Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This animation starts back in September of 2000 when data started to suggest major warming was taking place in the ocean, at the exact same time as the oceans were warming the troposhere began cooling. This covers the massive decline in Sea Ice over the years 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and the early parts of 2008. In late 2008 the bottom really fell out and the oceans all began to respond as the troposphere had several years prior.

The Ice began to rebound only in the Artic at first but also started to do so in Antarctica. Ending the warm cycle that so many taunted as man-made Global Warming and proving that the Climate is in fact controlled by the Sun. Just in 2 years we have seen the Artic Ice rebound to nearly levels last seen in the 1970's. The Antarctic ice is now following the same trend and is quickly reestablishing itself as we move deeper and deeper into a Century Class Solar Minimum that now looks to closely match that of the Dalton Minimum.

Data form the Great Conveyor of the Sun seems to indicate that this diminshed Activity could presist for 40 years or longer. If it does then we could be heading for a Multi Century Class Solar Minimum such as the Maunder Minimum. If this is the case we will likley move into a period similar to that of the Last Ice Age. The simple fact is this, Al Gore the UN and the Current Administration of the United States all fail to look at the most current data over the last 2 years, They also fail to look at True Solar Data and seem to lack the understanding of basic physics. Instead they are basing policy on ideology and outdated science and corrupted data.

There is no need to rush legislation and law based on current data. Currently over 30,000 Scientists Say Global Warming Is NOT Settled Science and this number is growing daily as more and more data is reviewed. The only reason to rush this Legisaltion and Law through is because maybe just maybe they now know the gig is about up. And if they do not move and move quickly to establish their Climate Legislation there will be no chance to do so in the future because the Ice is rebounding so quickly.

Government and Big Banks are broke and this scheme would only not hurt the remaining industry left in the United States but it will also take the food from the mouths of our children and cause widespread hardships on all familes in the United States of America and it is based on anything but the truth.

Demand answers and Demand that all data be considered and know that as their Global Warming Scheme ends they will likely change the tactics and wording to Climate Change. There can be no denial at this point we are moving into a period of Global Cooling and the cause is clearly the Sun and is not a product of Man. Now there is certainly nothing wrong with innovation and the creation of greener and cheaper technologies to repower America, but there is something very wrong and immoral with rewarding the spending of our hard earned tax dollars to Government and the Big Banks and Wall Street, as these are the very same people whom caused the current Economic Crisis with their creation of Morgage based securities.

Are we going to sit there and let them get away with the creation of Carbon Credits that large Banks will broker and Wall Street Speculators will reap huge benefits and profits from all Americans. There is a better way and Cap And Trade is not the Answer.

All data from: The University of Chicago

Observation Period September 2000 to June 2009

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I hope people wake up faster,and find the truth about this ''global warming'' scam.
.....throwing on us that ''green legislation'' like they (elite) wanna keep the planet clean.
.....they won't even allow existing free energy to surface, but we have to burn fossil fuels as primitives.

..........................................................great post Trudy,thanks for shining lovely friend.Namaste.

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