through pressure by Baxter so it is alleged, we need to know now if this is a promulgated event or nature running amok.

We need to know if the H1N1 component is the same genetic strain extracted from Alaskan, American, Spanish and British victim's of the 1918 pandemic.

Whilst some will shout "conspiracy theory" I don't think the Indonesian Government or respected journalists are prone to such and indeed this is good business practice if you think about it... create your market then be the only supplier for the product, people would say they wouldn't dare but yes they would.

Re: Right...
[info]tommytcg wrote:
Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 01:15 am (UTC)
and here are the details of the the reporters claims in the law suit. Austrian police have already started moving, but the mainstream media stays mum. Are they involved? Why no headline on this from the Indy?
Doesnt look like a conspiracy theory to me, like the one about an Arab in a cave in Afghan who shut down the half trillion dollar US air defenses with his laptop, then caused three buildings to free fall, including unstruck WTC7. This planet seems to me to be runing out of control. Q. What happens if you refuse the jab, on the grounds that the doctor wont put in writing that it is tested and side-effect free?

Baxter files swine flu vaccine patent year ahead of outbreak
[info]lori_price_clg wrote:
Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 12:31 am (UTC)
Baxter: The 'Lucky Larry' of swine flu Baxter Vaccine 'Oddities' By Lori Price 17 Jul 2009 Baxter files swine flu vaccine patent year ahead of outbreak --Baxter can take no more H1N1 flu vaccine orders --Baxter 2Q Profit Up 7.9%; Full-Year Guidance Raised --Baxter working on vaccine to stop swine flu, though admitted sending live pandemic flu viruses to subcontractor
CLG Pandemic Action Alerts 12 Jul 2009 Petition against mandatory vaccines; contact the White House, US Congress
More flu news here

[info]georgesign wrote:
Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 06:38 am (UTC)
If they give the vaccine to the elderly they have an effective way of gauging the side effects. If an elderly person dies they can fall back behind the excuse that the person was frail or suffering from some underlying illness.

Study history and you will find the 1918 so called Spanish Flu was caused by the vaccine. Because there was a large stock-pile of vaccine that had been manufactured for the troops in the First World War the vaccine companies through the government pushed for people to be vaccinated against the "phoney" diseases the troops were supposed to be bringing home.

there's an agenda here
[info]lapogus wrote:
Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 07:04 am (UTC)
which is probably corporate but governments seem very happy to play along. The question is when the media will start to ask the right questions about the origin of this virus, and how safe (and effective) the fast-tracked vaccine will be. The fact that Times wiped all the readers' comments on its story (see which were predominently against this untested vaccine, is deeply concerning. I hope that the Independent will not follow suit.

No more trust
[info]rhinocircus wrote:
Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 07:26 am (UTC)
The age of cynicism has arrived, but maybe too late.

All the signs were there that, power and money were amassing into fewer and fewer unaccountable hands, which manipulate government puppets to manage countries' domestic problems.

It is right to trust no authority, since the humanity stakes are now so high, with global warming, population excess, forced migrations from desert lands, shrinking food and water resources--and most of all a sharp decline in the value of human life, shown through the major governments of the world.

The US, Israel and UK are the main exponents of the New World Order and have perpetrated wars, which have little regard for the numbers and ways people and countries are destroyed. They have adopted a clinical pragmatism, about the way obstacles are removed--most of those obstacles have been people, without regard to age or numbers.

Nor are their wars for defence--as the mouthpieces of corporate piracy proclaim--they are modern day versions of Viking raids to enrich the powerful elite, now behind a facade of "democracy".

At some time, the values of this New World Order would become evident, even to Christian folk, who cannot believe such evil could exist.

The great pandemic--the created plague--could be construed as the pragmatic conclusion to all their problems--the true Darwinian solution.

Let the media investigate the origins of this new hybrid pandemic and tell us at which point they hit a "no go" area.

In the meantime, we live with an increasing war mentality, turmoil and propaganda, while some with twisted religious fervour, are actually advocating the advent of Armageddon.

Re: No more trust
[info]lapogus wrote:
Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 08:14 am (UTC)
I agree with much of what you write, but you don't need to worry about supposed man-made global warming; it hasn't been happening for 10 years despite steadily rising CO2 emissions. The warming of the 1990's is over, and longer term oceanic and solar cycles are now cooling the planet again. If you want to learn more about the flawed science behind the global warming scare is a good place to start.

Safety questions over swine flu jab.I think you have scared, many.I am eating carrots only dug by me
[info]famulla wrote:
Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 08:25 am (UTC)
I saw the SKY news and the review on the papers Saturday, July 18, 2009. There was a doctor. Your paper seems to have sacred many as there were question asked some really silly to tell me that UK residents are hopelessly educated. . ?My small son of two has fever, has the SF?? I am diabetic, I use the pump for the asthma, my urine is slightly yellow, my neighbor sent us pizzas and we ate these but later we were told their dog had the cat that had the SF??
The doctor simply read the comments that looked silly and concluded by saying, ?Seek the advice of the nearest GP?
This was before your article came. Friday July 17th 2009
I think you have scared, many.
I am eating carrots only dug by me. The JABS are coming in October till then I will be able to tackle the swines
I thank you
Firozali A. Mulla


I am glad to see there are lots out there opening their eyes...
But I can't help but feeling scared...

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hi guys
there is no issue here, weve been saying (before swine flu came out) that the world will be hit with some sort of virus, bird flu, swine flu etc and that a vaccine would be offered and not to take it.
weve warned for long enough, there is no problem here, all we need to do is NOT TAKE ANY VACCINE, sorted.....
we cant make people listen, we can only advise.

Not only is it unsafe, but they will most likly inject you with an RFID chip wile there at with out you knowing.
Well, no one in my house would be taking this vaccine!
I seriously doubt that the UK gov will make it compulsory. They wouldn't dare!! Also, by the time this vaccine is ready there will be enough people saying NO to it. They can't force half of the population!

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