Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I just received this vid link from the person who posted on youtube... I dont know if its an anomaly or if its Nibiru or something else ..
If you dont know of Nibiru or havent heard of it ... please google "nibiru".


Its definitely an artifact from the camera!!

watch below:

The object you see next to the sun is definitely an artifact of the camera! when I turn the camera upside down pointing at the sun the object should move in the opposite direction but it stays on the left of the frame! and this can happen if its an artifact only!! Take reference point on the top clouds or the buildings below and you see the supposed object change position!! ITS AN ARTIFACT!!

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Is nibiru a sun or something?
wow thats pretty amazing.

Jupiter ignited maybe?
hmmm my friend told me today that he received an email about the planet mars being visible in the sky around the end of May its states that Mars will be seen for a few days by the naked eye as big as the moon??

Is it possible for Mars to get closer to Earth so it increases in size by our viewing?? somehow i dont think so, maybe this is what we are seeing and its a cover up by the government?

I will get my friend to forward the email on to me and let you guys know as soon as i can.

Hi Besimi,

Majority of the systems in our galaxy are binary systems meaning they have two stars which have elliptical orbits.. so there was always speculation that earth might not be an exception.

Did you know that Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, have anomalies with regards to their orbit calculations? the only scientific reason would have to be, some unknown celestial entity connected to our solar system beyond our knowing tugging at them!

Alternately do you think Global warming is a terrestrial (Earth) phenomena happening only on earth due to our addiction to Hydrocarbon fuels? well we are totally being kept in the dark on this front!! If Hydrocarbons were the cause of Global warming who is polluting the other planets and some of their satellites in our solar system?? why are they heating up as well?? did you know that Mars has warmed by 0.5 degree C since 1970? and that this is similar to the warming experienced on Earth over approximately the same period!! how come we haven't heard of this on the mainstream media as yet??

Have you ever wondered why the Kyoto Protocol ends in 2012?


The scientists out here seem to be blaming the sun and terrestrial activity on the relevant celestial bodies as the easy way out to explain these inexplicable activities .. but once you think of other alternatives mentioned in the ancient texts and by the ancient civilizations, you'll know something is amiss big time with the explanations these guys have been trying to convince us with.

This is just the tip of an iceberg that im telling you guys about, as I have no intentions to scare or turn people paranoid but rather than play ostrich and put our heads in the sand let's discuss and delve into this possibility with some logical reasoning.

Brad and other mediums probably need to channel something on this front and ask for some straight forward answers if this is true and if yes then how do we save the lost souls around us? remember you're a light worker and this could probably be our main mission! and this could be the cause for upheaval that most of the channels have been talking about when we light workers need to tend for ourselves (about stocking up food and other supplies) and then after this comes the new beginning! for all we know this might be the incident that cleanses the darkness and their anchors from our planet...

Namaste, L&L, R.

Besimi said:
That Object doesn't look like described Nibiru( winged comet), neither planet x, nor ignited Jupiter.
It's just another Sun like. but what????? Brad said we have more than one suns in our solar system. A winged Object,close to Described Nibiru could look like in this video, but we still checking it up for authenticity(validity): Namaste All. ..:):):) Keep love in your Hearts,that's The most Important,before anything els. ..Love
Hi just received the email ive added the file as a blog check it out and see what you think, Mars should be appearing in August or is it Nibiru?

Scootiep said:
hmmm my friend told me today that he received an email about the planet mars being visible in the sky around the end of May its states that Mars will be seen for a few days by the naked eye as big as the moon??

Is it possible for Mars to get closer to Earth so it increases in size by our viewing?? somehow i dont think so, maybe this is what we are seeing and its a cover up by the government?

I will get my friend to forward the email on to me and let you guys know as soon as i can.

Scootiep... That e-mail is a hoax.. I got that same e-mail 5 years ago.. Sorry .. :(


Scootiep said:
Hi just received the email ive added the file as a blog check it out and see what you think, Mars should be appearing in August or is it Nibiru?
Scootiep said:
hmmm my friend told me today that he received an email about the planet mars being visible in the sky around the end of May its states that Mars will be seen for a few days by the naked eye as big as the moon??

Is it possible for Mars to get closer to Earth so it increases in size by our viewing?? somehow i dont think so, maybe this is what we are seeing and its a cover up by the government?

I will get my friend to forward the email on to me and let you guys know as soon as i can.

Scootiep, yes, that is not true about Mars. That email went out in 2003 when Mars was at its closest, but even then Mars was never going to be as big as the moon, its not possible. I sure wish someone had put a year on that email, this thing tricks people every year.
Hi Honeybee,

Yeah i found out it was a hoax few days ago was so disappointed was really looking to see mars!!

Thanks for replying :)

honeybee said:
Scootiep, yes, that is not true about Mars. That email went out in 2003 when Mars was at its closest, but even then Mars was never going to be as big as the moon, its not possible. I sure wish someone had put a year on that email, this thing tricks people every year.
I dont believe in channeling either there 1 ou off 10 channelers are ok but must of them is complete nonsence and also why is the FOL advance as they always will use channelers for comminication , realy i dont believe any channelers has what they said are never accurate or just make no sense but that only my opinion! i will trust 100% more zachariah sitchin wrote in this book than any channelers out there not many peoples can read the sumerian language and zachariah sitchin is facsinnating beings all the things he wrote deserve a nobel price..



I shot this video by accident about 18 hours ago (16th May 2009) at 05:44PM, Indian Standard Time.

This was shot in the coastal area where they do Intensive Prawn Culture and was making a vid of the ponds when I accidentally pointed the zoomed camera at the sun and something suddenly popped from behind the sun when the camera tried some auto adjustment so I made this video directly pointed at the sun!

Its definitely NOT glare as you can see that when I move the camera the glare should move aswell but it doesnt and in the following vids you can actually see it partially go behind the clouds!!


This is the second video I shot when a person working at these Prawn / Shrimp culture ponds was walking towards the camera.

This was shot on NOKIA N73 phone.

Shot at 05:47 PM Indian Standard Time, 16th May 2009.


This is with my Cousin who owns this place in the foreground.

This was shot on NOKIA N73 phone.

Shot at 05:49 PM Indian Standard Time on 16th May 2009.

VIDEO 04 part-A & B:

Shot this vid till the sun was setting with the aerator in the shrimp / prawn culture pond running in the foreground.

This vid had to be cut into two parts 04 part-A and 04 part-B as the vid was longer than 10mins and cant be uploaded on to the youtube.

This was shot on NOKIA N73 phone. Shot at 06:02 PM Indian Standard Time on 16th May 2009.



Two more vids shot yesterday: (17th May 2009):

About 450miles away from the previous location:

Video 05:

Video 06:

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