Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This 25th history channel hoax marketing is ridiculous

What is soo groundbraking about this, BBC AND HISTORY MAINSTREAM crap sorry but i dont fall one bit for this..funny !most peoples around SOE will not believe any mainstream media but most of you believe or fall for this mainstream and historia crap, sorry but again i dont fall one bit this! primate fosil or bluembeam or whatever this marketing HISTORY crap they gonna feed us.. dont wanna burst you bubble but i just think most peoples fall to easy on this for nothing but thats only my opinion

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yes martin we all got excited, I guess because we all want change for our planet and society.... But you are right things should not be taken to such degree that one believes it all. It can be a trick by the cabal or it can be for the good of humanity lets just give the best vibration for it to be for the good of humanity. I know I want change in the planet, and if it is about the monkey well that dos not change anything I believe in.......peace
The fossil is REAAAAAL. Its REEAAAAAAALLLL. "made in china"!!!!!
This may be 'stating the obvious' (a known henchman power of some repute), but allow me to simply say this:

Earth changing events are rarely advertised on TV

I hope this was helpful.
HISTORY CHANNELL is a joke hahah
You cant handle the truth ... monkeys :P
First of all do we even have proof that it's the Lemar skeleton; second of all shut up about the history channel at least their trying to do some "science" and it's better than the dooms day and ww2 stuff they keep cranking out so I'm pleased at least for the mean time. Also If you don't like it then don't watch it; I'm not saying that their correct or accurate or even that it deserves the media attention. All I'm saying is that no one likes a complainer.
my only problem with all this lemur scientific discovery is it was predicted.
they said that scientific discoveries around this time would start coming to light.
this unfortunately means we are still on the doomsday timeline, not good............
its not about you guyes buts what i mean is History Channel is trying to pretend that this stupid lemur skeleton is going to be some epic "Earth changing" event.
Andy (UK) said:
my only problem with all this lemur scientific discovery is it was predicted.
they said that scientific discoveries around this time would start coming to light.
this unfortunately means we are still on the doomsday timeline, not good............
What is this skeleton having to do with doomsday timeline ANDY?
erv said:
You cant handle the truth ... monkeys :P
Trying to offend ne? i am not at all! all i am trying to says is History Channel for trying to pretend that this stupid lemur skeleton is going to be some epic "Earth changing" event.
Project Bluebeam Step 1
Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed 'Discoveries'
The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown [re-evaluation] of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up, with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all people the "error" of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted.
we will see a few more discoveries before step 2, they are preparing us.....

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