Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I can't really post this in the admin section as I had been banned. I have no idea why. But that is not my concern, what is, is that all the new member section set up to help new members has been lost as has much of the Q&A in the SOE section. My apologise for this. I will try to find out if NING can restore this registration back to a certain date.

Take care all.

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Not sure yet Bishop, Brad and I have sent enquiries to NING. Either a NING hickup or Brads password compromised?

Bishop said:
whats going on?!? are we under cyber attack?
Goed werk Tony
Je hebt het er maar druk mee om de trollen buiten de deur te houden :) :)
Ik wilde je even welkom terug heten lieverd.....
Wat is SoE zonder jou ............ :):):)

Let there be love for all true Saviors of Earth
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