The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Its a relief to see the younger generation getting themselves educated in this stuff. I read in another post that you said that you're 15. Well I'm approaching 30, and when I was 15, all I cared about was ditching school and goofing off with the guys. I knew or cared nothing about things like the Illuminati, NWO and such. But at the same time, even in my earliest childhood memories, I've always felt like something is seriously wrong with our World. I didn't have any idea what it could have been, but I just "knew". You know what I mean?? That's what I feel is a part of my spiritual awakening.
The Illuminati has been rumored to date back as far as Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. They were basically a small, very secretive group of very rich and powerful individuals who were determined to achieve world domination. They do it very covertly and they've been pretty successful so far. A lot of people believe that the Illuminati was of extra-terrestrial origin, I really don't know. Although, it wouldn't surprise me. But yes, they have made slaves of just about everyone in the world. And they've gotten us literally addicted to money and the lust for wealth and power. We are slaves to their system of having to work just to survive. We are forced to PAY to live on our own planet!! Something is not right with that...
I really hope so. cause what their planning is horrific. I do and dont want the finantial system to crash. My main reason is, if that happens i might not be able to get online and talk to all you wonderful people, but i acknolege the money system we have deosnt work.If the channelings of the Galactic Federation are legitimate, then i'm not particularly worried about the illuminati, as according to them the illuminati will experience their downfall in some way shape or for this coming February, presumably in conjunction with the global collapse of our financial system.
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