Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I was ready to do the meditation on July 28 but, after reading this I have no idea of what to do.

Take this time to look into your being, go into your heart, connect with your Higher Self and I AM Self and understand the truth. Your true self knows the light and so recognize your own being and see the light, see the truth, and see what you really need to do. Where does your journey head? Where does your path lie? What do you need to do in this moment and where do you need to go from here? Your true self knows the answers, realize where your guidance really takes you.

For quite some time people have been sending their energies outward into the grids. They have been sending their energies to the planetary grid of the Earth with the intention to heal or repair this damaged grid. While there are groups who are working to repair or at least hold whatever stability remains in the in the planetary grid there are many simply sending their energies at the planetary grid with the intention that it be used in the highest good. The truth is that the energy they send out, regardless of intention, can be used by anyone. Good or Evil, as one would perceive, can both use and manipulate this energy for their own purposes. It is creating what can be seen as a free for all of energy. Though, the main issue of this is that in many circumstances the ones who are actually there to collect the energy are of “Those Who Deny the Light.” It is of this group that many of the messages that involve sending energies to the planetary grid ultimately come from. They mask the message and energy that they send with the energies or those that would be more readily acknowledged such as masking their energy in the energies of the Hierarchy of Light by creating an artificial energy signature. Those sending their energies may have good intentions and the cause may be towards the benefit of all but the result will be very costly.

For many years and even now, many energies that are sent to the planetary grid actually pass through the grid. They are taken into what can be perceived as umbrellas of energy. When the light that was sent interacts with these umbrellas of energies the energy is altered for the purpose of these beings that work against us. Almost immediately when the light hits the umbrella of energy it is altered and then it is reflected back to the Earth. It is sent back to the Earth and into the Earth from which it is utilized for the purpose of these beings. It is through this sequence that many of the grids and systems of the Earth have been compromised in this time. During the event of “Fire the Grids 1” many problem for and on the Earth resulted and more of the Earths grids were compromised.

The concentration of the event of “Fire the Grids 2” has the same function as before but it has been refocused to a greater more damaging purpose. These beings that work against us have shot their energies through the planetary grid and they have been doing this for a long time. The purpose of doing this was to compromise the systems and the grids as well as the Human Consciousness. The other purpose was to destabilize and weaken the planetary grid so that it can more easily be manipulated and broken down. The energy sent by “Fire the Grids 2” will be fired at the planetary grid which is already in a state of disrepair. This energy will not benefit the grid. It will be sent to the grid and it will spread along the internal and external reach of the planetary grid. It will overload the grid and instigate the process of fragmentation. The planetary grid will begin to break and separate into fragments. Those who are still connected to the planetary grid, which includes about 99% of the world, will then have these fragments come into them through the line of energy that connects them to the planetary grid. It will be integrated into their being. It will result in the mass integration of the planetary grid. The planetary grid is polluted, compromised, and heavily damaged and those who are still connected will be integrating this. It is the same as integrating a limiter into your own being. It will be anchoring the Human Consciousness and the planetary grid directly into the mass. This will limit and restrict the ascension. It will restrict the process of progression because it will be directly integrating what limits us in our progression rather than the more direct-indirect relationship that is currently running. The Human Consciousness and the planetary grid are not needed for the ascension or for the Earth and these compromised structures will be replaced in the ascension. A new system is being created to replace the planetary grid and a new human consciousness has been created that can be referred to as the Ascended Master Consciousness.

The energy sent during the “Fire the Grids 2” will be used to instigate the process of fragmentation of the planetary grid. This is provided that enough people participate and manage to send the energy to overload the grid. The planetary grid is greatly weakened and vulnerable and so it can easily be manipulated and made even more unstable. The process of fragmentation is gradual and can take anywhere from a few months to a year to fully break and fragment the grid. This is dependent on the amount of energy sent. Even if the energy was minimal the energies in this matter are primarily in the hands of “Those Who Deny the Light.” There is nothing to fire at that would benefit anyone on the Earth or work in the highest good even if it is in the highest intention. While this “Fire the Grids 2” event may not be avoided, if enough people know the truth and choose not to participate we can avoid instigating the fragmentation.

If the fragmentation occurs and the grid fragments are directly integrated into those who are still connected to the planetary grid their progression will slow, those who have not awakened will have trouble awakening, energy will be lost, the collective energy of the planet will go down to levels that may not support the ascension. If fragmentation occurs many things will need to be rebuilt and many more energies will need to be gathered. People will need to be called to go out and begin disconnecting people from the planetary grid directly by removing the fragment.

If fragmentation occurs we will potentially move into a second stage. As more energy is lost and more is destabilized the Human Consciousness will become even more polluted. As a manifestation of this, a static field of the Human Consciousness will develop around the Earth and the planet and all who are integrated with the planetary grid will become connecting points for those of ill intentions including “Those Who Deny the Light” to take control of. This field could be interpreted as a mind control field as it is a field that makes us more directly vulnerable to control.

Please note that this message has nothing to do with fear or control nor does it carry the intention of alarming anyone. Even if this fragmentation does occur it won’t keep us from progressing, it will just become greatly more difficult. This message is just for awareness it is meant to instill caution and it asks you to question what is really going on in the world and around the Earth.

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What was that old saying again?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't

In an ideal world, one would first amass great wisdom before gathering knowledge and strength. We are always insisting on doing it the other way around.

Look into yourself, decide what is true, do not falter from that.

Or to quote one of my favorite writers: Only you can save mankind
I would like to throw in there that NOTHING happens against our free will, all things that arise in the the present moment have been chosen by us(collectively) on a conscious OR unconscious level, whether our little ego's like it or not, to bring about the best possible situation for humanity. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if we truly come from our hearts and "Fire the Grid" we are making a conscious choice to make the world a better place ...... Just think... Consciousness/the Is-ness/awareness what ever you want to call the essence of who you truly are is the back-bone to EVERYTHING Good/Bad.... there's just too much for me to say here yet so little language to express it.

Sorry if this didn't make any sense but I hope it will help some.

Thanks for the post
Thanks for trying to make sense, I really appreciated and, you do make sense. I found this time very confusing.

Thanks allot.

Joshua said:
I would like to throw in there that NOTHING happens against our free will, all things that arise in the the present moment have been chosen by us(collectively) on a conscious OR unconscious level, whether our little ego's like it or not, to bring about the best possible situation for humanity. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if we truly come from our hearts and "Fire the Grid" we are making a conscious choice to make the world a better place ...... Just think... Consciousness/the Is-ness/awareness what ever you want to call the essence of who you truly are is the back-bone to EVERYTHING Good/Bad.... there's just too much for me to say here yet so little language to express it.

Sorry if this didn't make any sense but I hope it will help some.

Thanks for the post
Thank you for your comment. I found it very hard to make my mind up when there is so much duality in the information.

Ullan said:
What was that old saying again?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't

In an ideal world, one would first amass great wisdom before gathering knowledge and strength. We are always insisting on doing it the other way around.

Look into yourself, decide what is true, do not falter from that.

Or to quote one of my favorite writers: Only you can save mankind
this was my intuitive reaction also... because our consciousness defines the isness about us, our pure intent to manifest Love will be recieved as it should be

Joshua said:
I would like to throw in there that NOTHING happens against our free will, all things that arise in the the present moment have been chosen by us(collectively) on a conscious OR unconscious level, whether our little ego's like it or not, to bring about the best possible situation for humanity. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if we truly come from our hearts and "Fire the Grid" we are making a conscious choice to make the world a better place ...... Just think... Consciousness/the Is-ness/awareness what ever you want to call the essence of who you truly are is the back-bone to EVERYTHING Good/Bad.... there's just too much for me to say here yet so little language to express it.

Sorry if this didn't make any sense but I hope it will help some.

Thanks for the post
Joshua said:
I would like to throw in there that NOTHING happens against our free will, all things that arise in the the present moment have been chosen by us(collectively) on a conscious OR unconscious level, whether our little ego's like it or not, to bring about the best possible situation for humanity. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if we truly come from our hearts and "Fire the Grid" we are making a conscious choice to make the world a better place ...... Just think... Consciousness/the Is-ness/awareness what ever you want to call the essence of who you truly are is the back-bone to EVERYTHING Good/Bad.... there's just too much for me to say here yet so little language to express it.

Sorry if this didn't make any sense but I hope it will help some.

Thanks for the post

Nicely said Joshua :):):) ...on 28-th we will express our desires, for The Highest and Best Good for All Concerned.
.................Our wishes for a complete healing of Mother Earth and betterment of All Humanity. As these living enery stored in Crystals,goes back to the ''God Source'' so our messages go with it. It is what we want ,that we will co-create.
Check your time-zones on the Time Zone-Map,for the right timing. ..on Fire the Grid II Event. much love.
Any information that cultivates fear should be dumped as soon as it surfaces. The darkhats have always fed on our fear energy n they have found the power to control us extremely hard to let go. We are already in 5D so there r no chances of all that doom n gloom scenarios. We r already at our destination so don't let anyone pull u down with scenarios of the journey. Fear doesn't wash in the dimension where we r 5D. Even if the grid disintegrates a hundred times in a day, we in the 5D have recieved our potentials of god power, in such a way that we cn put it back together a hundred times in a day. In 5D u have the power to sort out al those problems so anyone presenting the 'u will b stuck there' picture is wishing u were a limited being...which u no longer are.
Thank you, that was beautiful.

Kihanyaking said:
Any information that cultivates fear should be dumped as soon as it surfaces. The darkhats have always fed on our fear energy n they have found the power to control us extremely hard to let go. We are already in 5D so there r no chances of all that doom n gloom scenarios. We r already at our destination so don't let anyone pull u down with scenarios of the journey. Fear doesn't wash in the dimension where we r 5D. Even if the grid disintegrates a hundred times in a day, we in the 5D have recieved our potentials of god power, in such a way that we cn put it back together a hundred times in a day. In 5D u have the power to sort out al those problems so anyone presenting the 'u will b stuck there' picture is wishing u were a limited being...which u no longer are.
In LOVE there is No need or room for GO WITH THE FEELING OF LOVE :-)
YOU Can't GO Wrong.... :-)
Thank you! well said.

Lydia said:
In LOVE there is No need or room for GO WITH THE FEELING OF LOVE :-)
YOU Can't GO Wrong.... :-)

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