Saviors Of Earth

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Ive heard rumors in my resurch that this is correct :\........
The reality of cloning, is that is isnt very hard...
As an example, i saw a documentary on a ranch in America where the guy had a herd of cloned cattle, where each cow was essentially the same cow!
I heard, only as a rumor, that Obama is a clone/reincarnation of an ancient deceased Egyptian Phero, cloned from the surviving mummified cells of the long lost leader, reborn to lead again!

When you live under these creatures,everything is possible. ..notice Royal Crown???
.....Proof is everywhere,if we but learn how to discern it. ...shape-shifters are in control.

No need to hate and get shocked, ..But we need to start loving each-other as brothers and sisters that we truly are.
.....After all. All we have is eachother. Do not hate,do not kill and harm, ..Do not say yes sir to nobody.... ... ..Love All.
Hay BSB, i know its far fetched, i don't out right believe it, but i do believe it is possible. You know they got all the power, all the tech and who knows what else! It is said that the reptilians are masters of bio engineering :) But i agree that these pictures don't show much, nothing concrete, but differences between clones would be subtle or none. I hear they have no belly button :)


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