.....full freedoom of my girlfriend...lol
.....for an honest start,just a repost
Would you love your girlfriends lover
Several years ago reading a Raelian booklet called Intelligent Design by Rael,latest prophet who
suposedly met Yahweh,a four foot magnificent balanced being with almond shaped eyes, among other things these words cought my eyes: Yahweh told Rael that You people of the Earth need Love.
He farther told Rael that you should love the lovers of your girlfriend too,cause if you love your girlfriend
you should be happy to see her doing whatever she loves to do. So even loving the other boyfriends of
her cause they are going to make your girlfriend very happy too.:):):)
Those words resonated with me perfectly cause I'm not that jelous person after all,and I never forgot those words.Those words always gave me a smile on my face,but I could never share that way of thinking with anyone before.It made sense to me cause if anyone loved lover's lovers we wouldn't
have any rival problems or suffer for love at all.Imagine plenty girls and planty guys for everyone.
So I have my girlfriend now and because I'm very easy going person I allaw her to go anywhere she wants,and she comes home anytime she wants,even very late at night .It's just fine for me to see her
being happy.
Well! she sometimes now brings home some male friends from work,who also act as her workfriends only.Well still is fine with me,even that I know they like her a lot too,cause she is pretty.
:):):) So thinking Yahweh's words ,I think now here is my test to see myself how can I love my girfriends lovers now.I keep laughing to myself often..... how much of love I really am.Common Besim test yourself now,is any jelousy or fanatizm left in you after all:):):).
Deep inside me I know Love should be left to circulate freely,cause is love that unites us ,and change this world for better.Even if you have to love your lover's lovers :):):)lol.
See the pic of my girlfriend.Would you love her boyfriends??? :):).
.....She is free to do anything she wants, but honestly i'm still working in the inner-most deepest
..of me to go completely clear and to shine the way I truly want ...LOL
Is it really,that hard to do that:):):) .
''ahhhh lovely higher vibrations I want you so badly and I want to shine fully,but can't I keep at least just a little jelousy da:):):)'' . ahahhaha . namaste
........................................................................give your opinion. love to all you light-sparks.