The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
''We are born with a gift from the universe that allows us to feel the flow of consciousness among people'' ......very interesting ,my sweet friend. ...thanx for explaining, I will check often discussion on your group.
............................very interesting indeed,love to you Lilly.
Souds similar to light workers or starseeds I have been told I am a light worker maybe we are not all that different! Namaste
Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions put forward FuFu. If I may call you FuFu rather than LBF? If you prefer another name then please let me know. If i have to type your full name then just be aware that i make a lot of typing errors so maybe will mis type your full name many times ;-)
What do you do with the "feeling" of the flow, and the level of "conciousness" you perceieve?
Is this information passed on?, acted upon?, influenced?
In short, what is the reason for waching for this and what is done with the results which come in?
Thank you for your reply Fufu.
You said..."but we are to watch it so we can help the consciousness level go higher and not lower."
How do you help it go higher? and why must it be like a pebble and not a rock hitting the water. Wouldnt a mass surge (rock affect) in conciousness be of a great benefit to earth?
Hi Lilbunny fufu i am confused when you say council. which is this council that you is formed this council........what is its funtion as entity.............when was originated and by who..................could you tell me what is complete name of this council...................Thank you :)
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