Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
April 26th Well, here we are again. It’s been quite a big week for me regarding remaining in my Truth … at all times. I find myself in a position due to sending out your Oct 14th message that I had never seen coming … (dismissing all jokes of ‘but your psychic’)… and I am learning with every passing day how to remain firm in what I know as Truth. And I do KNOW that you my friends are Truth … for me. I continue to connect up with you because I ‘feel’ it is the right thing to do. I have had thoughts of wanting to quit this week ... my humanness has taken some blows … and yet my heart/soul all the while knows that there is no way I will. I wouldn’t be me, if I shut this side of me down. So … let us carry on … swords of Light to the skies … travelling down this road … coming across 'road works ahead'' signs here and there .. yet patiently continuing ... following signs that point the way to ‘Truth . Ok, indulgence whinge over, other than needing to get that off my chest I am looking forward to our communication today as always … if you so feel it appropriate.

Dear one. We understand some things, and others we cannot, regarding human behaviour. We surmise that there are difficulties to overcome when those of you who have found what they are looking for give honour by being of that Truth … Of Standing in your Light space. Initially, let us say with respect for all life, that we have learned of the many stages that a human being walks through in order to become itself. We are sometimes made aware of offers that do not coincide with that which we know to be of the True path. Yet immediately such matters are recognisable to us by the vibration they carry. By the frequency of their intent. It is easy for us to determine that which is for the betterment of the whole and that which is not.
In respect of all human kind we acknowledge differences you have for one another. We attune our levels into that of some of your race in order to accentuate knowledge that we feel is imperative to put into action for yourselves in order to find the best of yourselves. Yet however we seem to find cooperation, there is often times that we find ourselves up against a brick wall as you would say. Yet, we do not allow this to confront us in the manner in which many of you in your world would do. We do not attempt to bash down that wall with force and allow pride to activate anger. We are of Love. That is who we are. That is what we have to offer. Therefore we offer that ‘brick wall’ our Love. It can choose to come down of its own accord or it can choose to remain firm in its own understanding. Either way it is not of our concern. Its choices are for ‘it’ to decide. We cannot and must not take responsibility for another. We simply offer Love … in its purest form. It can be accepted or rejected. It matters not. What does matter is that it is offered freely, with no strings attached.
Do you see dear Blossom … what we are trying to portray to you is the fact that it is not necessary to examine every brick in that wall. The wall is made up of many individual pieces … that when fixed together make up that particular object. When one comes up against it, it is not that one must scrutinise every single molecule and try to get through to it. Each brick makes up the whole. Each brick has chosen to be part of that wall. Each brick made its own decisions to whether or not it wanted to be part of that wall. Therefore we say to you, and indeed anyone who cares to take note of that which we wish to express … Do not give attention to the whys and wherefores. You may never know the answers and you may waste precious energy by trying to do so. Instead … offer Love to ALL and everything … every minute of your day.
You all have so many inquiries as to what lies ahead for you as you move into this new vibration. We say to you … give your selves a breather! If you concentrate on what you are doing in any given moment and determine that the only thing that is important about that moment … is to come from Love … then all these fears and doubts and nonstop whirring in the brain will dissipate. You will not need answers. If we may put it this way. There are no answers.

Eh … run that one by me again please.

There are no answers.

Yep, got you the first time … meaning???

Meaning … that All knowledge is within you. If you have All knowledge there is no questioning because everything is known. Therefore there can be no answers, because there are no questions.
Interesting. The thing is though … as a human being living down here on the earth plane, I find, and I think I speak for many … that our heads are full of questions, because we don’t know the answers!!

Yet you must learn to accept that YOU DO! If you were to cease with all this 'unknowing' … If you were to simply allow yourselves to be … we ask you to think deeply on that … allow yourselves to be … then everything you ever were in need of (or you so felt you were in need of ) would unfold before your very eyes. And yet we say also, you would not be in need of anything for it would simply be there as you came from Love in its entirety.
When your souls are not captured within the flesh there is a great difference to understanding that of which you are. The essence of who you are is understood. It is not questioned because it is accepted and known. Choosing to come into the earth vibration determines many things regarding the soul self and where it is placed within the greater scheme of things. Earth … as we have said before, is not for the faint hearted.

Yep … I worked that one out for myself thanks! Yet, it is because we are in human form that we experience such difficulties of not understanding. That is because we are in this density of earth is it not?


Yet we didn’t make it this way … isn’t this … dare I say … the nature of the game?

In need not have been. You must remember that what is taking place upon your earth now is a culmination of what has taken place in your past. What has gone before you has led you to this place now. 'This place' … meaning the situation your planet is in. The New Vibration that is filtering through and affecting so many … is doing so because YOU as a consciousness on earth has chosen to ‘reform’ … Re-form … Change your form. For as that consciousness you came to realise the error of your ways if we may put it that way. You are joining now together in great strength to make this change happen. There is no stopping you. Unless you choose to stop yourselves … through fear and propaganda.
We are aware of the reaction taken by our statement ‘Beware of false prophets’. Is this not a reaction that was taken in many different aspects depending on the soul and its place within its growth of the individual that read it? Many different interpretations were acknowledged, leading to many more questions … that are seeking answers. We are turning the wheel in circles are we not.
If we may say as we will continue to do. Search inside yourselves. We often say the answers lie within.
Yet you have just said there are no answers.
This is so, but until you stop the questioning there will always be answers sought. There are evolved beings that reside on your earth plane that have come to understand that of PEACE within the soul self. They do not seek anything. For they have found a place within themselves that is content. They have no judgements. They have no fears. They simply walk this earth of yours in an understanding of Truth.
Dear friends of earth … Let go. Release yourselves from that which you think you are, and walk into that which takes not thought, but that which simply … IS.

That’s it for today … I can feel it. As always you have my gratitude for your wisdom. Your words have helped me very much on a personal level today … I feel that was your purpose, but I am Trusting that they shall also help many others also. I continue as many of us do, to be guided by them … because for me … in my space … it makes sense … . It floats my boat as they say! And whenever I find myself ‘forgetting’ … what happens? … I start to sink! Slowly but surely, one day at a time , we draw ever closer to ‘getting it’. IN LOVE & THANKS.

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I would like to thank the FOL for standing there watching our govts releasing deadly strains of bird flu that are now affecting 1000's. Many people dying, you just sit wherever you are and watch these poor people die, keep showing us how much you love us all, Namaste....
..."There are no answers."...

Thats the source of all problems here ... no answers only actions and solutions ...
Btw anyone know what those aliens want from us ?
What is their real purpose to all of this ?
What do they want for earth ... our EARTH!!!
Well I can 100% say I want to live through these times, I want to be able to help others in 2013, so no matter what happens around me are you saying no matter what I will get through it all and be one of the many survivors as that is what I truly want......
honestly i do not resonate with these messages and I think this blossom "Goodchild" is potentially writting these so called channellings in order to promote her good name for whatever lucrative potentialities that she might have in mind. I mean I know wat happened on october 14th after blossom predicted that this FOL would appear and they kept on reiterating it that they will show up in our skies on that day but it ended up a no show. What I am seeing here is robbery of energies from innocent people who do not yet understand how energy flows in this world. If you concentrate on something so much then you are giving that thing your energy, same works with predictions and beliefs if you believe something then you are putting your energy in that belief. blossom obviously knows this and she is using false promises to lure people into giving her their energies.

it's like a donkey and a carrot example where the carrot is attached to a rod and thats how you lure the donkey into following you. then you just butcher the donkey and eat it for its energy.

I really hope that more people wake up from this illusionary dream that blossom goodchild has created

we dont need any aliens to evolve and ascend!
You know what I get from the FOL? I feel that their soul evolution was much different than ours (we're stuck amongst the lowest, crappiest vibrations, remember); in short, as much as they try, they don't know how the hell we'll react next. We are erratic beings who act on impulses and instincts, we go left but we could very well turn right at any given time. I think that is what they and the Galactic Federation are conveying. The ones that are centered and that forget about the mind and the unstoppable inner monologue are helping direct the "herd" of mass-humanity-consciousness so to speak... but who knows if its enough to keep us from throwing ourselves off a cliff? That's what they're afraid of... another Atlantean tragedy repeating itself.

At this point, the real truths are coming out in the open for everyone to see. So, that's a good thing. We might stave off the flu virus quite well, since there are many who now use good high absorbing vitamins and homeopathic remedy. The Illuminati will see its last attempts at committing mass planetary murder crumbling to pieces and will be running for the hills. Then will come mass panic/anger/outrage over all the crap THEY'VE been doing to keep us stupid and under their control. Then will come ACCEPTANCE and then the FOL. ;)
"The longest journey that you will make in your life is from your head to your heart" ( a little known Sioux maxim ).
"I thought you were physic I know Blossom and no way has she got a self service bone in her body the lady is a giver who's integrity is pramount to her." -Kerry

Its true I am a light psychic and now I have evolved past the point of seeing past the plan that blossom goodchild is mooching off from and I understand the way universal energies flow in this world. I can see that she is shifting all the energies from people who believe in her to herself while pretending to be an honest lady who is only channeling beings. But u see i know that channelings are all created by the channeler's own mind simply by the power of intention and focus. If you would just try to channel some other being with all your heart I guarantee it that if you hold no doubt you would be able to do it without a problem. But the problem is that it's not really another being that is being channeled it is you who is channeling yourself and in your mind you are so convinced that it is another being that you cannot doubt it because it is your mind creating ur very reality.

honestly I used to believe blossom with all my heart but now I can just see her agenda and i wish more people will too

so im sorry kerry for lashing out like this but this is just how i feel and i've waited long enough and kept hoping for the best out of this but its just promises promises promises but no actions from FOL
the way i see it is that if the FOL were really real then they would be here already.
they would not keep on extending their arrival and causing so many innocent people's deaths from starvation and viruses if they truly did love us all unconditionally.

Ian = Shark said:
FOL should know about pig flu.... (if they were real)

cheers and great week

Hi guys :))

I was reading all your messages here and I wanted to share a bit of my thoughts here if I may :))

As you all know we are going through a very difficult time for humanity, for not only we are going thorough great changes in believes and paradygms, but also on earth and cosmical changes :).

Our Economy structure is falling as well as our political and social structures... We are at the verge of a global war and at the imminent shift or Earth's poles.

Just last night I was listening to the news when I heard that Guerrero, Mexico had had a violent earthquake of magnitue 6.0 and shortly after that one another one of 5.6

I started thinking about all the things these poor people are going through and started remembering about the horrible war they having against drug lords on their borders, the flu pandemic where the most casualties have occurred in Mexico, the political and serious economical problems they are going through and now the earthquakes too.

Then I remembered what the FOL said about the time being NOW ... remember? ... But I doubt they were predicting doom and gloom but simply trying to makes us react to the negativity that was overcoming us and to change the direction of the feelings generated by our thoughts for something more possitive.

They have told us many many times that we are the creators of our own realities. And I truly think that we human beings have at least 90% of responsibility for all these terrible things that are happening as well as 90% of responsibility of all the good things that have happened or the bad things we have prevented from happening.

They want us to remember that we are not of the flesh but of the Spirit created to the image and likeness of The Creator.. The One .. The Lord our God.

I heard once that the human being was able to create anything that he/she could imagine. If you had the ability of imagining it then you could create it.

So maybe that is the reason why they have asked us so many times to look forward to a beautiful earth with beings of the light popilating her, and just heaven on earth on it.

They have told us to fill our hearts with love for love is the way... it is the greatest force on the universe for It is God.

Furtheremore we also know that if we all join with the best intentions and full of love and try to send love to the world, to violence, to illnesses, to wars, etc we will be able to change it to good or at least to not as bad.

It has been proven scientifically that our conciousness do indeed affect the outcomes of events. Just during the events of 9/11 in the USA the whole world made the whole magnetic fields of earth change... All of them changed and this has been recorded.

If we go down to a scientific explanation of the whole. we find that we are all made of energy channaled in different types of vibrations which based on the spectrum of light we can see we percieve the whole in different ways, principally of a physical nature.

Our minds tend to tel us tht we are limited to this physical reality, but we know tht this reality is just the translation of those vibrations as we can percieve them in our minds.

Nonetheless at the end they are all energy waves... different frequencies interconnecting among them and making us see what we want to see.

Yet again... think about it... all is energy ... all in different vibrations which we can see or not based on the limitations on our own physical eyes, but yet we can FEEL as we feel the wond which we can't see, and feel it entering our lungs, or as we feel the heat which we can't see either or the cold.

We are percieving the energies around us which vibrate if not at the same frequency then very close to our own.

So when the FOL tells us to feel the truth... FEEL the love ... Because it is inside of us, for we are part of the infinite conciousness that interconnects all together and makes us One with God.

Jesus told us so , and so did Buddah, Krishna, Mohammed, St Francis of Assisi, Saint Joan of Arch, Dalai Lama, Kahil Gibran, Eckhart Tolle, Rumi, Mother Teresa,... and sooo many more...

We have seen people physically moving things with just their thoughts and still we can't understand that it is our field what is causing the object to move. We still can't see it possible that our potential is infinite and our power far beyond what we can concieve with our minds.

So all we have to do is to stop questioning ourselves... and fill ourselves with love... and feel the inner truth... and irradiate millions pink color rays of love to the world, with intents towards peace, prosperity, lunion, happiness, good health for all, etc.

We need to understand that we are the Christ... We are the saviours of ourselves, that we "Humanity" are the forgers of our future and our happiness but most of all of our survival.

Regarding the FOL intentions, just remember this... Many ETs have already come and have disrespected the law of no intervention... the law of freewill.... So they don't really need to convince us of anything or expect anything from us. The fact that they are more advanced than us either spiritually, or technologically, or both, would tell us that none of those areas would be of their interest unless their agenda is of service of others.. If they wwould have wanted us for our natural resources or energy feeding, we have seen that others have not had any problem on gettig them from us by force already... So what would be stoping them from doing the same?

They have just been advicing us to desist from our negative thoughts and doubts towards ourselves and start changing our own future for the better :)))

I hope I did not offend anyone with these words... they come from my heart with the best intention of helping others to maybe understand what is going on and what we need to do as per I see it, lol... so who knows .. maybe I am wrong... But I say it with all the love I can manifest from my soul friends :)))

Love, light and peace :)))

LOL Kerrie *BLUSHES* thank you sweetie :)))))))))))) lol

Kerrie said:

WOW Vigus fantastic you can talk more then me and soooo good! NAMASTE
Vigusa said:
Hi guys :))

I was reading all your messages here and I wanted to share a bit of my thoughts here if I may :))

As you all know we are going through a very difficult time for humanity, for not only we are going thorough great changes in believes and paradygms, but also on earth and cosmical changes :).

Our Economy structure is falling as well as our political and social structures... We are at the verge of a global war and at the imminent shift or Earth's poles.

Just last night I was listening to the news when I heard that Guerrero, Mexico had had a violent earthquake of magnitue 6.0 and shortly after that one another one of 5.6

I started thinking about all the things these poor people are going through and started remembering about the horrible war they having against drug lords on their borders, the flu pandemic where the most casualties have occurred in Mexico, the political and serious economical problems they are going through and now the earthquakes too.

Then I remembered what the FOL said about the time being NOW ... remember? ... But I doubt they were predicting doom and gloom but simply trying to makes us react to the negativity that was overcoming us and to change the direction of the feelings generated by our thoughts for something more possitive.

They have told us many many times that we are the creators of our own realities. And I truly think that we human beings have at least 90% of responsibility for all these terrible things that are happening as well as 90% of responsibility of all the good things that have happened or the bad things we have prevented from happening.

They want us to remember that we are not of the flesh but of the Spirit created to the image and likeness of The Creator.. The One .. The Lord our God.

I heard once that the human being was able to create anything that he/she could imagine. If you had the ability of imagining it then you could create it.

So maybe that is the reason why they have asked us so many times to look forward to a beautiful earth with beings of the light popilating her, and just heaven on earth on it.

They have told us to fill our hearts with love for love is the way... it is the greatest force on the universe for It is God.

Furtheremore we also know that if we all join with the best intentions and full of love and try to send love to the world, to violence, to illnesses, to wars, etc we will be able to change it to good or at least to not as bad.

It has been proven scientifically that our conciousness do indeed affect the outcomes of events. Just during the events of 9/11 in the USA the whole world made the whole magnetic fields of earth change... All of them changed and this has been recorded.

If we go down to a scientific explanation of the whole. we find that we are all made of energy channaled in different types of vibrations which based on the spectrum of light we can see we percieve the whole in different ways, principally of a physical nature.

Our minds tend to tel us tht we are limited to this physical reality, but we know tht this reality is just the translation of those vibrations as we can percieve them in our minds.

Nonetheless at the end they are all energy waves... different frequencies interconnecting among them and making us see what we want to see.

Yet again... think about it... all is energy ... all in different vibrations which we can see or not based on the limitations on our own physical eyes, but yet we can FEEL as we feel the wond which we can't see, and feel it entering our lungs, or as we feel the heat which we can't see either or the cold.

We are percieving the energies around us which vibrate if not at the same frequency then very close to our own.

So when the FOL tells us to feel the truth... FEEL the love ... Because it is inside of us, for we are part of the infinite conciousness that interconnects all together and makes us One with God.

Jesus told us so , and so did Buddah, Krishna, Mohammed, St Francis of Assisi, Saint Joan of Arch, Dalai Lama, Kahil Gibran, Eckhart Tolle, Rumi, Mother Teresa,... and sooo many more...

We have seen people physically moving things with just their thoughts and still we can't understand that it is our field what is causing the object to move. We still can't see it possible that our potential is infinite and our power far beyond what we can concieve with our minds.

So all we have to do is to stop questioning ourselves... and fill ourselves with love... and feel the inner truth... and irradiate millions pink color rays of love to the world, with intents towards peace, prosperity, lunion, happiness, good health for all, etc.

We need to understand that we are the Christ... We are the saviours of ourselves, that we "Humanity" are the forgers of our future and our happiness but most of all of our survival.

Regarding the FOL intentions, just remember this... Many ETs have already come and have disrespected the law of no intervention... the law of freewill.... So they don't really need to convince us of anything or expect anything from us. The fact that they are more advanced than us either spiritually, or technologically, or both, would tell us that none of those areas would be of their interest unless their agenda is of service of others.. If they wwould have wanted us for our natural resources or energy feeding, we have seen that others have not had any problem on gettig them from us by force already... So what would be stoping them from doing the same?

They have just been advicing us to desist from our negative thoughts and doubts towards ourselves and start changing our own future for the better :)))

I hope I did not offend anyone with these words... they come from my heart with the best intention of helping others to maybe understand what is going on and what we need to do as per I see it, lol... so who knows .. maybe I am wrong... But I say it with all the love I can manifest from my soul friends :)))

Love, light and peace :)))

Awesome clip Kerrie :))) as always all your messages are so well inspired and full of truth :)))

I would like to share something with you and our brothers and sisters out there who are one with us in universal love and good will :) ... I would like to know their opinion on this thought I had and see if I am close to reality or not LOL ... :)

I was reading yesterday the predictions from the Half Humans website... the WEBBOT predictions... Of course they all were very gloomy and doomy lol

They were talking about dissasters, wars. destruction, pandemics, omg so many horrible things... Even about a coastal cataclysm.

I then realized something... The webbot predictions are based on the linguistics or language found on the web.

That is... The webbot just sends subroutines through the internet searching for words and contexts that repeat themsellves. The ones that repeat the most are then reconstructed with their context and that is what constitutes the webbot predictions.

So it is like this... We all around the world in different blogs, Forums, News, etc are repeating over and over that a mega cataclysm is going to occur... or that War will start in the Middle East iniciated by Israel against Iran, or that there is going to be a populace insurrection against the governments all over the world, etc.

We are the ones saying it over and again with INTENT.

We are the ones making them happen, making them to become real! ... The webbot is not predicting based on statistics, but based on our tremendous power to create our own future and the future of Earth.

So the more we actually believe that all these terrible things are going to happen then the more the probabilities are that they will happen.

Our collective conscious have created all those catastrophies and will create the rest.

So I was thinking... What if instead we all start letting people know what we all are doing and we start changing that language... What if we start talking about living in a beautiful future earth with inmense amounts of love beng percieved all over, prospperity, healthy people and beings, peace, brotherhood among all, etc, etc, etc... What if we change the words WAR to PEACE, ILLNESSES to GREAT HEALTH, HATE to LOVE etc?

We would all be creating the future earth and humanity that we all want .. what do you guys think? :)))

Love, Peace and light to all :)))


Kerrie said:

I am ready to begin I believe you know who I am. I am the sunset and the sunrise.I am the sand and the sea.I am all things I AM.

Never before have these words been brought through in such away. I will prepare the days a head for those who are preparing themselves.Each in turn shall rise to the fullness of themselves.They shall understand the importance of their Truth.They shall acknowledge the wisdom that is theirs.Never again shall their hearts be downcast for I bring in these following pages the WAY.accept what is writen,however UNBELIEVABLE it may appear at times. Largely, I come through you because you are the one that was given the go ahead and aproval by many.So...shall we begin?

Blossom I got in my head today that the agreement we all made was that you need to give us the green light,
lets release that unworthy ego it no longer serves.Namaste Kerrie
Thank you Simone for your kind words sweetie :)))))) love you too!! :)))

Simone said:
Thank you vigusa, yes, I feel terrible for the Mexican people and what they are going through right now. Yes, they sure do focus on all the 'doom' with those webbot predictions. Thank you for your words, it helps a lot.
I think there is a lot of good intent in human hearts and we are most definitely not all doom and gloom. I look on some of the sites and there is a lot of humor and good nature in all of this, and I look outside my window and the sky is not falling, birds are chirping and I have a beautiful blue sky. There must be a lot of love on the internet too, and some people who have love in their hearts, but are quiet. Obviously those are not being accounted for in their so called 'predictions'. I understand what you are saying... this is probably what is meant by 'false prophets'. Many of us have it in our heads that this means some group or person or 'anti-christ' who is to come... so that is why I got confused by what they meant. I feel less confused about things today.

Vigusa said:
Awesome clip Kerrie :))) as always all your messages are so well inspired and full of truth :)))

I would like to share something with you and our brothers and sisters out there who are one with us in universal love and good will :) ... I would like to know their opinion on this thought I had and see if I am close to reality or not LOL ... :)

I was reading yesterday the predictions from the Half Humans website... the WEBBOT predictions... Of course they all were very gloomy and doomy lol

They were talking about dissasters, wars. destruction, pandemics, omg so many horrible things... Even about a coastal cataclysm.

I then realized something... The webbot predictions are based on the linguistics or language found on the web.

That is... The webbot just sends subroutines through the internet searching for words and contexts that repeat themsellves. The ones that repeat the most are then reconstructed with their context and that is what constitutes the webbot predictions.

So it is like this... We all around the world in different blogs, Forums, News, etc are repeating over and over that a mega cataclysm is going to occur... or that War will start in the Middle East iniciated by Israel against Iran, or that there is going to be a populace insurrection against the governments all over the world, etc.

We are the ones saying it over and again with INTENT.

We are the ones making them happen, making them to become real! ... The webbot is not predicting based on statistics, but based on our tremendous power to create our own future and the future of Earth.

So the more we actually believe that all these terrible things are going to happen then the more the probabilities are that they will happen.

Our collective conscious have created all those catastrophies and will create the rest.

So I was thinking... What if instead we all start letting people know what we all are doing and we start changing that language... What if we start talking about living in a beautiful future earth with inmense amounts of love beng percieved all over, prospperity, healthy people and beings, peace, brotherhood among all, etc, etc, etc... What if we change the words WAR to PEACE, ILLNESSES to GREAT HEALTH, HATE to LOVE etc?

We would all be creating the future earth and humanity that we all want .. what do you guys think? :)))

Love, Peace and light to all :)))


Kerrie said:

I am ready to begin I believe you know who I am. I am the sunset and the sunrise.I am the sand and the sea.I am all things I AM.

Never before have these words been brought through in such away. I will prepare the days a head for those who are preparing themselves.Each in turn shall rise to the fullness of themselves.They shall understand the importance of their Truth.They shall acknowledge the wisdom that is theirs.Never again shall their hearts be downcast for I bring in these following pages the WAY.accept what is writen,however UNBELIEVABLE it may appear at times. Largely, I come through you because you are the one that was given the go ahead and aproval by many.So...shall we begin?

Blossom I got in my head today that the agreement we all made was that you need to give us the green light,
lets release that unworthy ego it no longer serves.Namaste Kerrie

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