[The question for Mark was. "I enjoyed your framing of the Illuminati's
ongoing manipulative pipe-dreaming.
However: I and others seem to be wondering what is going on with Ben
Fulford. Is he merely a tool, puffed-up by an arrogance that makes him
vulnerable to ongoing Illuminati pyramid schemes...
OR: Is he playing hard ball and not taking their bait and bad rhetoric?
In other words, is Benjamin playing Game Show Host, doing his part to
show Zagami the 3 doors you mention......or is he playing Old Man Oz,
lost behind his machines?"]
Fulford vs. Illuminati - part 1
Just suspend judgement for the next few days and you'll then see with
more transparency the impossible task he accepted. He can't save them.
They are too heavy into cunning chess moves.
He tried.
Mark Huber
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]